Easy Manicure

Many TVs ignore their hands, and yet they are one of the areas where the difference between male and female can really show. So, if you want to be convincing and passable you need to develop a manicure routine - this guide will show you how!

Before you begin, remove all jewellery and get together all the things you will need: Towel Bowl Warm water or olive oil Emery Board Oily polish remover Base coat / ridge filler Coloured nail varnish Polish sealer / clear varnish Cotton wool Orange stick Cuticle remover / conditioner Moisturising cream Okay, now you're all organised - this what you do... 1. Remove any old polish with cotton wool dampened with oily polish remover. For hard to reach corners, use a cotton-tipped orange stick dipped in remover.   2. Make sure your nails are dry before filing them with an emery board. The most fashionable and the least vulnerable shape is the slightly squared oval - a shape that looks sensational on most hands, regardless of the nail length. File with the most abrasive side of your emery board from left to centre, and then from right to centre, smoothing edges with the finer side of the board.   3. Your nails will look longer and more graceful when cuticles are kept moisturised and free of excess tissue. Instead of cutting the cuticle - which can harm the nail - apply a creamy conditioner and then soak in warm water to gently soften the tissue. Use the orange stick to ease the cuticle back.   4. Instead of always soaking your nails in water, give your hands a sumptuous hot oil treatment. A few minutes soaking in olive oil allows the natural oils to penetrate the nail area. Then, scrub nails with a soft brush and dry with a soft towel.   5. Now you're ready to buff. Regular buffing stimulates circulation, strengthens nails and helps prevent splitting and peeling. Remember to buff in one direction to avoid overheating your nails. A nail shiner will restore a natural lustre to your fingertips if you choose to go without nail polish.   6. Tiny ridges and nicks in the nails can spoil any manicure. Before applying polish use the nail primer, a ridge-filling base coat that smooths the nail surface so that polish glides on easily. Brush on 2 coats for extra protection and allow a minute of drying before applying nail enamel.   7. Use 3 smooth strokes to polish each nail, beginning in the centre. Start your second coat when the last nail is finished.   8. To seal your manicure and add extra shine, apply a polish sealer over the enamel and under the nail edge to prevent chipping.   9. No one likes to sit and wait for nails to dry completely. If you're on the run, get yourself a can of quick dry to protect newly polished nails from smudges and smears.   10. For follow-up care during the week apply an extra coat of polish sealer. Also treat your hands and nails to regular rubbing in of a good moisturising cream which will guard against dryness and brittleness, in addition to making your hands feel soft and beautiful.   man2.jpgHandy Hints for Hands and Nails Apply generous amounts of hand cream before going out in cold weather, and before bed Carry an emery board with you at all times Make a habit of pushing your cuticles back with the towel every time you wash your hands Take a mineral supplememnt if white spots regularly appear as this indicates a shortage of zinc Weak or brittle nails can indicate a lack of calcium, so either drink more milk or take a supplement Apply a special white nail pencil under tips of nails for a clean manicured look