Chapter 10 Desperate Diversification With the loss of our trained beautician the only person left to do the salon treatments was me; I'd had no formal training, but had been practising long enough to feel reasonably competent. One of our regular customers was a lady called Yvonne, whom I'd become fairly friendly with in a business-like way who ran a massage parlour. When Yvonne casually asked one day how the business was doing, I told her how difficult we were finding things and confided my fears for the future. 'What you need, Stephanie, is to offer new service.' 'What do you mean?' I asked. 'Well, perhaps you should consider offering a massage service for gentlemen', she suggested. I couldn't even begin to imagine what Yvonne was trying to say. 'What do you mean? For gentlemen?' 'You know, with ''extras'' provided on the side. It would help to get you out of the financial mess you're in. And besides, it's perfectly legal if you do it in the right way.' I was so taken aback by Yvonne's suggestion and the casual way she had mentioned it that I didn't begin to consider it seriously, particularly as I was certain it couldn't be legal. However, when she next visited the salon and repeated her idea, I began to wonder. 'Look,' she insisted. 'It really is legal if it's only a single girl. If you don't believe me, why not give my solicitor a call? He'll certainly back up what I'm telling you.' I still couldn't take Yvonne's suggestion seriously - though I mentioned it in passing to Raiko, who agreed with me that it sounded highly illegal. A few weeks later Yvonne appeared in the salon again and asked whether I had spoken to her solicitor, Ian Burton yet. Exasperated when I confessed I hadn't, Yvonne took matters into her own hands and arranged an appointment. Raiko and I were by this time so worried about business that we decided we had nothing to lose by checking Yvonne's story out, so I went along to Ian Burton's impressive offices in Manchester to hear what he had to say. Ian turned out to be a highly intelligent and very successful solicitor who specialised in handling some of the more newsworthy criminal cases. He was very friendly, very personable and quite obviously very much a ladies' man, and when I told him of the reason for my visit he assured me that there was nothing in the law that prevented a girl from offering sexual favours to clients for reward, providing that she worked entirely on her own. I returned home in a thoughtful mood, conscious of the fact that I would have preferred it if Ian hadn't confirmed what Yvonne had said, because now I was presented with a dilemma that I had no real wish to face. Even if it was legal, could I really cope with doing such a thing? And if I could, was I capable of offering the kind of services that Yvonne had suggested? I recounted everything to an incredulous Raiko. As I wanted him to hear the facts from Ian himself, I arranged for us to visit him together, and this time we went along armed with a list of questions. Once again Ian assured us that, providing we stuck to the rules of just one girl working alone, I couldn't possibly be accused of doing anything outside the law. Raiko and I spent many hours trying on the idea for size, but before we were ready to give further consideration we felt it would be wise to invite Ian along to the shop to check out the premises. Raiko also felt that, as it was such a drastic step to take, it was a decision that only I could make. In the event, the decision was taken right out of my hands. For when Ian arrived the following evening, after giving his seal of approval to our premises, he astounded us both with a suggestion all of his own: that he should become my fist customer! I didn't even have time to digest what he had said before I found myself being taken upstairs, and then demonstrating what was soon to become part of a familiar repertoire of providing oral sex and full sex in return for monetary gain. When it was over, a clearly well-satisfied Ian turned to me and said: 'Now, how much do I owe you?' Caught off guard, highly embarrassed and unnerved by this matter-of-fact transaction, I flustered: 'Well, I'm not sure...I mean...hell, why don't you just pay me what you think it was worth?' Fifty pounds poorer, Ian departed leaving Raiko and me to discuss this amazing piece of providence. Both of us were amazed by the whole thing, and even more so by the fact that I had been able to handle the whole thing with emotional detachment. If £50 was the going rate, we thought, it wouldn't take us very long to get our business back on its feet! Emboldened by the exercise - and by the fifty crisp notes now filling our empty till - Raiko and I immediately went to a wholesaler's where we purchased a gross of condoms. Then we placed an advertisement in the personal column of the Manchester Evening News, which read: 'Massage and all facilities provided by attractive transsexual.' Can anyone believe how brazen & naive we were?? The phone calls began to pour in and, delighted but undoubtedly green as grass, we answered every call openly and honestly. I must confess it makes me go hot and cold to think of it now, but we were so innocent and believed so totally in what Ian had told us that we felt absolutely relaxed about being completely frank on the telephone. If a prospective customer asked what services were available, we would list everything we could think of from had relief to oral sex; bondage to domination; and just about every other conceivable sexual need that came to mind. Of course, neither of us was naive enough to inform David who was a very respectable businessman about what was going on. We both sensed that he would not only wholeheartedly disapprove, but would almost certainly raise every objection & possibly withdraw his investment which would immediately put us out of business So it was that I embarked on a new career which, in addition to saving Transformation, also provided some of the most enlightening and often hysterically humorous episodes of my entire career. Our decision had been made so suddenly that we weren't properly equipped to handle all the demands that our new services created. We had a massage couch, of course, because that was an integral piece of equipment for the salon, but apart from that we could only learn what was required as we went along. Thus the first customers who responded to our advertisements were very often closeted in a cubicle right next to another which was occupied by a woman undergoing a conventional (and, as it turned out, more legal) form of treatment. I soon learned to develop a loud, hasty cough to cover the potentially embarrassing noises that a client might make at certain 'sensitive' moments. We even installed a radio and started playing loud music to cover up the often unmistakable sounds of mounting sexual excitement that would deal with the problem of a gentleman's uncontrollably twitching feet sticking out through the curtains of a cubicle which had been designed for a totally different of treatment! Soon, playing this cat and mouse game of trying to prevent one side of the business from interfering with the more legitimate side was beginning to tax even Raiko's and my own far from limited ingenuity. Still, we were taking more money than we'd seen in months and very often we'd earn more in one day that we'd previously earned in an entire week! But Raiko and I still only took the same wage of £30 a week, because we wanted to plough all the money straight back into the business in order to get the company out of debt as quickly as we possibly could. However, it soon became obvious that we couldn't possibly continue to run the service in this way without causing major disruptions to the rest of the salon, so we carried the massage couch upstairs into the flat, which gave me more room and made Raiko's life downstairs a little less fraught. We bought a couple of chairs, a little table and a few bottles of spirits and put these at the bottom of the stairs so that clients could have free drinks and a magazine to read while they waited their turn. And, of course, with a bathroom and shower upstairs in the flat the problems of hygiene could also now be taken care of in a more discreet and thorough manner. Gradually, and by word of mouth my 'fame' was beginning to spread. Once again we were able to employ staff to run the salon downstairs under Raiko's eagle eye, while I was by now fully occupied upstairs earning the money to support our venture. With our more pressing financial problems easing, I was able to feel a certain sense of pride in my new 'business' guaranteeing that every customer left fully satisfied. David was still blithely ignorant of the true nature of our new 'business success'. When he innocently enquired, during one weekly visit, why I had a massage couch in the middle of my lounge, I convinced him that, as we were now so popular that we'd decided to invest in a second couch (for which there was no room downstairs) rather than lose out on potential business, which was true but slightly disingenuous. Human nature being as curious as it is, I'm sure many readers will be amused by some of the stranger (and more amusing) people, peccadilloes and requests that soon became an everyday part of my life. One of my first regular clients was a man whom we nicknamed Mr Blackburn, after the town from which he came. Mr B was a stoutly built individual who took to coming in late on Saturday evenings. During our first encounter he shyly told me that he was totally unable to enjoy 'normal' sex and was very much addicted do pain, complaining that no girl he had ever visited had been able to provide sufficient pain for him to experience complete pleasure and satisfaction. Far from being shocked, I was able to sympathise with Mr B's unfortunate plight. Armed with padlocks, whips and lengths of chain, I soon had him helplessly trussed like a chicken on the couch as I deployed my entire repertoire of domination techniques in order to provide him with the relief he so desperately sought. I tried a schoolroom cane first, discarding it in favour of a cat o'nine tails when it obviously proved inadequate. Unfortunately Mr B proved to be a tough customer in more ways than one, and at the end of his allotted time I was still no nearer to finding an effective solution to his problem because there were several impatient clients waiting for their turn. 'Look, don't worry about this. Come back next week and I promise you I'll do my utmost to come up with something that will work for you,' ( I called it a research & development project) I promised the crestfallen and "soft centred" Mr B as he departed down the stairs with a disappointed, hangdog expression on his chubby face. And I meant it! After all, my entire career success had been founded on the premise that if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. And just because I'd changed my career path, I didn't feel that was any reason to change my business methods. So it was that during the next week I spent all my spare time wrestling with the problem of how to satisfy poor Mr B's particular needs - without causing the man any permanent damage, that is! By the time he arrived for his next appointment, at the same time the following week, I was convinced I had come up with an idea that would produce the desired effect. Once again I shackled and bound him to the couch, this time face upwards. Then I proceeded to apply my brand-new state-of-the-art equipment - a dozen wooden clothes pegs! - which I attached to his ears, nipples and testicles. Now the amazing thing about clothes pegs is that, while they don't actually hurt when you pinch them on to skin, they do effectively cut off the circulation to the parts of the body to which they are applied - and if you leave them on long enough, when they're removed the pain caused by the free flow of blood and return of feeling to the affected parts is excruciating. Poor Mr B's face when he saw that my equipment consisted of nothing more than a set of clothes pegs was the most graphic picture of thwarted hopes I have ever seen. However I had another secret weapon up my sleeve! I lit a candle and dripped molten wax on to Mr B's exposed thighs, trailing a deliberately slow line upwards in the direction of his penis & testicles. 'Ha!' I thought to myself. 'That's certainly ought to do the trick,' as I watched his panic-stricken face when it dawned on him just what I had in mind. The look of terror in his fear maddened eyes grew in direct proportion to the size of the joyful life. Responding to my enquiring look, Mr B signalled that I should go on - at which point I was delighted to oblige, confident that this time I'd cracked what was, for him, a very difficult problem and finally bring him to the peak of fulfilment. Alas, I was wrong again and he remained flaccid. 'Next week, I promise you,' I said consolingly as I shepherded the forlorn man out of the door, though truth to tell I hadn't a clue what I could possibly dream up that might satisfy this one. Once again I spent an entire week's free thinking around and around Mr B's Problem, and it was only when he was finally due to appear again that I had a sudden flash of inspiration. Without any time for lengthy experimentation, I moved the necessary salon equipment upstairs to my lounge. When he arrived, with a pathetically hopeful look on his face, I was able this time to promise an unqualified success. We went through the now familiar ritual of trussing him up like a fowl, but on this occasion I added the further innovation of gagging him in order to heighten his sexual tension. As I uncovered my masterstroke before his disbelieving eyes and plugged the apparatus into the mains, the sheer terror on his face caused me to wonder whether it was possible for a human being to die either from the shock or the ecstasy. Momentarily I wondered whether I was doing the right thing, but fortunately Mr B's fervently nodding head assured me that I was. The equipment I had selected consisted of a sophisticated beauty treatment machine. Two glass rods were connected via thick leads to a unit which produced high-frequency galvanic and faradic impulses. When applied to the face for specific beauty treatments, the glass bulbs conducted and electrical charge into the lower levels of the skin in order to stimulate blood flow to its surface. Although this procedure can prove painful, most women swear the discomfort is worth it for the remarkable effects it has on skin tone. Placing the glass half an inch away from Mr B's nipples, I adjusted the controls to increase the output (and therefore, the amount of pain I would be inflicting) while at the same time keeping a watchful eye on his face in case he should decide that enough was far too much for him! Slowly I moved towards the organ that persistently refused to provide the satisfaction he so obviously craved. As the electrical charge shot through Mr B's nether parts the results were even more spectacular and rewarding than either of us had hoped. Within seconds Mr B's head was nodding and ever-increasing frantic dance of encouragement until finally (and thankfully) he gave a strangled yelp as the desired effect was achieved and at last produced a performance with a satisfying climatic end Mr B was so pathetically grateful that he couldn't thank me enough. He insisted on paying me twice the normal fee, and within a few days I was inundated with deliveries of champagne and chocolates. As for myself? Well, it was most gratifying to learn that at least there was one person in the world who was pleased to meet me. Then there was a strange man who always insisted on leaving his shoes and socks on while I gave him his 'massage'. Now, frankly, like most people I've always thought there is no sight more ludicrous than a man naked but for his socks and shoes. Still, if that was what the customer wanted, who was I to disagree? However, what really surprised me about this gent was that, when I went into the bathroom to chat with him for a while after one appointment, I was him standing in the shower stall beneath a cascade of steaming water still wearing those ubiquitous socks and shoes! When he left the flat and squelched down the stairs I could barely control my shaking shoulders. Another customer became known as 'The Wrestler' did manage to get a good enough grip to throw me around a bit, he never quite managed to do any real damage - because he' always get so excited he'd have to have sex with me on the floor right there and then. One incident taught me that the difference between a hero and a heel is just a matter of perception. A customer came to call, enjoyed both oral and full sex, and then sat chatting to me for the remainder of his allotted time before leaving. Imagine my surprise when the next day I opened up the Manchester Evening News to find this customer being hailed as a hero because, having arrived home the day before to find his wife in the very last stages of labour, he'd single-handedly delivered his own child before the ambulance crew arrived. I wonder what that same wife (or the press, for that matter) would have had to say had they known where he'd spent the afternoon. After some weeks of offering this new service, I was becoming quite blasé about the variety of odd predilections that my customers invariably seemed to favour. However, there were still one or two surprises in store for me. One day a new customer arrived for his appointment with a very strange request. Although I was momentarily nonplussed, I soon recovered my composure enough to rush down the stairs to the salon and say to Raiko, 'Quick, run down to the stationers and bring me back the largest cardboard box you can possibly find, together with lots of brown paper, sellotape and string.' Raiko's face was a picture. 'What on earth do you want a large box, paper, sellotape and string for? This is hardly the time or place to start practising origami!' 'Don't ask questions now - just go and get it!' I hissed in return. Poor Raiko did as he was told, but he could hardly contain his curiosity. The moment the customer had left he ran up the stairs two a time to find me collapsed in fits of laughter on the bed. 'What did he want?' he asked as I lay there giggling and saying, 'That was the easiest fifty pounds I've ever earned.' Eventually I calmed down enough to tell him what had transpired. When a more than bemused Raiko had returned with the 'equipment', my customer stripped his clothes off, climbed into the box and then bade me seal it up with sellotape, then wrap the brown paper around it, secure it with more sellotape and finally tie it up with string. After that was done I had to go through the whole process in reverse, with the strict instruction to jump back in feigned surprise as soon as my 'jack in the box' was revealed. This, apparently, was all it took to stimulate the poor man to climax. Then there was the man we christened 'Humpty Dumpty' because of his obsession with eggs. When he first appeared for his appointment you could have knocked me down with a feather when in reply to my usual question: 'Is there any other service you require, Sir?' he said, 'Yes, do you have a dozen eggs?' Surely he can't want me to cook an omelette? I thought to myself. I went into the kitchen, looked in the fridge and saw that we were right out of eggs. So, quick as a flash, I raced downstairs and hissed at Raiko: 'Nip round the corner and bring back a dozen eggs.' Fortunately, by that time Raiko was more than used to me running downstairs with all kinds of strange requests, and had long since learned to restrain himself from asking awkward questions until after the customers had all gone, when we would relax and have a little laugh about the day's odd events. Anyhow, Raiko returned with two cartons of eggs which he slapped into my hands with a smile, and back upstairs I went. 'I've got eggs,' I said to the customer. 'Well, then, perhaps we ought to go into the bathroom.' I was dying to discover what exactly he wanted to do with the eggs but managed to control my curiosity and wait until he was ready to show me. Once we were in the bathroom he asked me to dress him in a pair of my knickers and then carefully place the dozen eggs inside the knickers. Then I had to slap my hands against the eggs so that the shells would break and the gooey mixture would run down his thighs and legs - and that was it! When the recent eggs and salmonella scare was filling the newspapers, I did wonder whether Humpty Dumpty might have given up his little hobby for fear of catching the disease! One other inexplicable oddity was the man who liked to have gooey cream cakes thrown at him so that the light sponge and cream would stick to his body. He used to remind me of a dartboard. The only problem was that, as I've never had a particularly good aim, the cakes and cream would end up all over the place. Heaven knows what Karen used to think when I calmly went downstairs and asked her to clean up the bathroom as there were 'a load of cream cakes all over the floor'. Most men can get "normal" missionary sex at home so whilst there were a few for which that was sufficient most wanted something "kinky" One such young man was a very famous singer and actor, and no one was more surprised than me when he showed up for his appointment. To my relief, he didn't require anything extraordinary (which I'm sure would have shattered mine and a million other women's illusions about this gorgeous hunk of masculinity if he had), and throughout the session neither of us made any reference to his celebrity identity. Thus I was able to treat him just the same as any other customer. Sad to say, his 'performance' off stage and in my bed was pretty ordinary, too, despite the fact that I made one small concession and gave him an extra five minutes for his money. Still, he did move me to do one out-of-the-ordinary thing: I went out and bought his record, which was in the top ten at the time. He was just one of famous celebrities, politicians and other well known personalities to enjoy our "massage" service which by the way they did get before any "extras". Some fetishes that most people find hard to understand are, in reality, fairly common. For example, there are many men with shoe or feet fetishes, and I'm sure every prostitute has come across at least one of these in her time. I had one customer who was a 'shoe' man, and all he required was that I make an extremely slow and sensuous display of smoothing on a pair of stockings, raising my skirt and fastening them to my suspenders, and then sliding my feet into a pair of preposterously high stiletto heels. I merely had to walk around for a few minutes before, equally slowly, reversing the process. I didn't need to undress or remove any other article of clothing, nor did I have to touch him or perform any other service, for throughout the whole performance my client would sit across the other side of the room and masturbate himself to orgasm. That was enough for him - and, of course, it was more than all right with me. Famous personalities appearing in a Manchester shows turned up on my doorstep, followed by several judges, policemen and VIPs as the news my "unique" services had spread fast. The story went around that not only was I unique, but I was committed to providing total satisfaction and I was also remarkably discreet. Following sensational stories in the national press (I was a client of Max Clifford) some of which were "massaged" by him I had become notorious, Inevitably this led the tabloid press to reveal all the private details of my long list of clients. In fact, one national editor, Stuart Kuttner of The News of the World once remarked: 'If Christine Keeler could bring Profumo down and Sara Keays could do the same for Cecil Parkinson, with what you know, Stephanie, you could probably single-handedly bring the entire government to its knees!' My response then was the same as it is now: I just give an enigmatic smile and shrug my shoulders. Transformation and myself have prospered because of our guarantee of total confidentiality and despite their status or fame, we have never ever revealed a single name. Only Raiko and myself know what dynamite my unexpurgated memoirs would really be - but I've taken a vow of confidentiality towards all my past personal clients, to every customer who uses my mail order service or ventures into any of my shops. Should my vow of confidentiality need any explanation, it becomes obvious when I tell you that a large proportion of my more famous clients were (and probably still are) into kinky sex. One VIP whom I shall refer to as Frank spent his entire hour with me as happy as a sand boy because I allowed him to clean my oven and toilet clad only in stockings, suspenders and a little maid's cap, with me scolding and berating him for being a naughty boy. That hour always culminated in the same scenario, in which I'd have to spank him for not doing his jobs properly. Then there was the politician who liked me to dress him up in outsize baby clothes, spoon-feed him with tinned baby food and then allow him to lie curled up in the foetal position suckling a full bottle of milk! Yet another politician wanted to be suspended by a chain wrapped around his testicles so that he was forced to stand on extreme tippy-toe, while all I had to do was return to him every fifteen minutes and whip his buttocks. There were, of course, many others who adored being chained, spanked or dressed in one humiliating fashion or another - and all of these were overjoyed if I allowed them to paint my flat, dig my garden, act as my footstool or be my slave and lick my feet and shoes. In fact, the more important they were, the more desperately they seemed to crave domination and humiliation. Before too long most of our regular customers had nicknames like those I've mentioned. One rule we made was that we never asked a customer to supply his real name, and I never asked any leading questions that might possibly identify who they were and what they did. Sometimes I would have been hard pushed even to recognise them if I was them out in the street. Yet on more than one occasion after business, when Raiko and I popped out for a meal at a local restaurant, we couldn't help but become aware of a table full of men (or a man who might be out for a meal with his wife or girlfriend) suddenly start shifting uncomfortably in their seats, or even change seats so their backs were to me. One highly embarrassed customer even went so far as to dive beneath the table to avoid being recognised by me! He really shouldn't have bothered, because invariably Raiko would turn to me and say: 'Do you recognise that man who's trying to pretend not to see you?' And I'd reply: 'No. Should I?' 'You ought to,' Raiko would say, 'he was in last night...and him in that corner...and those guys over there have been in on several occasions. Unlike Raiko I was able to blank out names and faces. Without doubt, the most bizarre encounter of my career occurred when Raiko ushered in a new customer one day. I took one look at the man's eminently recognisable face and nearly fainted in shock. What compounded my surprise was the fact that, apart from being a very important cabinet minister, he and I had actually met before! Years before, when Marilyn and I were still living together, she had been working part-time for the local Tory Party agent. One night we attended a function in honour of a well-known politician who had recently been embroiled in a scandal. We'd shook hands and then spent several minutes exchanging small talk. Now here he was in my flat, eager to part with £50 for my services - and, by all accounts, totally unaware of the fact that we had already met when I had been a man! Needless to say, like the consummate professional I prided myself on being, I swiftly managed to overcome my surprise and get on with the business at hand. But I must confess to having to stifle a secret chuckle at the thought of his reaction were I to remind him of the circumstances in which we had met before - somehow I don't think he would have been too pleased! Every prostitute who has ever gone on record about her profession has likened herself to being a combination of whore, sister, mother, agony aunt and social worker - and I guess I felt just the same, for it gave me great pleasure to be able to solve people's problems for them. One young man in particular I remember well because he was so desperately shy and so badly wanted to lose his virginity. He was just nineteen and a poor foreign student, and though in an attempt to solve his problem we went beyond the hour he had paid for, it gave me immense satisfaction finally to bring this lad to fulfilment and to know that because of me he will never again be terrified of having sex with a woman. I lost track of the sheer numbers of men who wanted to don female underwear or baby wear, or to be tied up and spanked, and over the months I began to understand why prostitutes are so much in demand when regular girlfriends and wives are so reluctant to do anything outside the 'norm'. Certainly the majority of my customers were outwardly happily married men, but the very fact that they needed to indulge their more secret fantasies only with me often made me wonder how happily married they might really be were it their wives who were catering for their special needs out of love rather than a hooker who did it for cash. My only rules were no sex without a condom and no kissing or touching my face Without doubt prostitution is a very difficult profession, and to all those who think it consists of nothing more than lying there examining cracks in the ceiling or mentally compiling shopping lists while a series of men hand over lots of money in return for little effort, all I can say is: you couldn't be more misinformed. We were open seven days a week from nine in the morning till ten at night, and I was on the go the entire time. Regular meals were strangers to me, and with a continuous stream of clients arriving and leaving there was little time even for the fastest of 'fast-food'. I rarely left the flat apart from our once-a-week early shopping trip at Sainsbury's. Now I dread to think of what people must have thought as Raiko and I rushed around the aisles throwing food into our trolley, with me dressed in the highest of heels, the tiniest of mini-skirts (time as in such short supply that I had to dress for 'work' before we went to the supermarket) and the flimsiest of tops, with a coat hastily thrown on over this bizarre ensemble. Business was booming, and to help cope with the increasing number of telephone calls we received we hired a nice young Jewish girl to handle the calls and book appointments. Despite the odd nature of our business she applied herself as assiduously to her duties as if she were working for the local dentist, and was soon providing verbal details of the services on offer over the phone and assisting transvestites in the shop without so much as batting an eyelid. Raiko, being a natural-born wheeler-dealer, soon became adept at bartering my services and obtaining many bargains too. Many was the time he'd show a new client up the stairs and slip me a note saying something like 'This one's a freebie - we're getting a new carpet for the salon', and I'd just as often pass back a note which said something incredibly boring and normal like 'Don't forget to defrost the prawns for supper!' before disappearing into my lounge or bedroom to perform my latest exotic party trick. Ultimately, of course, things couldn't possibly go on as they were; through outside interference, the Happy Hooker episode in my life came to an abrupt end. But before I relate how that came about, let me forestall the inevitable question: 'How on earth could you bring yourself to do all those degrading things?' with this explanation. The answer is, under normal circumstances I wouldn't have had to. Unfortunately, necessity is a very powerful motivator indeed. If you doubt that, just think about the survivors of plane crashes who have had to resort to cannibalism in order to stay alive. In my case, if I had been the only person involved in the Transformation business, nothing would have induced me to go to such lengths to save it. But as it was, to lose the money of the only two people in the world who had shown such personal faith and trust in me was, to my mind, a far worse alternative than prostitution. (Besides, let's not forget that I had been assured on very good authority that what I was doing was legal.) I owed everything to David and Raiko, and given the same circumstances I would do it all over again. The second thing I have to say about what I did may surprise some people. I didn't find it at all difficult to cater to those unfortunate men's needs, because I never allowed what was happening physically to affect me emotionally or mentally. Kissing (which I believe is far more intimate and personal than anything I might ever have done with other parts of my body) was strictly taboo, as was touching my hair, fondling my face or any other kind of contact above the neck. I could use my mouth and lips to perform oral sex on my clients (never without a condom) only because that was a necessary part of the service and because I remained in control - not them. By remaining in control mentally, I was able to train myself to live outside my body during moments of physical intimacy. Every prostitute will tell you that every client wants to believe he is the very best - which is why prostitutes are experts when it comes to faking orgasms. Even when I appeared to be in the throes of the noisiest and most earth-shattering orgasm any man could ever dram of giving a woman, my brain was always totally disconnected. But mentally distanced or not, this part of my career soon came to an end. Early one afternoon I was in the early stages of massaging a client who had already paid me for full sex. My client was lying face down on his stomach while I was standing beside him, stark naked, massaging his back and shoulders. Suddenly we were interrupted by three men who crashed through the door. My first thought was to wonder what on earth Raiko must be thinking of to send three men up at once. 'Is your name Stephanie Anne Lloyd?' one of the men asked as he flashed his warrant card. Dumbly I nodded. 'You are not obliged to say anything, but anything you do say will be taken down and may be given in evidence.' All I could see was this poor man, who had just parted with his money for a little bit of heaven, now clinging ashen-faced to both his dignity and the couch and feeling like hell. 'Do you think I could be allowed to get dressed?' I enquired politely. One of the detectives nodded and so I went into the bedroom - closely followed, I might add, by the other two, who stood and watched me with undisguised interest while I put on my underwear and a dress before they escorted me out of the shop and into a waiting unmarked police car. I later learned that the raid had been sparked off by a complaint from a neighbour who, it transpired, had been busily employed in spying on me for several months. Apparently, by having stupidly placed a large mirror on the wall directly opposite the upstairs window, I had unwittingly nullified the effect of the net curtain at the windows and offered this fortunate man a totally uninterrupted view of everything that was going on in my living room. Why this outraged member of the local community didn't simply come across and complain to us personally I shall never understand - or why it had taken him so long to report us, either! Suffice it to say that, whatever his motives, he did finally make a complaint and the police, bless them, responded in a style that would have justified the kind of operation put into effect following the Great Train Robbery. Rooms in the house opposite had been commandeered to allow visual observation; plain clothes officers were sent in with radio receivers and microphones wired up for sound; and the same exercise was conducted with all the fanfare - and the same amount of comical bungling - as a Keystone Kops film. For, as I later found out, by sheer coincidence a young rep on her first working day for L'Amor cosmetics had arrived just before the police with her area manager. The rep and her manager were apparently speaking to Raiko when two men came in and asked whether he was the owner of a green Renault car parked round the corner. When Raiko confirmed that the car belonged to him, the men said they were terribly sorry but they'd accidentally bumped into the car while parking. If he'd like to step outside now, they could assess the likely damage immediately. Having nor reason to suspect that the gentlemen were lying, naturally Raiko did as they suggested - only to find himself handcuffed, under arrest and on his way to Bury Police Station the moment he stepped outside the door. Now the two representatives were left alone in the shop with just Tracy, our Jewish assistant, for company. A few moments later, however, Tracy was approached by two young ladies who asked to see the white Basque displayed in the window. 'Come outside and we'll show you which one it is,' they said. Once she was outside, they had arrested her too. Just imagine the scene! These two poor reps had just seen Raiko disappear without explanation, then Tracy. Now they watched spellbound as three burly men burst into the shop, bounded up the stairs and then came marching down with a bemused me and a shame-faced, cringing man in tow. Several minutes passed. No one appeared. The ringing phones went unanswered. They stood there, alone, unsure of what to do and gradually convincing themselves that they were the unwitting victims of a candid camera stunt. For half an hour they tentatively answered what were undoubtedly some of the strangest telephone calls they had ever received, and then, unable to fathom out what was going on, the departed too, leaving an empty, unlocked shop with nobody to guard either the premises or the full till other than my beloved Sheba. When I arrived at Bury Police Station I was put into an interview room and subjected to the indignities of having all the personal belongings in my handbag checked through, my jewellery removed and my body searched before being put into a filthy, rank cell which contained only a hard, concrete bunk with an inch-thin plastic-covered mattress and a stinking old army blanket. Mercifully there was at least a toilet, though it lacked all accompanying refinements such as a seat, toilet paper and any handle by which it could be flushed. However, when I discovered that there was a spy hole strategically placed in the door through which I could be observed, I rather lost the urge for relief! It was four hours before anyone came along to take a statement, and during that time I'd been given nothing to eat or drink. Eventually I was taken outside to make a statement. I asked if I could at least call a member of staff to lock up the shop and ensure Sheba was fed for the night, and grudgingly this was agreed. The police officers who took down my statement were amazed at my frankness. Without prompting I told them everything I had been doing for the past year and why, because I didn't see any reason why I shouldn't be honest with them. The only information I flatly refused to supply was the names of my clients. 'We have a tape recording of you offering sexual services to a police officer', one of them accused. 'I didn't just offer them to police officers,' I said, seeing no reason to lie. 'I offered them to everybody'. I was then taken to another room, photographed with a number across my chest, fingerprinted for posterity and then returned to my cheerless cell where I was served with a soggy offering of corned beef accompanied by a few chips. The conditions, the filth and the extreme cold and loneliness were indescribable. Several times I asked for another blanket before I was eventually given one every bit as filthy as the first. Later on there was a scuffing noise and a great deal of bad language as another victim was bundled into a cell. Banging loudly on the wall, I said to the officer, 'I don't wish to be awkward, but I find your swearing highly offensive.' The poor man was so taken aback that he blushed and apologised. As the night wore on, I began to despair. Where were Raiko and Tracy? Would Sheba be all right on her own? And then, Oh my God! What on earth would David say when he found out! It was time to take one of my daily hormone pills, but even this simple request was denied. Now I was becoming angry & frustrated 'Right, then,' I said to the sergeant. 'Are you prepared to sign a declaration stating that you accept full responsibility for withholding prescribed medical treatment for me?' Confronted with such determination, the sergeant retreated for a hasty conference with his superiors, who decided that he had better let me take my pill. Considering that Britain is a country where the law presumes a person's innocence until he or she is found guilty, such behaviour was shocking. Finally a call was put through on my behalf to my solicitor, who made sufficient fuss to ensure that I at least received the items of make-up that Karen had brought in so that I could make myself presentable before the following morning's appearance in court. I spent a fitful night, dozing and worrying about Raiko, Tracy, Sheba, David and the shop, huddled in my thin summer dress beneath the two disgusting blankets. In the morning, I was shepherded out to a waiting van where I found Raiko, wearing handcuffs and minus his shoes. I was outraged - I just couldn't believe that they would have the nerve to force such an inoffensive person as Raiko to wear handcuffs and that they had even had the gall to remove his shoes in case he should try to hang himself with his shoelaces. The whole affair was beginning to seem quite ludicrous. Four hours later we were formally charged with keeping a bawdy house. I was an ancient piece of legislation, so rarely invoked that my solicitor could hardly be blamed for having advised me in the first place that I wasn't breaking the law. Ian Burton, who had given me the misguided advice that I wasn't breaking the law, represented us in court and immediately managed to get us out on unconditional bail with a hearing set for the following month. It was with great relief that we stumbled out into the sunshine and were taken to our respective homes by Ian. The first thing I needed was a bath. I felt so filthy that I didn't think I would ever feel clean again. I hugged Sheba, who accompanied me upstairs and stayed with me as if to protect me while I stripped off and scrubbed myself clean. Now I had to face the worst ordeal of all: I had to telephone David and confess what had happened - and I had to do it fast because the local radio station were broadcasting half-hourly bulletins recounting the story of my arrest. Trembling, I picked up the telephone and dialled David's number. I was so nervous that I have absolutely no recollection of what I said or even how I said it. All I know is that I stumbled over my words, sobbing and begging David to believe that I had only done it in order to save the business. David listened patiently while I rambled on, and when I eventually ran out of words he cleared his throat and said in measured tones: 'Stephanie, I believe you did the wrong thing...but for the right reason.' If he had shouted at me, told me off, called me a silly bitch or any other kind of name I could have taken it, but to hear those kind, understanding words reduced me to tears all over again. 'Stephanie, I'll call round later and we'll discuss it then,' David said. Of course the media had a field day - every paper carried the story of my disgrace and it even made the evening TV news. When David called round that evening I cried copiously, convinced I had made a mess of everything. I felt sure that we would now be boycotted by all our legitimate cross-dressing customers, hounded by the media, reviled by the neighbours and forced to allow our little business to shrivel up and die. I was absolutely mortified to see the results of my actions, and I blamed myself totally for dragging my two best and dearest friends down with me into the mire. But David and Raiko were wonderful, refusing to allow me to take the blame or to martyr myself. But though I was grateful for their unswerving devotion and their loyalty and support. I could only dread what the future now held in store. Once again, I was in a situation where my future looked bleak.

Chapter 11 Rollercoaster The effect on our business and our lives was immediate. Suppliers suddenly started experiencing 'problems' with the fulfilment of our orders, goods failed to turn up, and many of the people with whom we had previously traded quite happily and satisfactorily began to find excuses for not being able to trade with us at all now. All our female customers deserted us, apart from one or two stragglers who were motivated more by curiosity than by desire to remain loyal. Clearly, we could no longer continue trying to cater for both the male and female market; there were enough other beauty parlours around to take care of the women who no longer wanted to be associated with us, but very few, if any, outlets catering exclusively to the male transvestite market. Theoretically, the decision was an easy one to make; practically, however, the problems that the publicity was causing us had the potential to scupper all our well-laid plans. But they say there's no such thing as bad publicity, and though our arrest seemed like a disaster at the time it soon transpired that the publicity had achieved the one thing we had never been able to do - it had promoted the nature of our business to a nationwide audience, and within days we were deluged with mail from transvestites requesting information on the products we supplied. Naturally, the neighbours were appalled to think that they had had a practising transsexual prostitute living in their midst all this time. Tongues wagged, curtains twitched and the 'strange goings-on' at 413, Bury Old Road became the hottest topic of the year. We had a visit from a local council official who informed us that we were trading illegally by opening on Sundays and that in future we could only stay open until eight in the evening on weekdays with just one late-night opening till nine. Several attempts were made to get our shop classified as a 'sex-shop', to which I responded by stating that I had no objections to this classification providing Marks and Spencer, Dorothy Perkins and all the other shops and stores retailing female lingerie were reclassified too! Obviously, my extra-curricular activities ceased the moment I was arrested. Frankly I wasn't too unhappy, because I was quite looking forward to the fresh challenge that lay in front of me: putting into operation some of the many plans that Raiko, David and I had for expanding our business, moving into publishing and setting up a mail order operation. David's wife, Ethel was absolutely furious when she read the newspapers, and commanded him to withdraw his financial backing and sever all his connections with Raiko and myself. But David, being David, calmly told Ethel that he saw no good reason for dissolving such a good business partnership. Then Ethel played her trump card. She gave him an ultimatum: 'Either break off this business relationship or we're finished.' None of this was made known to me until several weeks had passed, which again is a measure of the kind of man David is, for he'd no more consider dumping his problems on other people than he would going back on his word. Now that there were no barriers between us, David, Raiko and I began to spend more time together planning the new direction our business was to take; and, whilst David still continued to run his supermarkets and have little day-to-day involvement in Transformation, the three of us inevitably grew closer as friends. One Tuesday evening, when David called round for his normal weekly update on thebusiness, he finally informed me in a typically understated fashion that he was experiencing domestic problems. 'What kind of domestic problems, David?' I enquired, thinking he would tell me of some little difficulty he and Ethel might be having with one of their daughters. 'Ethel's given me an ultimatum: Transformation or divorce.' My stomach turned over as the full implication of David's simple statement sank in. 'Then you must pull out of Transformation, Raiko and I will do all we can to repay your investment, although it might take us years before we're in a position to repay you in full.' Characteristically, David made no further comment and merely carried on discussing how far we had got with our new business plan. When David left I immediately rang Raiko to inform him of this latest turn of events. Although the prospect of losing David as a business partner was a bitter blow professionally, both of us felt equally devastated at the thought of losing him as a friend. Moreover, I just couldn't understand Ethel's extreme reaction: 'How can anyone put the person they love in such a position, Raiko?' I asked in despair. With wisdom far beyond his years, Raiko merely replied: 'Because Ethel obviously doesn't love David, Stephanie.' Knowing there was nothing we could do that wouldn't make matters worse for David, Raiko and I agreed that, as neither of us wanted to make his life more difficult or complicated than we had seemingly already done, we should leave it up to David to dictate what should be done and how. David continued to make his Tuesday night visits to the flat, but made no more mention of Ethel's ultimatum. Naturally I was concerned for David's sake, but I didn't feel that it was up to me to raise the subject with him. Then one evening, six weeks later, he arrived looking tired, scruffy and slightly the worse for wear. 'David, what's wrong with you?' You look as if you've been sleeping rough,' I chided him. Without a word David produced from his briefcase a solicitor's letter asking him to vacate the material home. Then the whole story came tumbling out. I listened in horror as David told me how he had been sleeping on the floor of his office for the past four nights and living on biscuits and snacks. 'For Christ's sake, David, why didn't you tell me? You're a shareholder in this business. You have every right to seek our support and help. You know there's a spare bedroom here that you could have used.' I was very upset that David hadn't confided in either Raiko or myself, and ashamed and mortified that we hadn't had the insight to see how bed things really were for him. Throughout the time I had known him, and no matter what I had been through or done, David had never offered me anything other than kindness, generosity and support. I wanted to do whatever I could for him now, in his hour of need. Briskly, I started ordering him around. 'Right, get out of those clothes and into the bath. I'm going to wash your shirt and underwear, press your suit and cook you a good square meal.' Too tired to argue or resist, David meekly did as he was told. Refreshed by his bath and relieved at finally having shared his problems with someone, David allowed his tongue to loosen as we shared a bottle of good red wine over dinner. Soon he was pouring out all the details of the unhappy years of his marriage - Ethel's apparent disinterest in sex, her lapses on two occasions when she had left him for another man and, finally, that the only reason he had stayed with Ethel was for the sake of their children. Ashamed, I could only reflect on how vastly I had underestimated this man. I had - wrongly, I now knew - assumed that he would dissolve our partnership, but clearly his commitment to Transformation, Raiko and myself was far more binding than I had ever imagined. Like a mother hen, I made up a bed in the spare room and shooed David off for a good night's rest. As I lay in my own bed, unable to sleep, all I could think about was how unfair life was and how it always seemed that the nicest of people were appreciated the least. Maternal feelings welled up in me: I wanted to look after David, to protect him from the world, to offer comfort and to hold him - and to tell him that I, at least, cared. Impulsively I rose from my bed, slipped into my dressing gown and knocked on David's bedroom door. 'Can't you sleep, either?' I said when he invited me in. 'No.' 'Then why don't you come into my bed and stay awake with me?' Taking him by the hand, I drew David out of his room and into my own. We lay together in the darkness, our arms loosely draped around one another as we talked and I tried to offer what comfort I could. Then our embrace tightened and we were kissing. Within moments we were making passionate love. Afterwards, we talked some more and then, slowly, gently and in total contrast to his previous wild abandon, David made love to me a second time. From that moment on there was no question of David ever going home again. We continued to live together and from a firm basis of friendship and trust, our love for one another slowly grew and grew into total devotion and a marriage that has now survived for over 30 years. The following Sunday I invited Raiko to join me on my daily walk with Sheba in the park. We stopped to buy and ice cream, and as we sat there enjoying the glorious sunshine I told him what had happened between David and myself, desperately wanting - and needing - his approval. In the event Raiko was delighted for us, though he couldn't resist impishly declaring: 'At least now we can keep all shares in the family!' Terrified that the police might try and harass me if I appeared still to be involved in Transformation, I officially resigned as a director and kept a low profile, basing myself at one of David's supermarkets involving myself in marketing side of his business, As in everything we have done together since, David and I both put in the same amount of effort and hard work. Before long the lovely, lazy Sunday I had so briefly enjoyed became a thing of the past as I worked with David in the supermarket from seven in the morning till eleven at night, seven days a week. On Monday, 2 December 1985, Raiko and I were finally hauled up in court. However, despite the fact that they'd had nine months to prepare, the police still hadn't managed to file all the necessary papers on time. The judge was obviously so annoyed and exasperated by the police and the prosecution's bungling of the whole affair that, much to my amusement and their dismay, he actually gave them a public ticking off in court before adjourning the trial for 24 hours to give himself time to read all the information that had been compiled against me. Back we went the next day. This time, we were approached by the police before the trial even started. They wanted to do a deal: in return for changing my plea from not guilty to guilty they'd drop all charges against Raiko. But Raiko was insistent that I should not be allowed to take all the blame. I argued the point on the grounds that Raiko had a family whose lives would be affected if he was found guilty, while the only person who would be affected if I were convicted would be David - and we knew he'd stand by me no matter what ensued. Besides, I pointed out, if Raiko were free at least he could take care of the business if I did get a prison sentence. Privately, we both felt that we stood a very good chance of getting acquitted, but in the end the safest bet seemed to be to accept the deal. My barrister submitted a plea of mitigation, during which he recounted in melodramatic detail all the misfortunes of my unusual life and stressed the fact that we had taken the best legal advice available and had sincerely believed that what we proposed to do was not illegal. Furthermore, he pleaded, the fact that we had been so open about our activities was surely proof enough that we were genuinely convinced we had been complying with the law. Then came the moment I'm sure every defendant dreads; the actual summing up and sentencing by the judge. I knew the law did not recognise me as a woman, so if I was found guilty I would be sent to a male prison. The thought of the horrors that would undoubtedly befall me there made me feel faint. It also struck me as ludicrous that I could be charged as a female prostitute plying her trade and then be sentenced as a man! After stating that, whilst all the evidence had proved that my transgressions had been committed in complete ignorance of the law, ignorance was no plea in relation to the law and therefore was not recognised by the law, the judge looked me straight in the eye and solemnly declared: 'Stephanie Anne Lloyd, I sentence you to twelve months' imprisonment suspended for twelve months.' He then went on to say that he was not imposing any fines and that all costs were awarded against the Crown. By this time, however, I was in such a state of shock that I was totally unable to comprehend what was happening. Seeking some interpretation of what had just occurred, I looked across at Raiko's jubilant face in the public gallery. But it was only when the prison officer standing behind me moved forward to touch me on the shoulder and inform me that I was free to go that I realised I wasn't actually heading for a cell. As Raiko and I hugged each other, with a mixture of elation and disbelief, the media swooped. That evening all the local papers had a field day. The Bolton Evening news devoted its entire front page and page two to reporting every sordid little detail, and the following day the Sun broadcast the story under the headlined: 'CALL ME MADAM - Sex-swap executive became a vice queen.' No matter how much I hated it, it seemed I was forever destined to be in the news. As always, David proved to be a tower of strength and a tremendous comfort to me, telling me that in a few days the story would be yesterday's news and life would soon return to normal for us. But as it turned out, our problems were still far from being over. The very next day David received a telephone call from his father, who bluntly asked him whether he was the mysterious 'other businessman' mentioned in the articles about me. As always, David was unable to lie. When he told me what had transpired I was immediately how upset he was, and it didn't take much imagination to understand how distraught his parents must be too. 'There's only one thing to do, David,' I said. 'We should go over there straightaway, and I must tell your father the whole story myself.' David's father, who lived with his second wife in Bolton, (David's mother had previously died) had been far from pleased when David and Ethel had split up. So I could imagine only too well how he must be felling now that he had discovered that not only was David living with another woman who had undergone a sex change operation, but that that same woman was also a convicted prostitute...! In the light of that knowledge, the fact that David's parents agreed to see me at all was nothing short of a miracle. When we arrived the first thing I said was 'All I ask of you,' I said, 'is that you give me an hour to tell you my story.' I then gave David's parents a brief resume of my life story over a pot of tea. When I had finished, I merely said: 'And I'd like to reassure you that, no matter what you might think afterwards, I don't want anything ever to come between you and your relationship with David.' To their credit and my astonishment, David's parents sat in silence while I told them all the details. Even more remarkably, they didn't reject me out of hand when I had finished. Whatever their private fears for their son and their thoughts about me, they made a decision to give me a chance to prove my love for David and, in doing so, to prove myself to them. Subsequently, they saw us still happy with one another, still very much in love and still totally committed to a future together - and these two exceptional people have, I know, taken me as much to their hearts as I have taken them to mine. (sadly neither are still with us) How many people, I sometimes ask myself, would have been so tolerant and accepted me so openly and warm-heartedly as these dear parents-in-law of mine? And how very lucky I am to have found not only a husband as wonderful as David, but two loving new parents as well! When I consider my good fortune, it makes me feel humble and I can only marvel at the proof they have all given to me: that given time and the opportunity, love can indeed transcend all problems and barriers. With the traumas of the trial and David's difficulties with his parents now behind us, our life together began to take on a new sweetness. One evening when we were in bed together after a celebratory meal with Raiko, David took me in his arms and whispered words that took my breath away: 'Stephanie, I love you. Will you marry me?' I could hardly believe my ears . David had never before said the words 'I love you', though his actions had never left me in any doubt that he did. My response was to burst into tears. Poor David didn't know what to think as my sobs made incoherent nonsense of my attempts to say 'yes'. Much later, as David lay sleeping, I gazed at his face and marvelled at my incredible good fortune in having met this man who had come to mean so very much to me. Contrary to what people who don't know David often imagine, he was - and is - a normal, well-adjusted, heterosexual male. He's also considerate, thoughtful and probably the most dependable person I've ever met in my entire life. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that David wasn't interested in me out of some bizarre form of curiosity. He didn't want me for money, for power or for anything else other than pure love, and that he should not only love me - a person whom most of the world had rejected - but had every intention of proving his love in the eyes of a disbelieving world by actually marrying me struck me as quite the most astonishing miracle that had ever happened to me. As I lay there that night, mentally hugging myself with unbelievable joy, I resolved that whatever else I did in my life, my first priority would be always to make David happy. (Unfortunately being human there have been a few times over the years when I haven't) Accepting David's proposal was the easiest thing in the world for me, but actually marrying him in the eyes of both the church and the law of England was, of course, quite impossible. My birth certificate (which could not be changed under current British law) proclaimed I was a man, and therefore legally I could only ever marry a female. David went to great lengths to seek expert legal advice and was advised that, though there were some countries in which we could be legally married, our marriage would never be officially recognised in Britain. Confirmation of that fact, however, merely served to increase David's efforts to find a way for us to get married. In February 1986 we flew to Sri Lanka armed with all the necessary documentation, and on 14 February, Valentine's Day, we finally became husband and wife in what, for me, will always remain one of the most romantic locations in the world. I had brought a beautiful off-white dress (white seemed somehow inappropriate)with me to wear for the ceremony and despite our regret that our families and closest friends could not be with us, we had a perfect wedding. Strangers quickly became friends, especially when the "Wettanmy" brothers who owned the hotel and who had played cricket professionally for the Sri Lankan team volunteered to be the witnesses to fulfil the legal requirements. As we stood there together, the thought ran through my mind, 'Could this man who had already brought so much happiness and joy into my life really want me as his wife? Could he be so sure of his love for me that he would bind himself to me for the rest of our lives?' All my doubts were swept away when David said the immortal words, 'I do'. I tearfully echoed David's pronouncement and happily committed the remainder of my life to the man who had taught me what true love really means. now nearing 30 years together seems to suggest it will last. Our fairytale honeymoon was to be the last break David and I were to have together in a long, long time, for once we returned to England we both knew that all our energies would have to be concentrated on turning Transformation from a fledgling company that showed promise into the kind of multifaceted group we both knew it had the potential to become. Gradually our self-imposed punishing schedule of working long hours seven days a week began to pay off, but on the personal front we were still beset by problems. David's ex-wife, Ethel, refused to be content with the generous settlement she had received on their divorce. As a loving and devoting father, David had fought for access to Lisa and her sister, Dawn. Despite Ethel's' attempts to wage a bitter war against us, primarily on the grounds that I was a bad influence, both girls had maintained that they wished to see both their father and myself. Their statement had gone a long way towards convincing the courts that as I was not a threat David should be allowed to see his daughters and bring them to our home, the only proviso being that we would not be allowed to take Lisa and Dawn out of the country together. Effectively, this meant that if David wanted to take the girls on holiday abroad I would not be allowed to accompany them. Though neither of us could work out the reasoning behind such a judgement, it seemed like a small price to pay at the time. I still missed my own children dreadfully and although I had written a personal letter to each of them I had not received a reply. Even though Lisa and Dawn could never replace Stephen, Andrew and Rebecca in my heart, we soon developed a warm, friendly relationship which helped to assuage the pain and sorrow I still felt at missing so much of my own children's growing years. From the very first, though, I laid down some ground rules with the girls. 'Two parents are enough to wish on any child,' I told them frankly. 'Therefore I have no wish to replace your mother, or even to be a stepmother to you both. You have one mother - you don't need another. But I would like to be your friend.' And that's exactly what we have become: friends. Soon afterwards Lisa had an almighty row with her mother, after which we received a telephone call from Ethel announcing that she was bringing Lisa over 'with all her things'. So at two in the morning Lisa was dumped on our doorstep with five carrier bags, and she stayed with us for several months. Unfortunately, the knowledge that Lisa was quite content to stay with us for several months must have been the last straw for poor Ethel. A few months later we received a telephone call from a reporter working on the Sunday People who claimed to have been given the story by the ex-Mrs Booth, alleging that David had not only left her penniless and stolen her daughter, but that she was living in penury in a council flat (after having been evicted 'because David had not kept up the mortgage payments' on their house) while we were living like millionaires! I was outraged. The truth was that David had signed the house over to Ethel and had made a substantial financial settlement which she had been advised to accept by no less than five different solicitors whom she had consulted in turn. All of this I coolly pointed out to the reporter. 'If you don't believe me,' I said, 'I will give you the names of both her solicitor and ours, and you can check the facts out for yourself.' Two weeks later a damaging - and patently untrue - story appeared in the Sunday People, outlining Ethel's account. I was incensed, because not only was there not one grain of truth in the report, but they clearly hadn't bothered to check any of the facts or to print one word of David's version. I wasn't bothered for my own sake, but I was very angry on David's behalf. Immediately I complained to the Press Council, and after much fighting, wrangling and a large number of solicitor's letters flying back and forth a hearing was set. And what a farce it was! Suffice it to say that, while the Sunday People were rebuked for not bothering to check the facts, the complaint was not upheld. I'm afraid that none of my brushes with British law or the establishment have caused me to revise my opinion that British law is laughable and that there is no such thing as honour, truth and justice when it comes to British press.

Less than 500 people have seen this! and you & I will never see it.




Every astronaut who has spoken of their journey highlight one common view.


From space planet earth by day is a bright colourful but fragile-looking object set against the backdrop of totally black infinity.


The colours of the planet cross the entire rainbow spectrum and earth is the most colourful planet ever seem even by the Hubble telescope. Their experience instils in them a sense of wonderment and appreciation of just how unique this place we call home is.


If we look at the world from their perspective we can then celebrate the diversity in nature that gives the planet it’s rainbow colours. Most of us are also animal lovers and we value the diversity in our pets, dogs and cats come in all shades of shapes and colours.


So now we know that diversity is what makes us happy, yet when it comes to humans some people only seem to like people exactly like themselves and are intolerant of others on the grounds of colour, ethnicity & gender.


Gender and sex are two completely different things. In most people, your brain and body are aligned before birth. Yet just like babies are born with physical defects which we correct medically.


For transgender people, the brain and body are misaligned so they have the brain of one gender, but the body of another. Over many years either using electrical shock treatment or counselling attempts have been made to reprogram the brain in line with the body, all of which have been unsuccessful, leaving the ONLY option to sync the two by altering the body.


Unfortunately, society has been slow to recognise this as a true medical procedure and have therefore heaped more pressure on those facing this life-changing option. As a result the rates of suicide of transgender are unacceptably high as are levels of mental illness brought on by the real fears for their future. My parents disowned me when I transitioned 35 years ago and they died without any reconciliation which pain I still carry. Although society has become more aware of the issue the physical transition still causes immense problems for most who do especially in the areas of family, employment and social interaction.


I must admit that I came within a whisker of suicide after years of trying to put off the inevitable decision yet, fortunately, I took the decision to undergo full male to female gender reassignment surgery following hormone treatment. The cost was high, I lost my family, so-called friends and a lucrative job. Adjusting to living on benefits was difficult but at last, I was transfused with a sense of contentment, really liking myself for the very first time.


Fortunately for me, I met a wealthy man who agreed to finance Transformation as a not-for-profit venture to help those who wish to transition from male to female. Trans people may want different levels of male to female transformation, transvestites (TV’s) may want an instant reversible convincing change which we cater for with silicone breasts, realistic vagina panties, wigs, in fact, everything they need. There are others who simply want to grow their own female breasts and our site is where you can find female hormones that will fulfil this need. Others may want a total transition but stop short of surgery (often referred to as shemales or ladyboys) and there again we have male to female hormones on our site.


Transformation is my ‘baby’ I have loved and cherished it since it was born way back in 1984. I have spent a lot of my husband's money for the research and development (R&D) in financing Doctor Temperli the world-renown.


Leading endocrinology (hormone) expert


endocrinologist (hormone expert) and he has developed a range of cutting edge feminising hormones. The female hormone delivery options now mean that anyone of any age & with almost any medical condition can find one that is effective and safe to use.


I am the living proof of what can be accomplished and as the world’s longest established transgender specialist we know how to help you to fulfil your dream. Please don’t be nervous or afraid, we offer totally confidential help and support throughout the process and you can consult Dr. Temperli for free advice on medical issues or me on the practical ones.


The first step is always the hardest but also every day you delay is a day of happiness & contentment lost forever.


Stephanie x


Our transsexual founder Stephanie Anne Lloyd has not had an easy life. She was born in 1946 as Keith Michael Hull to parents who were Jehovah’s Witnesses so nothing about her life was easy.


After pouring herself into a career she made it as a man all the way up to director of a UK FTSE 100 company with 6,000 employees. She seemed to have it all, a beautiful wife, 3 children, big house, luxury lifestyle yet the nagging from her inner self led to her giving it all up. Stephanie is a true transsexual who could only fight the inevitable for so long. Her stark choice – suicide or admit she was a male to female transsexual & undergo hormone therapy & gender reassignment surgery.


At the age of 30 she walked away from everything, resulting in her being totally alone except for a rescue dog called Sheba. Disowned by her parents, shunned by her family & so-called friends. Penniless but at last at peace as a M2F transsexual she came up with establishing a not-for-profit company and called it ‘Transformation’. Her luck changes when a multi-millionaire replied to her advertisement for financial backing making her dream of helping others a reality. This was in 1984 when Stephanie became our transsexual founder and Transformation was born.


Stephanie went on to marry her multi-millionaire backer and alongside building Transformation and developing a specialist range of products played an active part in her now husbands supermarket and hotel chains.


Having a transsexual founder who understands all the issues faced by both transsexual and transvestites puts Transformation is a unique position of being able to provide not just medical advice but practical answers from someone who has actually experienced everything you will. No-one other than someone who has actually lived through it understands the mental and practical problems & can realistically provide practical solutions.


At the age of 69 she still works full time within Transformation ensuring continued research & development and the personal touch is central to her dedicated team. The fact that the average length of service for Team Transformation’s members is 20 years demonstrates their dedication and loyalty to Stephanie’s inspirational leadership. After opening 9 shops, producing hundreds of specialist magazines & DVD’s she shoes no signs of slowing down and produces our weekly blog and Twitter feed plus many of our Facebook postings.


Stephanie is bubbly with seemingly inexhaustible energy and enjoys what she does as is obvious to everyone who meets. She was one of the first in the UK to undergo gender reassignment surgery and certainly the most notorious with acres of newspaper and TV coverage she is well grounded and used the opportunity to campaign successfully for the right for transsexuals to have their birth certificates amended.


Our transsexual founder has lived her feminine dream for 35 years and there is no one more qualified to give you advice on any related topic and she does this all for free. While others seek to sell you tips and guidance which they have no experience of you can get it all from Stephanie and it will always be free.


 80% of every product we sell is unique and made in our own latex factory or developed in Doctor Temperli’s laboratory, exclusive to Transformation which is why we are able to provide a 100% money-back guarantee on everything we provide.


Together with Doctor Temperli, the worlds leading endocrinology (hormone) expert she has tirelessly worked (and poured much of her husband's fortune) into cutting edge medical technology forming the basis of the most effective range of feminising hormones which become available from October 2015.


If you have never read our transsexual founder's incredible life story which has more ups and downs than a roller coaster then you can do so for free either online or you can download it (again for free) in PDF format.

Stephanie-a girl in a million-chapter 12

Chapter 12

The Phoenix rises Having reached the conclusion that there was a vast untapped market to explore in the secret, hidden world of transvestism, David, Raiko and I agreed that while David would continue to concentrate all his efforts on the supermarkets, Raiko and I would spend the next few months researching and planning the next vital steps in the growth of the Transformation side of the business. When our plans for mail order catalogue were finalised, Raiko and I turned our hands to sketching out a rough visual layout and writing the necessary copy. Now, all we had to do was hire the models and find a photographic studio willing to take on such an unusual project.   After several rejections we eventually found Studio Alexander whose proprietors, Leslie and Clifford, were prepared to undertake the photography for our catalogue on a fixed-budget basis. Our financial resources were so tight that every single penny had to be well spent.   On the first day of the shoot we arrived at the studio accompanied by six of the best page three girls in the business, and though it was a long and arduous two weeks, we were all delighted and exhilarated when we saw the results of our work on celluloid. Then we found that no company was prepared to print our catalogue I sought out and subsequently bought a 5-colour Heidleberg printing press. Installing it required the demolition & rebuilding of an outside wall and strengthening of the floor to take the 7.5 ton machine. Ever since all of our printing & finishing has been done in-house so all we buy in is paper Some of the models we hired for that first catalogue have since gone on to become very famous in their own right. Lou Varley was just sixteen at the time she modelled for us so her parents' permission had to be sought for her to pose topless, but she has since carved out a very successful and lucrative career for herself. Gail McKenna was another model on that first shoot who became one of the UK's top glamour models. I have to say that, far from being bitchy and competitive, as I had been led to believe, all the girls who worked on our photo shoots for the catalogue proved to be tremendous fun, very friendly and extremely professional.   Our next venture was to launch a small adult contact magazine called Connections, which proved to be unique in that we not only accepted al advertisements free of charge but also forwarded all replies to the advertisers at our own expense. The fact that our magazine was so glossy and well produced in comparison to the competition also contributed greatly to its success.   Our second launch, another contact magazine, Direct Connect (so named because we featured actual telephone numbers), was a far more ambitious project. Every single 'contact' had to be checked and verified in order to weed out those who might be seeking financial rewards for services, any potential 'perverts', the 'time-wasters' - who delighted in giving false names and addresses - and, of course, to ensure that every advertisement complied with current legal requirements Our expansion into such diverse businesses as publishing, mail order, retailing and groceries provided an opportunity to utilise all the skills and expertise I had acquired over the years, and it wasn't long before the results of our intensive marketing efforts began to pay off. When commercial success finally came, it came on all fronts. Thus we were able to form the strong foundation on which our group companies is now based.   The supermarkets were open from 7am until 11pm seven days a week, 365 days a year and we used every possible concept to promote the fact - from loss leaders to silly ten pence offers at traditionally slack times. We even organised events such as pancake races around the stores, and soon we were welcoming a steady stream of traffic through our doors from the moment we opened at seven in the morning right up until we closed at eleven, 365 days a year yes even Christmas Day, when we sold more batteries than in the rest of the year.   One problem we experienced, however, was with Stockport Council, who resolutely policed The Sunday Trading Law, regularly sent officers into our stores on Sundays to purchase prohibited items such as dog food or frozen foods. By its very nature, operating large self-service food stores made it virtually impossible to enforce the archaic law which dictated that people can legally purchase cigarettes, alcohol and girlie magazines on a Sunday but are not able to buy cough medicine, frozen foods, a bible or anything that comes in cans. Try telling a customer that he can have his eggs for breakfast but you won't sell him the bacon to go with it, and see whether he ever shops with you again!   Inevitably we were hauled before the courts and charged with unlawfully selling a tin of dog food and a packet of washing powder, for which we were fined the outrageous sum of £600. The case which preceded ours involved a drunk driver who had crashed his car. His fine was just £150. So, by definition, it was four times more serious to sell a can of dog food on a Sunday than to risk killing someone whilst driving under the influence of alcohol! One more nail in the coffin for the British justice. It developed into a regular pattern so I was in court every two weeks to be fined for breaching the Sunday Trading Law, we eventually just accepted that it was just a cost of trading, besides it was only Stockport Council that seemed determined to prosecute us.   Thinking that supermarket price promotions ought to be on items that you could not store, ruling out canned and products that could be frozen, I hit on the idea of using loss-leading products to feature in our leaflet drops. I sold newspapers, magazines and milk at half-price which substantially increased our regular daily footfall. Then W.H. Smith's wholesale stopped supplying us which meant we had to buy via a third party until we successfully won a court case that resulted in the abolition of fixed retail prices.   Having identified a huge gap in the transvestite market, we now developed the ambitious concept of TV Scene - a lavishly produced, glossy, 52-page magazine which would feature colour photography as well as in-depth investigative articles on topics ranging from hormones and transvestism to the law and sex-change operations. At that point we decided to form a separate company to cope with our fast-expanding publishing division, which by now had taken over the entire flat with the exception of our bedroom. Just when we started looking for suitable alternative premises a suite of first-floor offices right across the road came on to the market. This was the humble start of our head offices, which now stretches across both floors of what was 8 separate buildings. Expansion of space was fortuitous as I crossed the road to buy spotlight bulbs from Smith's Stores who sold practically everything from a row of internally linked terrace properties. Tom Pimlot, aged 70, whose grandmother founded the business a 100 years before looked glum when his default image was a cheerful chappy. 'What's up Tom' 'I thought I had sold the premises to RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) but at the last moment had lowered their financial offer. 'I tell you what Tom we need more space so you get an independent valuation as will I, and I will pay you the midpoint between them. The deal was sealed with a simple handshake. When our valuation was £10,000 more than his despite his protestations that he would be satisfied with his figure I insisted that he accept the extra £5,000. Little did I realise how influential their family was in the Manchester business society and how I had honoured a deal on nothing more than a handshake would open the door to more deals conducted on the simple premise that "my word was my bond".   Production of the first issue of TV Scene began in earnest, and as we knew the costs of launching would be astronomical it was decided that, in order both to keep the costs as realistically affordable level and to come up with something sufficiently startling to promote it, nude photographs of me should form the basis of the lead story. After all, I was by now quite infamous as well as being an incredibly cheap model (read free!).   Studio Alexander again undertook the assignment, with Leslie himself shooting the photographs behind locked studio doors and with the bare minimum of people present - one of whom was (at her own request) Lisa, my eldest stepdaughter as well as a young girl named Clare for whom it was her first days work after leaving university, (she was to eventually to become my surrogate daughter and has remained so through her marrying and producing 2 beautiful daughters) Thus, at the ripe old age of forty-one, I added yet another experience to my life. of nude (but tasteful) modelling. The final photographs were truly stunning, and shot so tastefully that I could find no reason to be ashamed of the fact that they not only adorned the pages of the launch issue of TV Scene, but were subsequently acquired by a national Sunday newspaper and published across its centrefold! Once again I received a great deal of criticism (mainly from women who accused who accused me of grossly exploiting my new-found femininity), but on that occasion it didn't bother me in the least as I knew I was the only nude model we could afford.   Shortly afterwards I was asked to appear in a television programme to debate the issue of man's exploitation of glamour models. Also present was William Roach (better known as Ken Barlow in Coronation Street, Gabby, the now deceased editor of the Star newspaper and an extremely beautiful young lady called Miranda, who had recently received £15,000 for three days' work posing for nude photographs destined for publication in Penthouse. When asked whether I agreed with the notion that Miranda was exploited by men, I'm afraid I could only smile wryly and say: 'It's extremely difficult to feel Miranda has been exploited by men when they're the very ones who have just financed a rather large sum of money in return for such an exceptionally short period of work!'   Meanwhile, the Transformation side of our business continued to improve as we slowly built up a relationship of trust and complete confidence with new customers, many of whom have been loyal customers throughout our 30 year history. Despite much initial opposition from the press, who stubbornly refused to accept our advertising, a combination of legal threats, persuasion, persistence and a willingness to rewrite our copy whenever required has gradually helped us overcome their early resistance.   The fact that Raiko, David and myself all firmly believed in conducting as much research as possible before committing ourselves to a project has, in my opinion, contributed greatly to the success of our many business interests. For example, once we had discovered that our competitors' merchandise consisted solely of standard women's clothing, which was far from suitable for men who usually have much larger dimensions and a shape that needed feminising so we committed ourselves to the obvious step of manufacturing an exclusive range of correctly sized and shaped clothing, Luck, too, played a part, in that the very moment we made this decision I happened to learn that the owner of the mill which manufactured some of our underwear & was keen to divest himself of the worry of owning his own business but didn't want to retire altogether. We struck a deal which would allow me to acquire the company without any initial payment on the proviso that, in return for guaranteeing him a job for life running the manufacturing operation, with the commitment that we would eventually aim of buying him out altogether. It worked exceedingly well for both parties.   Now we were prospering to such an extent that we were able to invest some of our profits in developing new related ventures First we opened a guest house in Prestwich, at which transvestites were able to take anything from a one-night break to a full week's holiday and be free to indulge in total privacy their love of living as women. We provided everything from clothes, wigs and shoes to instruction in make-up techniques, voice coaching and the subtleties of female deportment.   It was an immediate success at a time there is so much prejudice and misunderstanding surrounding transvestites, most of which were heterosexual and married with children. We guaranteed a safe haven in which they could relax and indulge the gentler aspects of their personalities would find themselves inundated with bookings. Word spread far wider than even we had anticipated, and it wasn't long before an Australian television company approached us with a request to make a documentary about a typical weekend at our hotel.   Joining our guests for dinner every evening after work became a regular part of David's and my routine, and invariably our guests would offer us their warmest thanks and heartfelt appreciation for providing them with what many of them came to regard as the only safe retreat they had, sadly, the majority were men who were either forced to keep their 'secret' hidden from their wives or who had long since abandoned all hope of marriage for fear their prospective partners would never understand Our guests included people from all strata of society; from bricklayers and labourers, policemen and judges, accountants, lawyers, pop singers and high ranking politicians, even the head of one of Britain's then largest nationalized industries was a guest. Another ambition was realized when, after many months of searching for the right premises and a multitude of setbacks, we opened a branch in London right next to Euston Station.. From Day One our formula of offering quality goods and value for money, combined with a pleasant, helpful empathetic staff who adhered strictly to our golden rule of customer confidentiality, was enough to ensure that we rapidly achieved market dominance. Our shops grew to a total of 9, with 5 in the UK, 2 in Ireland, Dublin & Belfast and Frankfurt & Berlin in Germany.   Our experiences with the guest house confirmed that all transvestites need a safe place where they can dress and behave as women without fear of discovery. It's such a harmless thing to want, and yet it's the one thing they find virtually impossible to do. In order to meet that need we introduced another unique service, which we call TV Changeaways; these consist of four-hour sessions during which we provide absolutely everything to transform men into glamorous women. All the clothes, wigs and shoes are supplied by us, and our own highly trained beauticians make up each man's face. When the transformation is complete, the customers are free to roam the shop, chatting to, and having a drink with, the staff, sit upstairs in our luxurious Changeaway lounges and read magazines, watch TV or a video, or do virtually anything they want to do that provides them with a few peaceful hours away from prying eyes.   It's the nature of our business that neither class nor profession provide any difference when it comes to men's strange fetishes. we once had a man from London visit our Manchester shop late one evening when both Raiko and I were there alone. He undressed in a cubicle, donned all his favourite items of women's clothing including stockings, suspenders and high heels, expertly applied his make-up and then, as calmly as you please, informed us he was off for a drive around the neighbourhood and would we please keep an eye on his clothes.   Ten minutes later he came rushing back into the shop in an absolute panic, tears streaking rivulets of mascara-black lines down his carefully made-up cheeks, words pouring out of his mouth in an unintelligible jumble. I took one look at Raiko, whose stunned expression mirrored my own. The man was so distressed he was incoherent. Eventually we managed to calm him down enough for him to be able to tell us what had upset him so. Apparently he'd left the shop happy as a sandboy (though sand girl would be more appropriate, I guess), tripping along the street in his six-inch heels, only to find when he turned the corner that his car was nowhere in sight - obviously it had been stolen. 'What will I do?' he wailed. 'Well, all you have to do is change back into your own clothes and then report it to the police,' I said, still not quite having grasped the enormity of this man's predicament. 'But you don't understand,' he wept. 'I am the police.' 'You're what? shrieked Raiko and I in disbelieving unison. 'I'm a detective inspector with Scotland Yard,' the man explained, tearfully. 'And what's even worse: the boot of my car is full of your magazines and catalogues! If my colleagues find those, I'm ruined!' Raiko went off to make the poor guy a cup of hot, strong, sweet tea while I tried to think up a plausible explanation for his predicament. We then persuaded him to clean off his make-up, change back into his ordinary clothes and then phone the local police station, saying he'd been in the neighbourhood, had stopped off for a pint, and when he'd returned to his car he'd discovered it had been stolen. as we had been the only shop still open at that time of night, he'd come in (not realizing, of course, what kind of shop we were) to ask whether we had seen or heard anything suspicious and to use our telephone. Within half an hour a squad car arrived on our doorstep, and a posse of policemen took him off for a drive around the locality to see if they could find his missing car. We never did hear any more from him, though we've often wondered whether his vehicle was recovered and, if so, what happened about the cache of 'embarrassing items' concealed in the boot!   The interesting thing is, once a man has a particular fetish, no amount of money is spared in his attempts to find gratification. Take the Manchester-based man whom we christened the 'Satin Man', for example: he didn't look like he had two ha'pennies to rub together judging by his appearance and the state of his grubby clothes, and yet every week he would turn up to purchase every single satin item we might have in stock, often buying the same items twice regardless of whether they were in his size not. Furthermore, he always paid in good old fashioned cash! He must have an entire wardrobe full of satin by now - certainly far more than he could possibly ever have the opportunity to wear. But like all our customers their 'secret" hobby is harmless and as one Chief Constable commented ' you have single-handedly almost wiped out the theft of female underwear from clotheslines'.   Another customer who provided Raiko and me with many hours of speculation was the taxi driver who would come in every Wednesday morning to purchase a number of items, only to return again that afternoon and purchase exactly the same items all over again! 'What do you think he keeps buying the same items twice for?' I'd ask Raiko in puzzlement. 'Search me,' he'd reply. 'Perhaps he buys one lot for himself and then shows them to a friend who wants an identical set for himself.' Eventually our curiosity got the better of us and we were compelled to find out more. The next time he came in I jokingly said, 'Here, you haven't got a twin brother by any chance, have you?' Just one look at his shocked expression was enough to tell us that we had accidentally hit the nail on the head. 'How d-did you know?' he stammered. Raiko and I were so stunned that we could only exchange a weak smile and shrug. Imagine! Twin brothers, both with the same fetish and both apparently oblivious of their twin's secret! Though whether they're still oblivious after our blunder I wouldn't like to say - perhaps we even unwittingly did them both a favour. After all, they might be immensely relieved to know they're not alone!   Our business may have steadily grown on all fronts, but it was far from plain sailing. In our case, many of the problems have been the direct result of prejudice much from our neighbours. I've made it my practice to ignore prejudice and hostility as much as I can, but when it interferes with my life, my work or, indeed, any of the people I love, then I can become a formidable adversary.   Though I'm no stranger to prejudice and intolerance, they still have the power to sadden me immensely. For prejudice and intolerance, which are born out of ignorance, breed hatred and resentment: and when these feelings are allowed to go unchecked, particularly on a global scale, senseless wars of one kind or another is often the result.   Although our success has been built primarily on a foundation of hard work and a great deal of perspiration, I'm well aware that fortune has also played its part. After all, if I hadn't met Raiko or David none of the success we all presently enjoy would have been possible.   In 1987 I found myself reflecting on what a very long way I had come since the day Keith was transformed into Stephanie. As I recalled the personal and practical difficulties I had faced years earlier - the dearth of information, the relative lack of knowledge and sources of support available to people like myself - I knew the time had finally come for me to realize one of my dearest wishes.   That autumn we founded the Albany Gender Identity Clinic, specifically to offer counselling to people wishing to avail themselves of professional help in solving any problem they might have to do with their own gender. The clinic is a subsidized operation employing doctors and specialists trained in all the various aspects of gender identity problems, with counselling, support, medical advice and treatment available to all who need it in complete confidence Although the clinic is based next to our offices in Manchester it serves patients from all over the UK and abroad.   Over the past few years prejudice has threatened our business over and over again: our companies have been refused cover by one of the largest insurance companies in the UK: we were once stripped of our credit card facilities by Barclaycard who said "we do not cater for perverts" this whilst they still were supporting apartheid in South Africa and yet, ironically, now that I am perceived to be successful, many of those same people who once vilified me as an 'unacceptable freak' now tolerate me as an 'acceptable eccentric'. Wealth, or lack of it, should never be of the least significance - but apparently it is. It's a sad, but telling, indictment of our society's values when in reality a good road sweeper is better than a bad king.   On 9 December 1989 I publicly fought - and won - an albeit minor victory for women in the battle for equality between the sexes. For three years the issue of allowing women to become members of the Lancashire County Cricket Club had been raised at the LCC's Annual General Meeting, and each time it was defeated. Much controversy had raged in the press and, quite rightly, women's groups throughout the country were annoyed and frustrated at the blind arrogance of those men who still clung to the belief that women were not worthy of membership.   About the same time I received a letter from the Inland Revenue (with whom I had been waging my own private war for recognition as a woman), which stated: 'Dear Miss Lloyd, whilst we have no doubts about your femininity, for tax purposes we must continue to treat you as a single male.' Knowing that I would never be able to change the fact that legally I was still regarded as a male was a constant source of frustration and irritation to me. However, as I sat at my desk, exasperated at this peremptory note, an idea began to take shape. If I was going to have to spend my entire life being officially classified as a male, might there not be some way of using that fact to solve another problem?   I duly applied to join the Lancashire County Cricket Club as Keith Michael Hull and, lo and behold, my application for membership was accepted. The next annual general meeting took place on 9 December and, armed with my birth certificate, a copy of the letter I had received from the Inland Revenue and (in accordance with club rules) dressed in a very smart velvet trouser suit, complete with silk shirt and tie, I attended the AGM - as was my right.   Fortunately, because of the amount of publicity the club had received in previous years, the TV crews were out in full force in anticipation of hordes of angry women demanding to be allowed membership. I waited until most of the members were seated in the meeting hall before entering the reception area. Immediately the TV crew jumped in front of me and a reporter said: 'Excuse me, madam, we're here to interview women about the fact that you are banned from membership of the club. Could we have your views?' 'But I'm a member', I said. 'A fully paid-up member, and I am going in.' Not immediately realizing who I was, the TV crew obviously thought I must be some kind of nutcase and stopped filming while I marched up to the door, voting card in had, and approached the steward. 'Sorry, madam, but you can't come in here,' he said officiously. 'But I'm a member,' I smoothly replied. The steward's face dropped. 'But...but you can't're a woman!' he spluttered.   'Well, it seems the government disagrees with you. They don't regard me as a woman, and neither did your committee when they accepted my application for membership.' I watched a multitude of expressions from discomfiture via panic to sheer horror cross the steward's face. I raised my eyebrows slightly and said: 'Now, here's my birth certificate, a letter from the government which clearly states that no matter what I might call myself, or how I might appear, I am legally still a male, my membership card and my voting card. Now, perhaps, you will kindly let me in.' By this time the steward was beginning to look decidedly ill. Unsure about what action he could take next, he called the club secretary over and I had to go through the whole exercise again. Meanwhile, David, who (although he wasn't a member) had accompanied me as a gesture of support, slipped into the hall unnoticed. The club secretary sent for the president, who in turn sent for the club's solicitor, who took one look at me and declared: 'I don't know Miss Lloyd except by reputation, and all I can say is, if you don't admit her you are likely to have a writ on your desk first thing tomorrow morning. And I'm telling you now, you will lose this case. You have no alternative but to let her in.'   Looking utterly defeated, the president's shoulders sagged, and with a great sigh he reluctantly uttered the immortal words: 'Let her in.' Two thousand pairs of male eyes almost popped out of their sockets as, hair flowing down my back and looking every inch a woman, I walked down the central aisle and seated myself on a vacant chair. After several false starts the meeting began and after the routine matters, it was opened up for questions from the floor I took one look at the queue forming in front of the microphone in the centre of the aisle (I hadn't realized that members would be invited to address the meeting), so quite spontaneously stood up and took my place at the end of it. The poor president took one look at me standing in the queue and visibly began to squirm. Then it was my turn to speak. 'Mr President, ladies and gent...oh, I must apologize, I'm afraid I forgot that there aren't any ladies here.' I referred to several of the objections that had been raised as valid reasons for keeping women out of the club and then tackled one that had really incensed me. 'One gentleman objected on the grounds that, if women were granted admittance, you'd soon have an army of kids running amok. What I would like to know is, who fathered these 'kids' whose presence you fear so much?' I paused, then simply started: 'It would appear that the two thousand men present today all deny any involvement in the production or these children.' You could have heard a pin drop. 'I'd also like to say that I find it rather, er, interesting, to note that though you regard yourselves as one of the last bastions of male dominance and supremacy, you none the less elected a mere female as your patron. Presumably, unlike me as a fully paid up member your patron, The Queen, would not be granted admittance.' The silence was deafening. Slowly, I looked around, gratified to note from the expressions on many faces that my comments had served to highlight the ridiculousness of the situation. 'Well, gentlemen, you do now have one female member of the LCC and, I'm afraid, there is nothing that you can do about it. So why not be sensible now, and cast your votes in favour of allowing the rest of the fair sex in Having said all I had to say, there was nothing left for me to do but return to my seat. As I sat down, the elderly gentleman seated next to me leaned over, took my hand in his and with a gentle squeeze whispered to me: 'My dear, you are one very brave lady.' When they had recovered from the shock, several men rushed forward to complain about my having been allowed publicly to address the meeting; but the president, knowing the true legal position, refused to acknowledge their protests. Then, to my surprise, one gentleman took the microphone and said: 'Mr President, I would like to say that I think it is a sad fact that one of the few people present today who have come correctly attired - and even wearing an LCC tie - in accordance with club rules, should be the lady who spoke earlier.' The motion was carried by a seven per cent majority and the meeting was closed. That evening, my victory made the TV news and virtually every newspaper (including the 'quality' press) featured the story the next day. For once I was proud of the achievement that had destroyed one more example of gender discrimination.

Chapter 13 Reconciliation of a Sort In December 1986 David telephoned my parents in the hope of being able to change their minds about seeing me. Subsequently my Father wrote to David, attempting to explain what an impossibility this would be. ... "I find it hard to marshal my thoughts to present them in a way that would help you to understand how my wife and I feel about our son's behaviour. He has been disfellowshiped from the organisation of Jehovah's Witnesses and he well knows what this means and involves. We cannot compromise our faith and we are convinced that he would not expect us to. If you care to read the words recorded at Math. 10:37 you will see that we have no choice in the matter if we wish to follow the Christian way of life. We are not at liberty to pick out the parts that suit us and ignore the difficult parts, for as the Bible tells us at Ephesus 5:17 we must go on perceiving what the will of Jehovah is. We loved our son dearly, and naturally we miss him very much. He however has chosen his way of life just as we have, but also, they go in different directions. The only consolation that we have left is that he seems to have found happiness in his chosen way." Still I refused to give up hope. In August 1988, having long wanted to show David where I grew up, we decided to spend a weekend visiting my old hometown. As I had every intention of taking David to meet Auntie Elsie, I sent my parents a telegram informing them that we would be staying at the Harpenden Moat House Hotel for the weekend – so that they wouldn't think we were doing something behind their backs when Auntie Elsie told them of our visit. Though I did not really expect them to contact me, part of me secretly hoped that the very fact that we were so near might cause them to relent. On Saturday morning I walked out to our car alone, while David went back upstairs for something he had forgotten. It was a beautiful, hot sunny day and while I wandered around admiring the flowers I was vaguely aware of an elderly lady climbing out of a car that had just pulled up. Then a voice behind me softly said 'Stephanie?' I turned around and there in front of me was Mum. I hadn't recognised her because her hair, which had once been so dark, was no a pure snowy white! She was also much smaller than I had remembered. For a few moments we just stared at one another in disbelief. Then we flew into one another's arms and hugged each other, with tears pouring down our cheeks. When David arrived he was totally nonplussed to be greeted by the sight of me holding on to this complete strangers hand. 'This is my Mum, David.' I was so proud and excited and I was grinning from ear to ear. Over coffee, Mum explained how she'd just had to come down to explain in person why she and Dad couldn't have anything to do with me. She so wanted me to know that it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with their faith. When she told us that she'd not only defied Dad, who hadn't wanted her to come along, but had actually told him that she was going to defy him, I could hardly believe my ears. I hadn't thought I would ever live to see that day! It was a bittersweet reunion. Nothing had changed, but I was overcome with emotion at having seen Mum and amazed by the bravery and determination she'd shown by actually coming to explain her reasons to us. When Mum left I took David on tour of Harpenden, pointing out the wood where I had played as a boy and the house where I had grown up 21, Weybourne Close & 145, Crabtree Lane. How I cried when I realised that we were so very near, yet still so far. That afternoon we visited my dear Auntie Elsie who as always welcomed us with open arms. And poor David had to watch as the tears started to flow all over again. As we drove back north I turned to David and said 'I'm not going to give up, David. We'll try again next year. We'll come back and this time we'll invite Mum, Dad and Auntie Elsie to tea at the Moat House. And though Dad definitely won't come, who knows, Auntie Elsie and Mum might. Clinging doggedly to that I started writing little newsy letters to Mum and Dad. My firm belief that the maternal instinct was far, far stronger than anything else was rewarded when Mum began to write back. Throughout 1989 and 1990 we continued working hard to expand our business interests. We set up a video production company in order to make our specialist videos and thus be less reliant on the ones we had to purchase from importers. We launched TMC printing and copying shops and copying shops and JWA, our own advertising agency and design studio and design studio; we expanded the supermarket chain and then immediately started making plans for our first Transformation branch overseas. The pace and the workload were killing. We scarcely ever went out because we rarely got home before nine or ten at night. And the harder we worked, the more I longed for a little place in the country. The idea of having a weekend retreat appealed to us both so greatly that we resolved to turn our dream into reality. After several false starts we found the perfect place: an old farm cottage high in the hills of north Wales. The moment we set eyes without losing any of its charm, we were so struck by the sense of peace and tranquillity surrounding it that we knew it was the perfect place in which to recover from our increasingly stressful working week. We found the ideal cottage built in 1295 AD with 2 acres of land. It needed a lot of work doing on it but the location in Llangar just a mile from the small town of Corwen was perfect. We bought it shortly before my first autobiography was published and serialised in The News of the World over 4 consecutive weeks. nothing very much had happened in Corwen since the English had fought Owain Glyndwr whose statue graces the town square. Fortunately they seemed to like having a Z-list infamous celebrity in their midst and 25 years later I still enjoy the warmth of this small community In the event, our cottage turned out to be one of the most timely purchases we have every made. For two months later, what initially seemed like a disaster struck us without any warning at all. With Raiko working to open our latest Transformation shop in Newcastle-upon-Tyne for eight weeks and David's recent acquisition of two more supermarkets, I had been left to cope single-handedly with a major computer crash which threw us into one of the biggest crises we'd ever had to deal with as the system stored the database of mail order business which by this stage was growing rapidly. At the same time Domino, one of our beloved family of cats which by now numbered five, had ripped her stitches out following an operation and was in such a pitiful, distressed stated that I had to give her round the clock nursing. I've always looked upon Sheba and my cats as my children and thought I loved them all equally, as a kitten Domino was particularly special. What with all the worry of the computer crash and its potentially disastrous consequences and Domino, who cried piteously every time I tried to put her on the ground, I'd managed only three hours sleep in three days. As if that wasn't bad enough, Id been suffering a debilitating viral infection for several weeks. 'Thank God that weeks over,' I said to David as I crawled to thankfully into bed on Sunday night. Ten minutes later I began to feel extremely hot. I started to get out of bed and then apparently crumpled to the floor in an unconscious heap. When I regained consciousness some time later it was to find myself strapped to an ECG machine, surrounded by an ambulance crew and without any feeling at all in the right side of my body. David was hovering at my side. I thought I was going to die. 'Don't let them take me away,' I begged. 'If I'm going to die, let me die at home with you and the animals around me.' Though nobody voiced their opinion, all thought I had suffered a stroke. In fact by the time I left Crumpsall Hospital ten days later everyone was convinced that I'd had a stroke but after tests it was diagnosed as a stress induced SIA, which apparently presents exactly the same symptoms as a stroke but does not have the same lasting disastrous after effects and apart from some residual weakness in my right side I made a slow recovery. For the first three or four days in hospital I was so weak I could hardly do anything for myself. But the one thing I was absolutely determined not to do was to suffer the indignity of using a bedpan. Because I insisted on going to the loo alone while in such a weak state of health my frequent pauses for rest on the other patients beds along the way at least ensured I go to know everybody well. If I had any concern about reactions of the patients and staff when they discovered who I was, they were soon dispelled. Every single member of the staff and all my fellow patients were wonderful to me. When such things happen, one is always tempted to feel sorry for one self and ask, 'Why me?' If any such self centred thoughts occurred to me, they were very speedily dealt with when I came to know Winnie, the sweet seventy four year old lady who occupied the bed next to mine. Winnie had motor neurone disease. In just 13 months she went from being a lively old lady who still loved to dance to a frail, wheelchair-bound shadow of her former self who can no longer walk or talk, move or swallow and has to be fed through a tube that was permanently taped to her nose. An electronic typewriter with a visual display unit was Winnie's only means of communication and even that was a slow, tedious and painstaking process for her weak, shrunken frame. Just a few moments with Winnie were enough to teach me the sheer folly of self-pity when there are so many other people in the world are so much worse off .. It's Winnie I have to thank for making me realise that love, affection and time are far more valuable and important gifts than anything else in life. She also taught me that you should voice your love while you can, for who knows what tomorrow brings? The second and most amazing thing that occurred, as a direct result of my illness was that at long last finally saw both my Mum and my Dad! Having waited until he knew that I was going to be all right, David had telephoned my parents to tell them I was in hospital When he told me that the first thing they had said was that they wanted to come to Manchester to see me I could hardly believe my ears. David had arranged to drive down to collect them, but an unexpected snowstorm blocked the motorways and the journey had to be postponed. I shed tears when Mum spoke to me on the phone and when I heard Dad's voice for the first time in so many years the lump in my throat was so huge I thought I would choke. 'Don't' worry,' David told me. 'Now they've actually said they want to see you, I can't imagine anything keeping them away.' On the day of their arrival, David was up at four-thirty in the morning and on the road by five. I was still weak, so I couldn't bustle around like I might ordinarily have been tempted to do in my nervousness. Throughout the morning I kept wondering whether this was really such a good idea after all, reminding myself that it could quite easily go horribly wrong just as it had before. By the time they arrived, an hour earlier than expected and with me still unprepared, I felt like a nervous wreck. The moment I opened the front door, Mum threw her arms around me and hugged me tight. For several seconds I looked at Dad. Physically he had hardly changed at all. Naturally he was a little bit older and a little more stooped, but I would have recognised him anywhere. Having no wish to embarrass Dad, I shook him by the hand. It took time for us all to relax, but gradually the conversation became less hesitant and stilted and by the time we sat down to dinner that evening I knew that it was going to better than our last encounter. There was one awkward moment at dinner when David started eating, only to be pulled up short by my father's voice calmly saying 'Shall we just ask a blessing?' If ever a grown man could contrive to look like a naughty, scolded schoolboy, David did then. The following morning Mum and I went for a walk alone together across the fields. "I've been so afraid something might happen to you or Dad and I would never see you again. 'Stephanie,' Mum said. 'We both love you. It's only because you've been excommunicated that we find it so difficult to see you now.' 'But if I had done something terribly wrong I could understand that,' I pleaded. Mum could only shake her head sadly and sigh. No matter how much I tried to explain that mine was recognised medical condition and I had merely had the recommended from of treatment, I knew she would never truly understand. And yet I knew that she did love me and I understood what she was going through. For forty years my parent's entire life had revolved around their faith – a faith they believed was being put to the ultimate test by their very own child! If my parents gave in now, they would be failing God. If they didn't give in, they would be failing me. What a terrible conflict they have had to face! We turned our backs towards the house and Mum took my hand in hers. 'You know, it does our hearts good to see how happy you are.' 'I couldn't' have a better husband than David,' I answered simply. Although we tried to delay their departure as long as possible by taking them for a drive through some of the most spectacular scenery in Wales, eventually they had to leave. Mum and I clung on to one another in tears. Then I helped Dad into the car. When I had handed his sticks in to him and made sure he was comfortable, I was seized by an impulse to hug him and kiss him on the cheek. As I did so, Dad's hand gripped mine and looking up at me, he said: We've really enjoyed seeing you, dear. Stay well.' As David drove my parents away, I smiled despite the tears because for the first time in my life I understood what my father was trying to say. As a man who had been schooled to hide his emotions Dad couldn't possibly bring himself to say the words but I heard them anyway. My parents and I have made our peace and sadly for the last time as they died at the age of eighty within days of each other. Although I do not believe in any afterlife my mum truly deserved to be an angel but whatever I know I will we will never see her again. It was now seven years since I last saw Stephen, Andrew and Rebecca and I never gave up hope that I might see them again one day. Although it has always been my dearest wish that we could all be re-united one day. I have to accept that this may never happen. Something I wonder whether they ever think of me, but now knowing what they think about me is hard for me to cope with. I know their lives must have been difficult and when I re –read Stephen's and Andrew's old letters I can only begin to imagine what they must have suffered because of who and what their father is: Phrases like: Rebecca told us that when Nanny found some of Mum's underwear in the wash, Great Nanny accused me and Andrew of having been wearing it... in one of Stephen's letters to me still have the power to make me weep. Have their minds and lives been blighted forever by the prejudices of other people?' Or have they found a way to come to terms with what was thrust upon them? If only they could know how I feel about them and how very much I want to reach out to them and hold them in my arms again. But I couldn't I was wise enough to acknowledge that it was not for me to thrust myself into my children's lives – I could only wait and hope and pray that one-day they might find their way back to me. Marilyn and I had been in contact for some years now and thought it unlikely we will ever meet, we spend long hours chatting on the telephone every few months or so. In the last few years I have been able to demonstrate to her that, if ever she or the children are in financial need I will always be here for them. I have no illusions about myself. I know that for the rest of my life I will be rejected, ridiculed and persecuted as a freak. To be a Transsexual is not a solution- it is a last resort. If I had a choice I would far rather have been a complete husband to Marylyn and a father to my own children – or a complete wife to David and the mother of his children. As it is, I never have been and never will be capable of totally fulfilling either role. I can be a stepmother to David's children – but dearly as I love them they will never be able to replace my own. And yet, despite everything I would not wish the past undone, because the single – and the most brilliant – achievement of my life will for me, always be that I fathered three children who are credit to the world. I would never want to deny the love I feel for them, or the love I felt for Marilyn. Perhaps that's why, if I have one regret, it is those two years of hell I put my family through at the end. If I had had the courage to walk away from them before that point I might have been able to spare them the worst of the heartache and pain. But I can never undo what has been done and if they could not forgive me for what I have done, then I had to accept that. When one is young, life is either black or white – it's only when you grow older that you become aware of shades of grey. To my children I am a memory that has possibly been over shadowed by other people's attitudes and prejudices. The only way I can ever hope to counteract that is by telling the truth and that is what I have done. In the meantime, I have found happiness and contentment, and that probably makes me unique and amongst transsexuals, as so few of us have been fortunate enough to achieve fulfilment in every area of our lives. So whilst my driving licence, my bank account and my credit cards were all in the name of Stephanie Anne Lloyd- and whilst I could register myself as Miss Lloyd, Ms Lloyd and even Stephanie Booth on my passport, I am forbidden to use the title 'Mrs' because my marriage to David is not legally recognised in Britain. That, in itself, highlights a ridiculous situation: because I was still legally considered a male so there is nothing to prevent me from marrying another female. On the other hand, if I did, the moment I stepped outside the UK I could theoretically be prosecuted for bigamy as I was legally married to David abroad. A local MP stated during a Granada live TV debate that I 'couldn't be a true woman because I cant have children'. does this mean that all women who are infertile or post –menopausal are not women either? If I can't be a woman 'because I do not have a womb'. does this bar all women who had had hysterectomies from being a women? Of one thing I can be certain, I am most definitely not a man either, so what was I then? A non-person? I was in the vanguard of gender reassignment, (the tabloids insist on calling it a sex-change) so it was still big news & due to the position I had held and the massive publicity around my case, invitations abounded to appear in television shows. I had a phone call from Ruby Wax's researcher and declined fearing her quick wit on a live show would just be a Mickey take". Then I received a call form Ruby herself who invited me to have lunch together lunch which we did and got on like the proverbial "house-on-fire". Like most stars Ruby turned out to be is a really nice ordinary person, we finally agreed that if she wouldn't take the Mickey and I wouldn't call her a lesbian on air which of course she isn't. David was in the audience and seemed afterwards to only remember the piece where 2 scantily clad girls wrestled in a pool of jelly. Kilroy was another live show and owns a home near us in Spain. Richard & Judy, was memorable as not only was it live but encouraged the viewers to ring in with questions most of which were directed towards David. How does a red-blooded heterosexual male end up with someone like me was the underlying commonality to most. His answer was simple " I met her as a beautiful, intelligent and humorous woman, I love her as a woman and I can't even imagine her being anything else and I am proud to be her husband." Needless to say even 30 years later I keep reminding him of this even though at times I must try his patience. One other television appearance would lead me to change my long held view on Capital Punishment. I had always thought that a "life for a life" for pre-meditated murder was a sensible view point. This show again was live but in Belfast, Northern Ireland and the other guest appearing alongside me was Judge James Pickles. Because of his involvement in it's "troubles" he had a personal protection squad so as soon as I presented myself at Manchester Airport I was whisked away to meet him in a private secure area. When everyone else had boarded we were driven out in an armoured car surrounded by gun-toting guards. As soon as we landed we were escorted off of the plane and into the middle of an armed convoy and taken to a hotel which boasted double security fences, guard dogs and armed sentries. 'Do you feel safe now?' the learned judge asked me???? I had been to Northern Ireland many times even staying in the Europa Hotel, which has the unsavoury claim to be the most frequently bombed hotel in the world and found the Irish warm and welcoming but now I was with a High Court Judge who had a price on his head so no I didn't feel safe, I was terrified. As we were the only guests in this floodlit oasis I determined to only drink and eat exactly what he ordered and wait for 5 minutes after he had consumed it just in case it was laced with poison. Judge Pickles turned out to be an entertaining companion and with all the time in which to talk we covered a wide range of subjects. When I bought up the death penalty he said he disagreed with it. what he said profoundly altered my view as he told me that many murderers went free. When a jury was faced with a case in which there was only a choice between guilty which they knew would mean a death sentence, or innocent, they would often go with the latter despite overwhelming evidence. A wise man who changed my view on the death penalty but I still believe that paedophiles should be castrated. The live television show went smoothly despite the number of armed guards strategically placed to shoot anyone, even the presenter. In all I appeared in 68 television shows which allowed me to obtain media coverage for Transformation and The Albany Gender Identity Clinic. Wales drew us like a magnet and instead of just coming down with David on Friday nights I arrived a day before with Sheba and the cats, this progressed with us both wanting to spend more time there so we made it our main residence and David left at 4-30am to spend 2 days in our Manchester offices and I did the same alternately. Eventually I stayed in Wales for 3 weeks out of four as I could do my job using phone and fax to liaise with head office and David would stay in our Manchester home, spending time with Lisa and Dawn in the evenings One morning the receptionist called to say my daughter had rung from New Zealand. I was stunned and rung the number provided to hear after so many years the voice of my baby girl Rebecca (or Becs as she insists on being called) We spoke for over 2 hours during which time I learnt that she had married young to a native New Zealander and moved there to live. She had just left her husband and was seeking a divorce. Apparently she had never received my letter which was intercepted by one of the twins and thought I didn't want her, whilst I had thought the reverse. From then on we were in regular contact and it was not long before she arrived with her new boyfriend and we met in Dublin taking Clare & Dawn with us. We sat in the restaurant of The Gresham Hotel in O'Connell Street just up from The River Liffey (they serve the best tasting Guinness in the world) and over a very long lunch we all got acquainted, thankfully the 3 girls all got on so well and David proudly presided over his ever expanding family. Becs went on to meet another man who she would go on to marry and in the family tradition give birth to beautiful twin girls, Gemma & Amelia. He owns a haulage business and she having qualified as a chartered accountant has built a large practice from scratch. The daughter I had so desperately always wanted is all grown-up and although so far away we keep in regular touch and meet up for a week every other year. Then out-of- the blue my other son Andy made contact and when I spoke to him I knew immediately that something was very badly wrong. He had joined the police force and had made it to sergeant. Stupidly he had gone out with other lads on the force for a drink or three and had returned to the station and driven his car heading home. He never made it because he was stopped by a patrol car, breathalysed, arrested and put in a cell. It sounded the end of his career and he was desperate at the thought of losing his job, house and the respect of his mum and in-laws. Fortunately we were able to offer him a job and he moved home from Devon to Manchester working for us for 10 years until moving on to a an even better job in Liverpool. He too has children with his wife Elaine, one daughter Phoebe and a son named Toby. Just one of the fold missing, Stephen had disappeared after our refusal to fund his girlfriends engagement ring and hasn't ever made contact at all, although I know he married had 2 daughters and has emigrated to Australia. I hope one day that he puts our blood tie before his pride for he will be so warmly welcomed back and I will cook the "fatted calf" to celebrate. When the hardcover version of my autobiography was published in June of 1991 I knew then that, despite all the many problems I had conquered in my life, undoubtedly there would be many more yet to come. The prospect of one major, trial, in particular, had already been looming over me for at least eighteen months prior to publication but, because the matter was subjudice, I was forced to keep my own counsel and not reveal any details about the matter. In case you're wondering why I chose to use the words 'trial' and 'counsel', it's because these two words were particularly relevant at the time. The 'trial' I yet had to face was, quite literally, a court trial, and the counsel was a QC! Before I go any further, however, I first must go back to 19th October 1989, and even beyond that, to tell you why, and how, the events that occurred on that nightmarish day came about. Some time previously, we had decided that, as so many of our competitors were selling videos, we should establish our own film division which would be responsible for writing and producing TV/TS videos under the TMC brand. Meanwhile, as steps were being taken to get this new side of our business off the ground, Raiko received an approach from a distributor of ours who was already taking our books and magazines. "Our distributor tells me he has got a contact called Paul Scott who can supply TV/TS videos" Raiko said. He has offered to send over a sample tape and a list of the films they have available. "What do you think ?" Sounds reasonable I replied. "Why don't you take a look at what he's got and then decide?" A few days later, Raiko came into my office and said. " They're not as good quality as we shall produce, but I think they will do until we get our own.'' Having no particular interest in seeing them for myself, I still haven't seen one to this day as a matter of fact, I told Raiko to go ahead with the deal. Shortly afterwards we quite openly began to advertise and promote the American films. There was nothing underhand about what we were doing. Our name and address was printed on all the promotional literature and we had no reason at all to assume that we were doing anything wrong until we discovered one day that someone had been taking photographs of our Manchester shop. Not surprisingly, with all my past experiences we were more than a little wary of the kind of tricks the tabloids get up to, and because we counted a fair number of rich, famous, and important people amongst our regular customers, we began to feel uneasy. At about the same time the manageress of our London shop reported to us that two suspicious characters had been into her branch one day, and as she had felt rather uncomfortable about their sudden appearance and their behaviour, she had asked one of her assistants to follow them as they left. As the girl had rounded the corner she had seen both men climbing into the back of a police car. Not too happy with these two incidents, I made phone calls to both branches of Bury and Camden CID, to report what had occurred and ask if they knew what was going on. "Look," I said. "If we're under surveillance for any reason, I'd like to know about it. After all, we've always been co operative with you. I then reminded the officer of the occasion when two of their officers had complained about two particular publications (not our own, I hasten to add) that had been on sale at our Birmingham branch, to which we had responded by immediately destroying every single copy from our stock. "No" the officer assured me. "You re not under surveillance. I can only assume that the men who visited your shop must simply have been two officers whiling away their time." "Look" I said, "If there's a problem, for God's sake let me know. If we're selling something that you don't approve of, I'll remove it from the shelves and immediately take it out of our catalogues". But again I was reassured that we definitely were not being watched. Fortunately, I had the sense to make sure that both conversations were taped! When that fateful day, October 19th 1989, dawned David was in Newcastle making a final decision on which of the three sites we had short listed would be right for our new Transformation shop, I was at the office, and Raiko and Clare (my surrogate daughter) were both at our house shooting the very first of our own brand of TMC videos. We had chosen my home as the location in order to save costs. It was all quite innocent, all that was happening at that precise moment was that they were getting ready to film a couple arriving at my front door. Inside the house, Raiko and Clare were still in the middle of setting the lighting for a sequence in which the bell would ring, and the front door would open to reveal the couple standing on the doorstep. Suddenly, the bell rang. "Not yet!" Clare shouted from the inside. "We're not ready. Don't ring the bell yet.'' As she opened the door to tell the couple to go back to their positions and wait a few more moments, she was suddenly confronted with the sight of three male detectives brandishing search warrants. Although we weren't aware of it until much later, we were simultaneously being hit everywhere else. Homes, shops, offices, you name it, and we were being raided by a team of 250 police at every single one of our establishments throughout the country, 80 of which were meantime making their presence felt at our head office. As you will recall, the last time I'd been raided I'd had no clothes on. By sheer coincidence, on this occasion, once again all I was clad in was a pair of knickers. Not that I make a practice of working in so little you understand. It was just that I was planning to take a break at Champneys Health Farm the following week, and in preparation for my stay there, I'd taken the opportunity during a quiet period to have Sandra wax my legs for me. Inspector Wood who was the guy in charge, and his sidekick, Sergeant Ashley who ultimately saw the case through , had obviously been well hyped up before the raid took place, because the whole thing was just like you see on police movies. With policeman bursting through every doorway yelling, "Don't move! Don't touch anything!'' I couldn't help thinking I'm glad the British police aren't armed as I am convinced that if they had been someone could easily have been shot. I wouldn't mind but if it hadn't been serious, it could have been highly comical. Just imagine 80 policeman running around like maniacs, yelling and screaming, while my poor bewildered staff, most of whom are middle aged wives and mothers, stood frozen in their tracks, never having experienced anything like it, and not having a clue as to what was going on. Fortunately they hadn't got to me yet, so by the time my secretary came bursting in, shouting, "We're being raided!" , I'd already been alerted by the commotion, and having had sufficient time to button up my skirt, otherwise I can just imagine what thoughts would have been going through those policemen's heads! "What's this all about?" I demanded, as I entered the main office to be confronted by the officers telling me they had a warrant to search the place. "Well if you don't mind, I'd like a few moments to calm down and reassure my staff" I replied. Then I gathered everyone together in the conference room, and organized strong, sweet coffee and tea for them all, after which I went back downstairs and said to Inspector Wood, "Look, your argument is with me, not my staff, and I would prefer it if you allowed them all to go home". Once everyone but my senior staff and I had been sent home, the police went to turning the whole place upside down. They were determined not to let anything get in their way, and if they came across a locked office, they simply broke the door down. Eventually, after they had filled up ten lorries with around £300,000 million worth of books, magazines, videos, and other stock. They were totally indiscriminate about what they impounded, they even confiscated items that had nothing to do with my part of business, stuff that was to do with David's supermarkets. Afterwards, I discovered that one policeman had said to one of my girls, "When all this is over, you won't have a job because we're going to put you out of business". One of the officers turned to me with an odd look on his face. "All right, then. Where is it?" he demanded. "Where is what ?" I asked, perplexed. "The manuscript" he said. For a moment, I wondered whether the shock of the raid had affected my hearing. Did he really say what I thought I heard? 80 policemen had just stormed my offices. They'd spent five hours taking the entire place apart. They'd confiscated lorry loads of stock, some of which was already packaged and labelled ready to be mailed out to my customers, and most of which was totally innocuous, and this guy was asking "Where's the manuscript?" It didn't take much brainpower to work out what they were referring to. After all, I'd mentioned publicly the fact that I was writing my autobiography several times over the past few years. But what on earth did that have to do with the police? I mean I know there would be a few x-rated scenes in there, but that wasn't a criminal offence, and they hardly warranted police intervention on this scale! But, obviously, someone, somewhere, thought it did warrant such a huge police effort. And to able to instigate such a massive operation, I could only conclude that that someone had to be a very powerful, very influential, and very frightened person indeed! Outwardly cool, but inwardly intrigued, I asked "Why do you want it?" His answer was ... no reply! When they left. And we were left to pick up the pieces and count the cost. Somehow, with most of our records, computer disks, and ledgers missing, we had to find a way to refund all the customers who now would not be receiving their ordered goods. We were forced to draft in PKF, a large firm of accountants, to help us sort out our accounts because so much of our data was missing. The bill for the four months they spent trying to reconstruct our books came to £25,000. We couldn't make our VAT return because all our invoices had been seized. But when we contacted the Customs and Excise to tell them why, we were told that was no excuse! To top it all, shortly afterwards, the police came to us with one of our computer disks that was password protected and asked us to help them read it. Clearly, they thought it contained the manuscript, and, in a way, they were right, because it did contain a version of it, but in trying to break the password they had managed to corrupt it. You didn't have to be an Einstein, or even a detective to figure out that something very strange indeed was going on. None of our competitors who were selling exactly the same videos had been touched. Then there was the tip¬ off we had received via our London shop from the manager of a club which featured lots of MPs amongst its clientele, telling us to be careful because this "was coming from the very top". And, of course there was the odd comment Sergeant Wood had made to me and Clare as we had been watching the last of our goods being loaded into a car. "I have to tell, you, Stephanie" he said, "I'm ashamed to be connected with this case." To be fair, I think many of the lower ranking officers were disgusted at what they saw happening. And I don't for one moment believe the raid had anything to do with deviant, or obscene, material which was the charge that was being levied at us. As I understand it, the argument was that our videos were deviant, because, despite the fact that no act of sexual intercourse featured in them, what they portrayed was transvestism, transsexualism, or female domination, all of which is mostly fantasy anyway. Of course, it's okay for two lesbians to be filmed making love, because men like watching two women making love, and as it's men who make the rules, that's okay. But as soon as it's something that isn't their bag, then it's considered deviant. And the most ridiculous part of it was, the very man who signed our committal papers was the Director of Public Prosecutions who himself got into trouble for kerb crawling and picking up prostitutes around Kings Cross. How hypocritical the law is! The pressure and strain over next year and a half was tremendous. I had several interviews with the police, and as time went on, I noticed that their attitude towards us began to change. Once they got to know us, and our company, and the way we did business, I think they realized that the impression they had been given beforehand was totally different to the reality of what we were and how we worked. At one stage, I even confronted the police with my suspicions, telling them that I believed the 'obscene material' charges were just a smokescreen for someone who had a vested interest in ensuring my autobiography never saw the light of day. And because that person and, to my mind there was only one person who could be behind the raid knew we published our own material and therefore, assumed we would also publish my autobiography. The only way he could prevent its publication (and the revelations he wrongly assumed I would make about him) was to put us out of business. When we finally received the official summonses early in 1991, we were shocked and appalled to learn that a total of 158 charges were being brought against the company, and precisely the same number were being levied individually against Raiko and I. Not knowing who else to contact. and in spite of all the problems I'd experienced with him the last time I'd been in court, I thought that perhaps Ian Burton would be the best person to once again represent me. So I parcelled up all the tape recordings we had made of every phone call we'd had with the police, and every other piece of evidence I could lay my hands on, and sent them of to Ian. And here's where we really get into the realms of the unbelievable, because, would you credit it, somehow, around half of everything I sent to Ian strangely 'disappeared'. His company's excuse? They'd discovered the loss of a number of items after an office Christmas party! I was furious. In fact, I was all for suing them. But you know what solicitors are like about suing members of their own. In the end, we hired a firm called Offenbach's to represent us, and believe me, when you spend the best part of £50,000 on legal advice and representation, including something silly like £8,000 or so a day for the QC, Geoffrey Robertson, and you still end up getting locked up for a year, it makes you realize how greedy & biased the British legal system is. The only thing I can say about this whole experience, is that the only organization I now have any respect for is the prison service as I certainly don't have any respect for solicitors or the police. In fact, I'd be hard pushed to decide which of them are the biggest crooks. I wasn't it all impressed by their performance, in fact, I'd go so far as to say it was downright pathetic. The only people who I believe truly try to do a good job in difficult circumstances are the prison officers, and I can't speak highly enough of them. They were all fabulous to me all the way through. And I say that, without exception, about all of those I met during my time at Risley and at Askham Grange. David, thank goodness, wasn't charged with any offence., and quite rightly too, because he hadn't been involved in the decision to sell those videos. Now, I have to point out, everyone accepts that I had not viewed the tape myself. Everyone also accepts that none of us thought we were doing anything wrong. Likewise, everyone accepts that from the day of the raid, we never sold another uncertified tape. And every single person involved in the case accepts that the whole thing cost our company £300,000. We even hired professional accounts to establish that we only made a nominal profit of something like £7,000 out of them, and that had to be set against the loss of £300,000. So, in the circumstances, you might think that we had already been punished enough, especially as we subsequently had them certified by The British Board of Film Classification and they still on sale albeit as DVD's. Time went by, the hardcover edition of my autobiography came out in June 1991 and received a great deal of media attention. Meanwhile, the political climate changed drastically and the person whom I believe had been so worried about the revelations I would make in my book disappeared for a time from the political scene. Unfortunately for me, by that time this whole affair with the police had taken on a life of its own. At one stage, we were told that prosecuting us had cost the public £250,000, and that was without including the cost of the court case itself. Certainly, as things dragged on and on, we got the feeling that many people especially the police officers, just wished it would all go away. Naturally our initial plea was not guilty. We had hired a man called Guy Cumberbatch, who is acknowledged to be this country's leading expert on pornography to watch the videos and he testified that they were not obscene. "If you are not interested in that subject" he said in court, "you are liable to go to sleep. In my opinion, these certainly would not corrupt anybody at all." So there we were, being prosecuted for selling transvestite and transsexual films, which we now legally sell with an 18 certificate, which means that they could openly be shown in your local cinema and surprise surprise suddenly, something rather strange happened. We were approached with an offer: "Convert your not guilty plea to one of guilty," we were told, "and we will drop 152 of the charges against you and Raiko, and every one of the charges against the company, all you're likely to get is a £500 fine". "This is too good an offer to turn down," my delighted solicitor advised me. to change our plea. What worried us most, was that if we didn't, they might really go for the company, and that's where all the money was. But in the back of my mind, there was a niggling worry: What will happen when we plead guilty? Against our better judgement, Raiko and I were persuaded. to six charges apiece, each of which was brought under the Obscene Publications Act. Now this is very important, the charge was not 'pornography', which is a more serious offence, but 'obscenity'. And the reason they were considered 'Obscene', is because they were supposed to be 'deviant'. Prior to our own trial our supplier, Paul Scott, who also happened to have supplied the same videos to eleven other companies, and sold them direct to the public, was convicted of his twenty seventh offence of illegally importing obscene material into the country. His sentence? Six months imprisonment. "Don't worry,'' we were advised. ''In previous cases of this nature, where it's been a first conviction, the maximum penalty imposed has been a £500 fine. You won't get more than that." But I was worried. In fact I was very worried indeed, because I was absolutely convinced that when I left that court, I would be on my way to prison. Nobody believed me. Not David. Not Raiko. And not Clare They all thought I was exaggerating. Especially as even the police had said I wouldn't go down. But something inside me kept warning me otherwise, and just before the trial I gathered all my staff together and told them what I felt. "Everyone tells me that this is not that serious" I told them. "So, because it's not that serious, we will either get a slap on the wrist, or ...." I paused before continuing, "...or, this offer is a trick to get me to plead guilty, because a guilty plea puts me at the mercy of the courts." I am not particularly superstitious, but something kept nagging away at me. Somehow, I couldn't see anything beyond that trial. That's why I had taken Clare, whom I had now 'adopted' as my daughter, to New York, so that we could have a week's holiday together seeing all the sights and doing all the touristy things one is supposed to do. I'd made Clare take lots of photographs, and asked her to get together a whole collection of these and others. So that I can take them inside with me I explained. "Don't be silly," she kept saying, "You're not going anywhere". But I felt that I was. The hearing was set for ten in the morning, but we didn't get called in until 11.30 AM. Within a few minutes, the judge said that he had to go off to hear a jury in another court room, so the hearing was abandoned for a while. When he returned he adjourned till after lunch. I couldn't understand what was going on. Off we all went to a pub across the road for a sandwich lunch, and then Dawn, David's daughter turned up, so I give her a big hug before we went back into the court, and told Clare to look after everything for me until returned. And back we went. The judgement didn't take long as we had both pleaded guilty but the prosecution summed up their case by saying: "And we would remind you, your honour that these six are just sample charges of the 158 that are being brought against these people." To say I was shocked and appalled is an understatement. "The bastards!" I kept repeating to myself over and over again, all the time thinking, Stephanie you were right it was just one very big con trick. Then Judge Carter spoke looking straight at Raiko & me, he said, "I'm going to make an example of you." Oh hell! I thought. Here it comes and it doesn't sound like justice. "I am sentencing you both to twelve months in prison, a £6,000 fine apiece and ordering that all material seized (all £300,000 worth) shall be destroyed. Now, if I had just received a severe fine, or a suspended sentence, people might have thought I deserved it and nobody would have had any sympathy for me. As it was, everybody was totally stunned. This was a harsher sentence than people had got for killing someone when under the influence of drink or rape. Even the prison officer who took me down (who just happened to be the father of a girl who once was PA to me), said: ''I don't believe I am taking you down for this. In this very dock, there's a twenty nine year old guy who raped a nine year old girl, and all he got was a suspended sentence. And a guy who was tried for killing his girlfriend has just got a two year suspended sentence. it just doesn't make any sense at all. It's stupid. It just makes a nonsense out of everything." Even the famous Judge Pickles, whom I once had the pleasure of meeting, headlined his column in The Sun newspaper with the words, "Free Steph now!" In the UK you do not pass 'GO', you do not collect £200 you go straight down to the cells until the last case in heard. The filth and squalor of the cells beneath the court was a stark contrast to the splendour of the courtroom above. There were dirty lavatories, all with their seats missing, and there wasn't a toilet roll to be seen anywhere. To be fair, the prison officers, who obviously felt rather sorry for me, treated me very kindly. They didn't lock me up in a cell, and they made me a cup of strong, sweet tea. But they did take my jewellery, my handbag, and all my possessions away from me. I was allowed to see join Raiko briefly in a room where we were seated behind a glass panel through which we looked at David, Clare and our solicitor, all of whom appeared to be in shock. ''Raiko," I said, "this is the time when we have to be brave because everyone else is going to be absolutely devastated by this.'' For the first time in all the years I've known him, David broke down and wept. Clare was distraught, and as for poor Raiko's parents, well nobody but me had anticipated this! And although I did have a previous conviction for 'keeping a bawdy house' poor Raiko had no previous record whatsoever, so no one could believe what had just occurred. But Raiko was very brave, and although I could see he was choked up, he didn't break down once throughout our emotional parting. When I arrived at Risley, I made an attempt at being flippant and humorous, saying to the officers who greeted me, "I bet you had a shock when you heard the news, didn't you?" never dreaming how very revealing their response would be. "No", they said. "We knew you were coming this morning". That struck me as very strange, as the case didn't even start until the afternoon! The words 'British' and 'Justice' should not be allowed in the same sentence, making an example of someone instead of consistent sentencing makes a mockery of the evenly balanced scales that hang over the Law Courts. Well, now they'd finally got me, it would be interesting to see what they would do with me. After all, if, legally I was still considered to be male, then by rights I ought to be in locked up with other men. On the other hand, however, as I obviously looked and functioned just like any other female, (minus the periods) the potential consequences of such a step didn't bear thinking about. So, in this particular (curious) circumstance, they did the only thing they felt they could do: they put me in a single cell in the psychiatric wing home to all the psychopaths and mentally ill prisoners. That's when I discovered for myself why and how Risley earned its nickname 'Grisly' Risley. Everything that could be used for self-harm was removed including my under wired bra. If I hadn't already been in shock, conditions in that psychiatric wing would have been enough to put me there. As it was, the horror that had swamped me when my sentence, had been passed, was compounded ten fold by everything I witnessed in the few days I spent in that awful establishment while the authorities debated my eventual destination. To try and paint a picture of what Risley was like is virtually impossible. No one who hasn't experienced for themselves the awful degradation of the place can possibly imagine what it could be like. The only adequate description I can offer is that it must be similar to what one imagines a prison in the third world to be like even the officers referred to it as the cess pit! I was led through a seemingly endless number of locked doors until we arrived in the basement psychiatric holding cell block. The cells were infested with cockroaches. I was placed in a single cell with just a dirty mattress on the concrete floor and a couple of army blankets. There was a plastic bowl for a toilet, no lid or toilet roll. Many of the women held in adjacent cells had serious mental and were dressed in only paper clothes for their own safety. Meals were supplied served on paper plates and in our cells and apart from an hour in the exercise yard where we had to walk round in circles without talking we were locked up for 23 hours a day. When we'd finished eating, plastic knives and fork were passed back through the grille, We weren't even allowed to see a magazine until every staple had been removed because, I was told, prisoners had used staples either to gouge out the eyes of their warders, or to slash their own wrists. The only reason mental prisoners are kept in these conditions was that the government shut down most of the mental hospitals with their large grounds for house building and we call ourselves an advanced caring society I couldn't believe that such conditions could possibly exist in this country, and I still don't believe that anything can justify treating human beings like that. Even the prison warders were disgusted that I should be held in such conditions and ultimately it was only due to their lobbying on my behalf that I was moved three days later to Askham Grange Open Prison at York where in comparison, it was like moving from hell to heaven. I set off with 2 other girls in a prison vehicle to cross the Pennines and eventually to Askham Grange. The prison officers there treated every inmate equally, and my admiration and respect for them is immense. Sometimes they were provoked beyond endurance by girls who would insult them, and spit and swear at them, but their patience was boundless. They knew they couldn't touch or retaliate in any way and, to their credit, they never once tried. The only recourse they resorted to when someone was behaving particularly obnoxiously was to put them into a secure unit that contained just three or four cells. As a newbie I was assigned to cleaning all of the toilets for my first 2 weeks of incarceration but then was permanently designated in reception. My duties under supervision was to process incoming prisoners belongings, you were allowed two outfits at anyone time but the other were itemised and stored until you wished to rotate them. Saturday was cleaning day, with an officer first inspecting your bed and storage locker and then we mopped, polished and dusted every inch of the building. Unlike men's prisons, the women at Askham were allowed to wear their own clothes. We were totally on trust. There were no bars, doors weren't locked the building itself was lovely, and the gates weren't manned, so if someone really wanted to, they could just walk out and they did. On average, we lost one a week, sometimes more. But if you did go AWOL, once you were caught you'd be locked up and moved to a closed prison. There was no getting away from it, it was still a prison, because prison means loosing your freedom, not being able to do what you want when you want, and if you're two minutes late for a meal, you'd be on report. Everything was rules and orders, and we had no choice but to do as we were told. For anyone who thinks going to prison is too soft an option all I can say is just try it yourself. If I'd thought during my short time at Risley that being locked up in a little cell wasn't a good thing, sharing a dormitory with eight other women at Askham helped change my mind. You are at least from other prisoners in your own cell but in a dormitory you witness bullying. As soon as lights out at 10pm the drugs and alcohol came out. They make alcohol using potato peelings on the roof and drugs were hidden in bed frames and other ingenious places. Drugs were thrown over the prison walls by partners none of us could get away from it. This was despite Methadone being handed out every night by the pharmacy. Out of 86 prisoners there were just 8 of us who didn't use drugs Then there were the lesbians, one butch one in particular, who became jealous when her 'girlfriend' wanted to talk to me. Having newspapers in the prison library they all knew what you were 'banged up' for. I had heard that people who are famous, and those who are sexually different have a hard time in prison. And if you happen to be both, then God help you, so obviously I had anticipated that I'd experience one or two problems. That did turn out to be the case, at least in the beginning but I was big and strong enough to defend myself and as a paedophile arrived with me it was her that attracted the real venomous treatment. No-one was allowed to speak to her and the things they put in her drinks and food was unbelievable. Raiko later confirmed to me that apart from child molesters (who were kept in isolation for their own safety) male prisoners tend to band together in a 'you and me against the screws' attitude. If they happen to fall out, they simply bop one another and that quick punch resolves the issue. But women aren't like that. Firstly, women are very, very bitchy, and they don't club together but form tight little cliques instead. And secondly, they're unpredictable. Instead of issues being resolved with a quick punch up out in the open, there would be strange.incidents, prisoners suddenly appearing with bandages on their arms, saying they'd been scalded accidentally, and other suspicious injuries. I didn't like the way Y0s (young offenders) behaved, most of them off them off their heads with drugs. The 'lifers' who were serving the last 2 years of their sentences for killing abusive partners were amongst some of the nicest people I was incarcerated with I suppose that was probably because they'd been inside for a long time, and now they were coming to the end of their sentences, they'd learned a lot. They all helped each other out and looked after each other, whereas many of the younger ones were simply wild. Drugs were everywhere. Visitors brought them in, the girls brought them back with them whenever they'd been out, the place was full of drugs. And because the staff weren't allowed to search anyone internally, it was ridiculously easy to hide them. All they had to do was wrap them up in cling film and put the stuff inside their bodies. On my first night, after lights out, everybody in my dorm lit up, just inhaling the dense smoke made me high, and the next day I woke up with the biggest headache I've ever had. I wouldn't touch them myself, I kept a diary the whole time I was there, and one of the ringleaders a girl called Karen Searle was always trying to get a peek at what I was writing, so I made sure I always wrote something nice about her, and then crossed it out afterwards, you learn to be devious for your own protection. There were only two people I really had a problem with, well, three really, but the third one was different. One was Karen Searle, the other was Wendy Bull. The other lady, Maggie Chapman, had done about fourteen years for beating her husband to death with a spade after coming home one night to find him dressing up in her clothes! As you can imagine, knowing my history, and the business I was involved in, Maggie wasn't inclined to be friendly to me. I had been detailed to run the library which was open in the evenings and whenever she'd come in I'd be nice to her. One day she said, "Why are you always so bloody nice to me?" " Well, actually, I don't think I've treated you any different to anyone else,'' I said. "But that's the point," Maggie said. "I've been so bloody foul to you, and you've still been nice.'' "Look, Maggie," I explained. "I know what you're in for, and I can imagine how you must feel about me. If the situation was reversed, I'd probably see it as blatant provocation so I know how difficult it must be for you to have me here, and I can appreciate what you must be going through." She didn't say a word. But the next time she came in she said, "You know, I've never had any regrets about what I did because I always thought men who dressed up in women's clothes were bloody queers, but now I've met you, and you seem so normal." So I explained to Maggie what most of our customers are like, and how the majority of them are just nice ordinary, happily married, heterosexual guys who, while devoted to their wives and kids, just feel a need to dress in woman's clothes occasionally. After that, I had no more problems with Maggie, and we managed to get on pretty well. Although I tried to make the best of things during my time at Askham, and did, in fact, become good friends with some of the women in there, the first four weeks were definitely the worst. Now, I firmly believe that if you want to use prison as a deterrent, you should lock people up for two weeks and then let go, because after the third or fourth week, you do begin to become acclimatised and institutionalised. If I'd been locked up for a fortnight and then released, I would have thought, there's no way I could ever go back there because I was simply terrified. But after a month of learning the system, and how to cope, it no longer holds any terror for me. Visiting day (Sunday) was one of the worst things of all. I found it so hard to cope with seeing all my loved ones and friends for an hour and a half and then having to watch them walk away and leave me in there. That, more than anything, nearly destroyed me, and I missed my animals dreadfully one day, after my best friends, Sheila and Kevin had travelled all the way from West Sussex to York see me, I broke down and told David I didn't want any more visitors, including him. Of course, he totally ignored my wishes, and so did Clare. One day the Governor called me into his office. ''Stephanie, " he said. "You are allowed one meeting per sentence to put all your business affairs into order, so I suggest you think long and hard about when you want it. Naturally, we would prefer it if you were to hold any meetings here, but if that's impossible then we'll issue a one day pass." I didn't think my bank, Natwest would be too impressed with having to attend a business meeting inside jail, particularly with the by now famous Blue Arrow trial still going on, so they agreed to issue a pass and David duly arrived to take me over to Manchester. We had the meeting and ate lunch at a local Italian restaurant only for The Manchester Evening News to run the front page headline "Sex-change Jailbird let out to Party" The prison had several phones calls informing that I had "escaped" They had some very odd rules at Askham. For example, we were allowed out one day a month to go into town, or anywhere within a twenty five mile radius. But someone had to collect us, and they had to park their car right outside the door so that the warders could see you getting into the car. But when we were allowed out on our one day to settle business matters, the car was banned from coming into the grounds, and the staff had to accompany us all the way down the drive to where it was parked outside. I never could work out the reasoning behind that rule. I volunteered for everything going so on a Tuesday I went in the prison minibus with a few other prisoners and worked with youngsters with mental problems to help them via play, exercise and sports. One evening I went to Leeds to swim with the physically disabled while the pool was closed to the public. Getting dressed after one such session a 'posh' lady who was changing before swimming asked if I was new to the area "Yes" I stated. "Where do you live?" she enquired. "I am a prisoner at Askham Grange I replied. The look on her face was pure horror. After a while, I was encouraged to apply for a place in the hostel (which was like a halfway house between prison and the outside) within the grounds. The hostel idea was conceived to help people get acclimatized to living on the outside. A lot of prisoners. are people who simply don't know how to manage. They can't handle their own finances, very well and they're not very good at organizing their lives. Because of that, they often end up in some kind of trouble because they get into debt and resort to shoplifting as a way out, which, of course, it never is. It's a good idea, and one that the prison service are trying hard to foster and expand. The criteria applying to hostel applicants was that you had to have been given a minimum sentence of eighteen months, and be within six months of the end of it. However, because they were running short of candidates, they reduced the minimum sentence requirement to twelve months which meant that I became eligible. Everyone who lived in the hostel had to have either a day or evening job outside, which, of course, had to be approved by the prison, and which you were given only four weeks to find. Most of the girls ended up in a local sack factory, but I had higher hopes. After all, I had considerable marketing experience behind me which, I felt, many company would appreciate getting on the cheap. If you were successful in getting and keeping a job, after four weeks at the hostel you would be allowed to go home at weekends. So I applied for the hostel, and duly sat my interview in front of the selection board which included prison officers, and a prison visitor. One of the standard questions they asked was why we wanted to live at the hostel, to which the usual reply would be: so that you could get a job and save up some money. However, everyone knew that I didn't really need the money, so I simply said that I thought it would help me lead a more normal life, and that my main objective was to have an opportunity to go home at weekends to see my animals and my family. I fortunately got the place. David came over every day for a week to take me job hunting. Our first stop was the local job centre, which proved to be a complete waste of time because, obviously, they considered me to be 'unsuitable' for most jobs they had on their books. In the end I got so desperate, I said to them "Look, I can hardly apply for a job that would suit my experience and qualifications, because I'm not going to be in prison for much longer, so I don't mind what I do, I'll scrub floors, anything, just so long as it's work." After a whole week of that I was so frustrated, I asked David to call up every contact he had to find someone who was willing to employ me in York. Eventually, one of his friends said he had a brother who ran a pub in York who was willing to take me on. So back I went to prison, and told them I had a job. "What's the name of the pub?'' they asked. "Well, actually, it's, a hotel" I said. "Which one?" I gave them the name. "Oh, well don't think you'll be allowed to work there." "Why ever not?" ''It's a well known hotel for gays.'' Christ! I thought. I can just imagine what a field day the press would have had with that! Since I had been inside, the press had spent a lot of time hanging about at the gates, trying to bribe anyone they could (which, under the circumstances, wasn't difficult) to give them a story about me. In the event, their attempts to cook up something, anything, were really laughable. The Sun Newspaper even had the cheek to send a fax to the Governor's office with a list of questions they wanted answers to. When the Governor called me in to his office and showed them to me I was totally nonplussed. This is what 'they asked: Is it true that Stephanie Anne Lloyd had an affair with an officer? Is it true that the officer concerned has now been suspended? Is it true that Stephanie has now 'been moved to a hostel as punishment? Well, for a start, being offered a place at the hostel was a privilege, not a punishment. And as for having an affair with an officer, there were hardly any male officers at Askham. "The only male I've spoken to has been you," I said to the Governor. "No, Stephanie," he replied, coughing delicately. "I think they mean, have you had an affair with an officer in a skirt!" It didn't take much to figure out that because I had got on reasonably well with one of the officers, who just happened to be a lesbian, and who just happened to have now gone away on holiday, they'd put those two facts (which they must have got from one of the prisoners) together, added them to the information about my move to the hostel, and in typical Sun newspaper style, thought they'd got a story. "If we don't make an official response denying these allegations," the Governor said, "I suspect they'll run them anyway and just print a line saying something like, 'the prison have refused to comment". Thank goodness the Home Office took the unprecedented step of issuing an official denial, otherwise all sorts of lies could have been printed about me, at a time when it would have been difficult for me to defend myself. There also was another reason why I didn't particularly want the newspapers nosing around. One of the friends I had made at Askham happened to be none other than Baroness Cecilia de Stempal, the subject of a book called, Blood Money which had recently been published amidst a flurry of publicity and the last thing either of us needed was to have the press making all sorts of sleazy, untrue allegations about a perfectly ordinary, innocent friendship. When people ask me now what life in prison was like, I find it very difficult to answer them. How can you possibly make someone understand something they never have and probably never will experience for themselves? The emotions I experienced, the pain, the fear, the indignity, the horror, the loneliness, and the sheer hopelessness I felt are not something that can be conveyed adequately or easily in words, and, to be honest, now that it is behind me, all I want to do is bury that period of my past and simply look to the future. But there are moments, such as now, when I am forced to remember and relive the experience, and the tears and the pain are as fresh as if it were yesterday. There is a saying that goes, 'If I hadn't laughed I would have cried' . I did both. Though private moments were scarce, I shed many, many tears. But, in public, I kept my sense of humour. The frustrations were immense, and many of the rules and situations I encountered so ludicrous, that the 'only way to cope with them was to laugh at them. For example, we were allowed to have personal walkman radios, but we weren't allowed Duracell batteries because, I was told, you could make bombs out of them! Ryvita crisp breads were banned because, apparently, you could grow a culture on them which, if added to a bucket of potato or apple peelings could be converted into alcohol. As someone who was used to running a business, I found it frustrating not being able to use my marketing and organizational talents, so I channelled my energies into re-organizing many of the prison systems. In my job as reception orderly I changed the way prisoners property was recorded. I redesigning the sheets and sending them out to Clare to be reset on our office DTP, and I completely re-organized the OPA rooms where clothes were stored and issued to women who had no decent clothes of their own. I threw out about fifteen sacks of clothes that were stained or torn, and instituted a system whereby, instead of them just being issued willy nilly without regard for size, colour, or fit, the women were allowed to come down and select their own. By the time I had finished the OPA room had been christened Miss Selfridge. But one of the funniest, and the most ironical, things that happened was when the prison put on a fashion show by the inmates for the public and press. The show was video taped, and they wanted to duplicate copies and sell them to prisoners who had taken part for £7.50. Now, bearing in mind that the reason I'd been imprisoned in the first place was for selling uncertified films (albeit ones that were considered to be obscene), and here I was being asked, by the prison officers, to take part in what essentially was a criminal act. "I can't be a party to this," I protested. "Why ever not?" they asked. "Because you are about to sell an uncertified video, and that's precisely what I am in this prison for. Can you imagine what will be made of this if it comes out? If you sell an uncertified video from inside a jail in which I also happen to be serving a sentence, everyone will, think I have had something to do with it. I've a good mind to telephone the British Board of Film Censors, and report you all." "But Stephanie," one of the officers said, "it's only a video of the fashion show.'' "I don't care!" I cried, trying hard to keep my face straight. "It doesn't make any difference what video it is. It could be a wedding video, for all the difference it makes. The fact is, if you duplicate it, and then sell it. it has to be certified. And if it isn't, could be fined £20,000 and all be sent to Jail!" The knowledge that they could have sold that video quite innocently, and yet totally illegally, made them realize the point I had been making all along: because if prison officers could unwittingly break the law, then obviously anyone else could do the same too! On Friday, 1st February, 1992 the Principal Officer, Miss Winspear, informed me that a date for my appeal hearing had finally been set it would take place the following Monday at the Central Court of Appeal in London. The procedure laid down for appeals was that every prisoner had to pack up all their belongings and take them to the Appeal Court with them so that if they won their appeal they could be immediately released. David and Clare were informed, and Sheila and Kevin, too. Immediately, they went into action making phone calls and organizing things so that if Raiko and, I were released we could be whisked home with the minimum amount of fuss and publicity. I was so excited, I could hardly contain myself as I said my goodbyes to the friends I had made in the main building and at the hostel. When I took what I fervently prayed was my final leave of Miss Winspear, she stunned and pleased me by saying, ''Stephanie, I can honestly say we have never had a more inspirational prisoner here at Askham Grange". Once again, my inner feelings and intuition were totally at odds with everyone else's on that occasion I had been the only one .who believed Raiko and I would be imprisoned, and on this occasion, I was the only one who was confident we would be freed. When I left Askham the following Monday morning in company with the escorting officer, Mrs. Walker, I felt a profound sense of relief. Whilst I was sure I would be freed, part of me could hardly believe that I would soon be back at home with David, Clare, all my beloved animals, and my family and friends. When we arrived at the Central Appeal Court, I was immediately locked up in a downstairs cell. Just before the hearing began, I was taken up a flight of stairs that lead directly into the dock and, to my joy, there was Raiko. It was the first time I had seen him in over 3 months, and immediately I could tell that prison had been a harrowing experience for him. One look at his face confirmed that there really is such a thing as a 'prison pallor', and my heart went out to him. I couldn't help myself, I just threw my arms around Raiko and hugged him for what seemed like a long, long time, and throughout the entire hearing I clung on so tightly to his hands with both of mine, that my nails left deep marks in his skin. I was so nervous and excited I hardly heard what our QC was saying to the three judges who were hearing our appeal. But when one of them stopped him in mid-flow and leaned forward to intervene, my heart jumped into my mouth. "Mr. Robertson," he began. "We have heard enough. We have considered this matter very carefully, and we are of the unanimous opinion that...." then he introduced one of his 'learned colleagues', who commenced reading out a statement which ran to six whole pages which listed six main reasons why they felt our sentence had, not only been unreasonable but "entirely inappropriate". And when he actually said the wonderful words. "We commute the sentence to time served, so you are now free to go", I could have jumped for joy. Instead, I, wept tears of joy and relief; joy at finally being free, and also at what I considered to be our vindication, and relief. The irony was, though we had been declared free, we were immediately taken back downstairs and once again locked up in a cell while our release papers were put in order and signed. The moment that was done, however, the 'escape' plan that David, Sheila and Kevin had worked so hard to organize was put into action. Three of Raiko's sisters who had travelled to London for the Appeal whisked him away, while Kevin and Sheila rushed me into a taxi which was waiting to take me straight to Heathrow where, in order to avoid the prying cameras of the pressmen who had seen me being issued with a travel warrant for the train journey from Euston, they had booked me a seat in a fictitious name on a shuttle to Manchester. I walked off the plane and straight into David's waiting arms. I was so choked up. I could hardly speak, so we just sat in the Daimler which was parked on double yellow lines, and held each other for a full five minutes. We had so much to talk about, and there was so very much I desperately wanted and planned to say, but now that the moment was finally here, the only thing that seemed important was to tell David how very much I loved him. The moment we got home, after greeting all our animals, the first thing I did was take a long relaxing soak in a steaming hot bath. I didn't want to talk to anyone, and I consistently refused every request for an interview. All I wanted right then was to recuperate at home, and try to put those awful months in prison behind me. Later that week, I ordered the office to be closed at lunchtime and David, Raiko and I took every member of our head office staff out for a meal to thank them for all their support, and for keeping everything running so smoothly in our absence. Then Raiko and I went off for a week to get ourselves back into physical and mental shape at Henlow Grange health farm. We exercised, we swam, we went for long walks in the fresh air, had several sessions on the sunbeds, and plenty of massages, and generally relaxed and recuperated after our ordeal. And throughout it all, we never stopped talking. My head was brimming with plans, decisions, and new ideas, and one, in particular, needed a great deal of organization before it could take effect. Soon after our return, I scheduled a series of meetings with all our senior staff, at which I broke the news to them that I had decided to relocate permanently. "I'm going to live full time in Wales," I announced. "From now on, I will concentrate most of my energies on doing what I am best at: marketing, development, and implementing all the new ideas and changes I have been planning while I have been away." That accomplished, David, Kevin, Sheila and myself went off on holiday to Goa in India, so that we could all spend some much needed time together, and to enable me to complete my recovery. Over the following months we accomplished an enormous amount. We developed and expanded our information telephone lines and automatic credit card clearance system completely revamped our mail order operation and opened more shops with 2 in Ireland and 2 in Germany. We redesigned our entire clothing and underwear ranges, put together a massive new advertising campaign for our shops, axed some of our publications, and introduced new ones at the rate of two per month. Our video production company, which had already completed the production of 12 films by the time our case finally got to court, had by now released 36 titles to date all I must stress had been passed by The Film Classification board and awarded 15 certification!!!!! The move to living full time and working from our home in Wales benefited me enormously. I love the peace and tranquillity of our beautiful surroundings, and our property, which we have enlarged by acquiring a further 50 acres, became more zoo like every day as I started to take in rescue animals. Our family of animals has now grown to number fifteen. For my last birthday, I received Boo Boo, a beautiful little chow-chow, and Honey a chubby Labrador. I still had my lovely Sheba, of course and my cat family has become extended with the addition of Katie, who shared life with me at the hostel at Askham, and Nicki, who is the offspring of one, of my former prison officers. And we now have thirty peacocks, goats, pigs, sheep, llamas as well to share our land, our home and our life, with an eventual total of 300 rescue animals plus I did voluntary work at our local Riding Centre for the Disabled one day a week which I found rewarding. My love for animals, and my appreciation of their immense loyalty, grew daily and having to 'muck out' the stables certainly keeps away any illusion of grandeur. But if I had thought that my release from prison, my decision to step back a little from the business, and my move to Wales signalled, if not the end, then at least a long respite, in the chain of bizarre adventures and odd events that have constituted my life so far, I have since been proved to be sadly over optimistic. For I can now reveal another strange event that befell me. Not long after my release, and only a few days after returning from India, we received a letter at our head Prestwich head office. It contained a threat to burn down our premises if a ransom of £150,000 was not paid. At first, we took it to be an empty threat; the kind of thing that occasionally happens to high profile people and companies at the hands of cranks. But because of our insurance, we thought we should at least hand the letter over to the police, and they took it very seriously indeed. Shortly afterwards, when the original deadline for coughing up with the cash had expired, we received a second letter, only this time the threat had been increased to include a threat on my life, and a strong warning not to contact the police as their wavebands were being monitored. A third letter gave us notice to obtain the cash within a few days, and then came the fourth and final communication, containing the date, time (between 2 and 10 pm), and a map detailing precise instructions as to how to get to the venue, which was on the other side of the Tyne Tunnel north of Newcastle, near a large roundabout which was surrounded by flat, open land. And, yes, you've guessed it, the person they had chosen to make the drop was ... me! "You don't have to do this, Stephanie," the police told me. "After all there is no doubt 'that there's more than an element of danger here." Despite their protests, and their warnings, however, I insisted on going ahead. Firstly, because it was my business and my life that was being threatened. Secondly, because it my staff were in danger. And thirdly, because I wanted to see the criminals caught. When the big day arrived, three senior officers arrived in unmarked cars at our Prestwich office, carrying a blue holdall which contained £150,000 in cash and a concealed tracking device. With me at the wheel of our Daimler, David beside me, and a WPC crouched down on the floor in back, we drove off, with the unmarked cars following a discreet distance behind, to a rendezvous point at Washington Services where officers from the Northern Regional crime squad were waiting with a clutch of colour photographs of the spot where the money was to be dropped off. As we left the service station, I couldn't help noticing that there were an awful lot of people just sitting in their cars seemingly, idling their day away at the service station. When I turned to David to comment on the fact, the police woman accompanying us gave me a funny look and said, "Stephanie, they are all undercover police." I couldn't believe it. The police had deployed at least 25 cars, and a helicopter, which was conducting perimeter surveillance of an area which had a three mile radius around the road leading to the drop off point. As we pulled out of the service area, with David now behind the wheel, and me apparently map reading, my nerves were so keyed up it was just as well my map reading was only for effect in case we were being watched, and that another local WPC was hiding on the floor in back directing us, otherwise goodness knows where we would have ended up. When we arrived at the designated drop off point, David parked the car and handed me the holdall containing the money. Outwardly calm and composed, but inwardly shaking, I climbed out of the car and, clutching the holdall tightly in my hand, began what felt like a mile long trek across the open land towards the log by which we had been instructed to leave the cash. The temptation to look around to see if I could spot anyone watching me from a distance proved almost too great to resist, but I knew I mustn't give in to it. When I had made the drop, I felt like running all the way back to David, the car and safety, and I had to fight hard to control both the impulse and my pace. But eventually, I was there, and as I collapsed into the front seat, I felt myself go weak with relief. Phew! I said. "That has got to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life." From the back, where the WPC still crouched on the floor, a voice which was full of sympathy agreed: "That walk must have been absolutely nerve wracking.'' "Oh no it wasn't the walk, that was hard," I said. "It was having to leave that bag with £150,000 in it. What a waste!" Following the police's instructions, we then drove off until we were then contacted again and advised that, as they were now certain we were not being followed we should proceed straight to the nearest police station. Fifteen minutes after our arrival there, we received the news that two men had been apprehended and David and I were now free to return to Manchester. We later learned that the criminals had made their pick up almost immediately, and following a high speed chase had been caught. The men were duly charged with extortion and conspiracy to murder, bailed, and remanded to appear before Bury Magistrate's Court at a later date for referral to Crown Court. "Don't worry, Stephanie," the police said, "these men are professionals, and they will get at least seven years for this." Well, surprise, surprise. Not only did those two men not get seven years, they didn't even get a rap over the knuckles! Because when their case finally came to court, it was thrown out due to 'lack of evidence'! And as if that wasn't bad enough, after all I had been through, the police didn't have the courtesy to tell me themselves, because the first I heard about it was when a reporter rang me to ask what I thought about the charges being thrown out! Frankly, I was so stunned, and so disgusted by the whole affair, that my first reaction was: "Why am I not surprised?" "Can I quote you on that?" the reporter asked, which was nice of him, considering that I've never been asked permission for all the fictitious quotes and made up stories they had previously printed about me. "You can, indeed," I replied. "And what's more you can also say that I think it's a total travesty. As far as I'm concerned the words 'British' and 'justice' are mutually exclusive." To think that I have been hounded for far less, and these guys actually got off! My faith in British law and justice is now so low, that if a policeman said good morning to me, I'd feel compelled to go outside and check. So, whoever was behind the attempt to extort money from me, is obviously still at large. As far as those two men are concerned, I think they were merely hired to do a job for somebody else. I also believe that whoever was behind the plot and I have good reason to believe I know their identity still has not finished with me. Because only two weeks ago, a call was received at our Newcastle shop from a man who identified himself as Chief Inspector Brodie, asking for my home telephone number and address. Naturally, my staff treat any such request with extreme caution, and so they refused, suggesting instead that 'Chief Inspector Brodie' ring our new Bristol shop and speak to Raiko. According to Raiko, the 'Chief Inspector' told him that they had arrested a transvestite called Sarah in Glasgow for a serious offence. Apparently, Sarah had told them that she was a patient at the Albany Gender Identity Clinic, and that if they got in touch with me I would personally vouch for her. Having good reason to be suspicious, Raiko told the 'Chief Inspector' that he couldn't give him my number, but if he was prepared to give Raiko his, it would be passed on to me immediately and I would contact him. "it seems a bit strange to me, Stephanie," Raiko said to me on the telephone. "I mean, firstly, it's a Saturday. And secondly, why would a Chief Inspector involve himself personally in a small case like this? Wouldn't he be more likely to delegate the donkey work to one of his subordinates?" Like Raiko, I too was somewhat baffled. And when I dialled the number the Chief Inspector had given him, got the number unobtainable tone, and then discovered through our own Telecom Company that the line was unallocated, my uneasiness grew. I immediately phoned Glasgow police headquarters who promised they would look into the matter and get back to me shortly. Twenty minutes later, a senior officer called back to inform me that the number I had been given did hot resemble any police line in their area. "I think you ought to inform Newcastle police," the officer advised. And also your local police station, because if anything happens locally, they will be the ones to conduct any investigation." The police subsequently had our names changed on the electoral register to frustrate anyone from locating my new Welsh address. Eventually it was traced back to the original blackmailers so they were arrested (one was an ex-copper) and retried but once again walked free. From that day to this personal protection whenever needed is hired from the private sector. Meanwhile we expanded into the manufacture, wholesaling and retail supply of herbal remedies. We bought our "Herbs of Grace" but after becoming the leading supplier I fell out with the then Medicines Control Agency" who refused to let us make any claims as to the efficacy of our products despite thousands of years of use. In frustration we disposed of the entire business as legislation constantly moving the goalposts I did not have patience with. After receiving an offer for 50% of our supermarkets at a silly price we sold and licensed the remainder leaving us with cash looking for a business investment. The answer when it came was purely coincidental. We used to hold directors meetings at Bodidris Hall as there was never anyone there. Owned by a wealthy American who published America's leading shooting magazine who had bought it as a destination to bring his valued clients. During his 7 years of ownership it had racked up losses of £750,000. Whilst there one day, Ken the manager mentioned that Bill Farden was flying in that very evening and intended to put it up for sale. As a throwaway remark I said "If he's serious get him to ring me" At 10 minutes past 10 the very same evening he did and we arranged to meet over breakfast the following morning. Over a full Welsh breakfast (think English and then add some) we agreed the sale with a shake of hands. I had bought a loss making hotel that had made a rich American less so and had bankrupted the previous owners. With £750k of accumulated tax losses it was a sound reason to buy but I then fell in love with it and personally oversaw the complete £250,000 refurbishment, upgrading the 9 suites and creating a romantic candlelit wedding chapel. After huge losses year one, we broke-even year 2 and from on it yielded £150,000 of profits annually as it's popularity as a wedding venue grew. David and I returning from a long day in Manchester used to stop for dinner at The Plough Inn, Llandegla operated by John Dook and his partner, now his wife Wendy. The atmosphere was great especially close to the log fire and served good food. They eventually moved on and a succession of tenants offering only "ping" food followed. Eventually it closed and we were tempted to take it on. We commenced on a major refurbishment including a new kitchen, new toilets. During these long winter days we had put a small notice out stating 'Closed for refurbishment - reopens February" Call us naive but on a cold, wet evening on Llandegla moors we expected for a brave few souls to turn up. How wrong we were!!! 120 people came and not fully understanding that the kitchen could not cope with this influx, David and I worsened the problem by bringing in more chairs and tables from storage. Then the Calor gas supply failed, without the knowledge that ones of the chefs had lent on the emergency gas trip, I ventured outside tinkering with the valve system with David holding an umbrella over me. Once the 'fault' was found we were now even further behind. We did the only think we could think of that was cracking open dozens of bottles of bubbly plus red and white wine and dish it out free promising that anyone who didn't receive their food before midnight would not have to pay for their meals. It turned into a sort of party and it was 2am before the last stragglers left. that evening became a legend with people expressing regret at missing out. We couldn't have a drink until we had driven home but then David had a very large whisky and made a mega Jacky Dee for me. We got to bed at 4am only to have to repeat the performance every evening plus Sunday lunch. It became our very own "Groundhog Day" until we could hand over to the staff to run from the following Monday. We learnt the golden rule, never book in anymore than the kitchen can comfortably cope with and it has been a strict rule as we rapidly expanded to become the largest hotel group in Wales. There are so many varied experiences and instances that could easily fill another book as our hotel provided hilarious episodes that even make "Fawlty Towers" look tame, including a couple of corpses. Mix men, women, alcohol and bedrooms and you have the mix that guarantees unbelievable incidents. Space limits those that I can include and if some publisher asks I might write another book entitled "The Accidental Hotelier" and believe me the two television series of programmes made and screened by the BBC only scratched the surface!!! The BBC series came via Sioned Moyes who heads up an independent production. For 18 months I prevaricated worried that it would use my background for a sensational "Mickey taking". Sioned, who I am now proud to count as a friend gradually persuaded me to trust her and thus "Hotel Stephanie" came to be with 240 hours of filming over 14 weeks condensed into 4 programmes documenting my work supervising the hospitality division of the company (mail order, retail shops, medical and telecoms companies were not included). They filmed good & bad and I only got to see it the day before it was screened. With no editorial control it was left to Sioned to select the 1% of film that finally was broadcast and obviously her judgement must have been correct as it achieved good viewing figures with the BBC commissioning a second series centred on our latest acquisition of the large Wynnstay Hotel in the heart of Wrexham creatively entitled "New Hotel Stephanie". This hotel was a challenge as it needed total refurbishment including the 70 bedrooms, the restaurants, kitchen, 2 new huge boilers, 2 x massive TV screens, menus, computer systems and we did it all with the hotel open and trading and with beer at £1 a pint and spirits all at £1 we were busy from 6am when we started breakfast until we closed at midnight when a night porter was on duty. The bar was huge and it needed to be as we needed 4 staff serving drinks. The offer a full cooked breakfast for £2-95 and Roast Sunday Carvery for £4-95 we were soon serving 400 meals a day. Too much for the head chef who quickly departed followed by a succession of idiots so I took over the kitchen brigade, which meant I was on my feet for 12 hours a days (I didn't do the breakfasts) I was waddling around with bare feet as my feet and ankles swollen so much that I couldn't wear shoes. I got home at 1pm when Boothy would make a really large Jacky Dee and a bowl to soak my feet in. When I went to bed I had to have my legs elevated so that by morning they were good to go. Seven days a week, working 12 hours a day is not ideal when you are 65 but I managed for weeks until we at last found a good head chef whom I gladly handed over to. The part I liked best was "waiting on" as I got to see each meal was perfectly presented before I went out to interact with the diners. I wore the same black outfit as all of the other staff and my name badge simply said "Stephanie" so most guests were unaware that I was the owner, in fact one very snobby woman who has pre-ordered a cake and champagne and whom I had served retorted when I asked after the dessert if she wanted them serving now "Yes, but I would prefer the manager to do it" I immediately responded by saying "Yes madam, I will fetch him straight away". My staff all knew that I would support them if a customer behaved in an inappropriate was. We had a very nice polite Polish girl manning the reception desk at The Wild Pheasant Hotel & Spa, I was in the back reception office when I heard a man arrive and ask a question only to continue saying "You don't understand because you're a f***ing foreigner". I shot out to reception and said "Fortunately for you sir I speak perfect English so now f*** off and never come back". Word spread across the estate so that all staff whether Welsh, English, French, Spanish or Eastern European knew we would never stand for customers being abusive. We are all human and if we made mistakes we would always do more than any guest would reasonably expect to compensate. We gradually bought more restaurants and hotels, later disposing of the standalone restaurants leaving us with 9 hotels, 3 children's play centres and an activity company that staged The WreX Factor talent competition and The Great Llangollen Show at Llangollen's Royal Pavilion with the star attraction of numerous hot air balloons and a spectacular night light display to music followed by a dazzling firework display. There was entertainment outside with rides and a stage with exhibitors and stage shows inside. The banking crisis which our lovely bankers caused hit the country and suddenly the very banks responsible suddenly decided to go totally risk adverse and called in overdrafts especially from builders, property companies, retailers and the hospitality sector. Our overdraft was reduced from £1 million down to £250,000 squeezing our cashflow. We borrowed £1.6 million personally to keep everything going and accepted an offer from Barclays Bank to loan us £1million to convert huge ex-railway buildings which was the cost of the project. We duly handed the deeds to Bodidris Hall valued at £1.5 million only to be subsequently that they would neither loan us the promised money, nor hand the hotel back stating that all our hotels were going down in value as the result of the recession that they caused. We have never ever given to blackmail, we didn't when the IRA threatened to bomb our Belfast shop if we did not pay protection money, we simply closed it. Here we were with a hospitality division with all of the hotels trading profitably facing a £1 million VAT payment. The bank offered to loan us the money secured on our pension scheme, but that was not acceptable to The Pension Regulator or HMRC besides we would be working primarily for the bank and with David 68 and me at 65 we decided that we would walk away from it. I rang KPMG on Tuesday and advised them that we were calling them in as administrators on Thursday when we would default on the VAT payment. At first they didn't believe me saying "but you will lose all of your £7.5 million of equity" Neither accountants or bankers can believe that you would rather walk away than give in to blackmail when money is at stake. The law is clear, directors must not trade once they know that a company is technically insolvent so at midnight we cut all of out ties with the hotels and play centres. KPMG couldn't get a team in before Friday so there was a hiatus with us not able to inform anyone what was happening. This unfortunately led to intense speculation by the local press and uncertainty amongst our staff until KPMG issued their official statement. Was it easy to see 12 years really hard work all undone as the hotels were split up and sold off at "fire sale" prices. The end of an era and a brutal process in the handling of staff who had been loyal and hardworking. The divisional director and divisional manager stayed at their posts and worked to make the process as smooth as possible. KPMG actually stated "that they had exemplary cooperation from all involved" and the DTI (Department of Industry) gave us a perfect score for our handling of the process. 3 years later, we still made the right decision given the bank's behaviour, they broke one promise so what's to say they wouldn't do it again. We then started to hear of similar stories from company owners and Barclays didn't behave any worse than RBS/Natwest, HSBC, Lloyd's or any other banker. We resolved never ever to borrow any money from any bank again, so now our companies all operate without overdrafts or loans located in buildings that we own. We are still working a 5-day week and gradually repaying off the £1.6 million of personal debt we incurred that was injected into the company and all of which we lost. So what of the future? I now spend time abroad both in Spain and New Zealand, where my daughter, Rebecca, lives with her husband and her twin girls. I will continue as editor of Yattar Yattar our free bi-monthly 148 page magazine that distributes 48,000 copies via Sainsbury's, Tesco, Asda & Morrisons which will gradually expand the geographical area it covers with regional editions. I now have 6 rescue dogs for company and with large grounds both in North Wales and Spain am doing a fair bit of gardening. I also continue to do all of the marketing and promotions for our mail order companies but fortunately as long as I have access to the internet, I can work from anywhere in the world. I intend to write 2 more books, the first as previously stated entitled "The Accidental Hotelier" and another which I believe will give a greater insight into the differences between the sexes. "Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus" was a good attempt but having actually lived as both for a roughly equal parts of my time on this planet, I think I am in a much better position to truthfully analyse how although both human beings the gender difference affects absolutely everything men and women do and think. My greatest wish for the future is to be reconciled with my twin son, Stephen and his family who live in Australia and also to become good friends with Marylin who loved me so deeply and who so did not deserve to suffer the consequences of my transsexuality. In reflection I could have handled many things better than I did. I am grateful to both Marylin and David who have loved me unreservedly and I hope that both have happy memories of our times together as well as the many times I must have tried their patience. "People can say all sorts of things about me and probably do but no-one can ever accuse me of leading a boring life!"

Stephanie A Girl In A Million - Epilogue

In conclusion I outline how treatment for male-to-female transsexuals has changed for the better since I underwent my gender reassignment operation way back in 1983 following 3 years of hormone therapy.   New and more effective female hormones therapy is now available in various treatment options, as well as tablets & capsules, there are transdermal creams, gels and atomisers that allow for localised development of certain areas, many want to grow female breasts as a first step before committing to irreversible surgery. Suppositories are another option for those who have digestive conditions but whatever form of the primary female hormone oestrogen is taken in, it must be accompanied by an anti-androgen to lower the levels of testosterone which otherwise will block and counteract feminisation.   Free and confidential advice is available from the worlds leading endocrinologist consultant by email   Hormones based products are available from or which allow you to experiment in total privacy.   Full feminisation takes between 3-4 years just as it does for a young girl to go through puberty but only if you take hormones alongside an anti-androgen (male testosterone suppressant) Specialist removal of beard and body hair might also be required and there again you have the choice of growth retardants, electrolysis or laser treatment.   When you are ready to contemplate surgery you need to either consult your personal physician for referral or contact   Once you have been accepted as suitable for surgery you will need a whole new identity, to include National Number, Passport, Driving Licence and now thanks to my campaign after the operation a new birth certificate officially reclassifying you as female (at this stage you cease to a transsexual in a legal sense.   The operation is long and delicate and there are only a few surgeons with experience of undertaking this operation. If you are relying on the UK's National Health Service there will be a long wait but if you can fund it privately then you can arrange the timing so it fits in with your future plans. Cheaper options are available in other countries but remember caveat emptor.   Without going into the gory details, the surgeon is going to remove your testicles and the inner part of the penis. An opening is created in the small space between your urethra and your rectum and then the outer penile skin is inverted and stitched in providing a vaginal lining that has nerves and feelings about 8 inches deep although it is also a dead end with no cervix or womb. This is then packed to keep it open and stop the body's natural response to heal it up. You will be heavily sedated for about 3 days and then nurses will change the packing, check stitches etc. until you are well enough to go home, dependant on your recovery this is an average 10 days. Before you leave you will be provided with clear plastic dilators and vaginal douche cleanser containing iodine with instruction on frequency of usage.   After you have stopped walking like John Wayne and have healed you will need to both cleanse and lubricate your vaginal passage. Unlike genetic women you will not produce natural lubricants or have periods. It is wise to refrain from road-testing it with sexual activity too soon, remembering that you underwent this because you had a female brain and a male body, no matter what men imagine nymphomaniacs are very rare.   Today's society is a lot more tolerant, my grandchildren don't think it's a big deal and freely refer to friends who are gay, lesbian & transgender, but your parents may be less supportive. Back in my early days there was no employment protection, now your employer must treat you fairly and be supportive, you are in a designated minority gender group making you a protected species against any form of discrimination.   Your new birth certificate is given when treatment is irreversible and cannot be amended in future so in all respects you will be treated as a female including retirement age (which now depends when you were born).   You now have to stop worrying about what others say behind your back remembering "the people who matter, don't mind and the people who mind don't matter" The objective at this stage is to blend back into society and live a normal life.   I hope my life story will be of help and support and if you have any questions that I can help with then simply email me: