I have agreed to do this but I am so scared, yes scared though my wife thinks I am being stupid. I have shaved and am smooth as can be, my makeup is perfect and I start to dress and know that I am shaking too much but she just laughs at me. I put on my panties and bra, adjust my bra to fit my breast forms perfectly and then slip on my carefully chosen cami "look, no one will know" my wife tries to assure me, but still I shake. I pull on my tights over my silky legs and then slip into my cream blouse and smart knee-length skirt and as I put on my business heels admire my painted toe and fingernails.

We go outside, it is a weekday so all my neighbours are at work, or at least I hope they are as I slide into the passenger seat of our car. Mt wife expertly drives us into town and through the maze of one way systems to the car park where I quake again. We get out, I have been out many times before but this is so different that even my wife cannot understand. We travel down in a lift to the shopping mall with a couple of oldies whose male member hold the doors open for us, "ladies" he says politely - it doesn't reassure me. We walk into the shop after much agonising on my part and much reassurance on my wife's and we head for the underwear department. I stand nervously as my wife seeks out who we have come for and a matronly woman in a smart skirt suit appears and smiles and asks us "to follow me". She takes us into the female changing area and asks us to take off our tops. I cringe and wish I could run away but stay and take off my blouse. For some reason I fuss over it, making sure it is not creased - why should I care at this moment?

The lady takes out her tape and expertly measures my wife's bust and then notes to us all that she is a 36 D and then turns to me "madam would you mind taking off your cami?" she says smiling in that professional shop worker way. I panic but my wife smiles and nods at me and I decide to go for it and slip it off. Of course, I have breast forms, of course, even the blindest can see that they are not real even with my cleavage enhanced as it is with my diva bra but the lady, who I understand is called Jane, does not appear fussed in any way. She pulls the tap around my breast and takes her measurements and then says "madam, I suggest a 42 DD" and turns away, "I will be outside". My heart is thumping as I dress but I also have a fantastic feeling in my panty area. My wife and I dress again and go out into the shop where Jane walks through the bras in stock and recommends to both my wife and I the best type for our shape. As she packs my new bra and panties she smiles and says how much they will suit me.