Eddy Walsh rang the bell on the door of the Mews flat. It was swung open by a young lady in her early twenties. Eddy’s eyes widened, she was very pretty and dressed in a most attractive maid’s uniform-grey satin dress with a short, flared skirt topped by a tiny frilly apron and French maid’s cap to match. “yes” she inquired in a Swedish accent. “I’ve come to service the central heating” Eddy replied. Ah yes, Madam said you would be coming, please come in.
Once inside Eddy looked round at the expensive furniture and decorations with some envy. He had been working on his own for only two weeks and was not yet used to going into other people’s homes. Please follow me the maid said, and she led the way to the boiler room. Thanks love, Eddy said, I will start on the boiler then check the radiators. Eddy thought about the girl as he worked. What a little cracker and quite friendly. He would chat her up a bit, then insist that she came with him to check the radiators. Once in her bedroom, well, he would see what developed.

Eddy was just about to call her when she appeared. You like some tea? She asked. Oh, please. We can have a quick cuppa and then you can show me the radiators. Yes, what is you name please? Eddy, what’s yours? My name is Olga, please follow. As they sat in the kitchen drinking their tea, they started to make small talk. I am aupair to Madam Hastings she explained. An aupair? But I thought that meant living as one of the family. Oh yes, madam is very kind. But you have to wear a uniform? Yes, madam insists but I don’t mind. It looks very pretty, no? Oh yes, Eddy said, very pretty, indeed.
We look at radiators now? Right, come on. Eddy got up and his hand went to her well, shaped bottom. As he squeezed she nestled back onto his palm, wriggling slightly. Come on your naughty boy, she said. Err, how long is your mistress going to be out? Olga fluttered her eyelashes, oh long enough I think. Actually, Eddy didn’t care. This girl was asking for it and she was going to get it.

She showed him round the flat until they came to a very large bedroom which contained a huge double bed. Eddy checked the radiator, then straightened up. And now, where is your bedroom? Here Olga replied. You mean you sleep in that bed? Yes. But where does your mistress sleep? Here, she said again. You sleep together? Oh yes Olga replied smiling broadly. And does she………? Eddy started. Olga was young but experienced. Yes, she does but she is very gentle with me. Too gentle sometimes and arched her eyebrows. Eddie was over to her in three strides and pushed her back on the bed. Her hand went to his crotch as he grasped one of her breasts. Each had a hand on the other’s buttocks. Their lips met, and her tongue pushed its way into his mouth. He stopped and got up. What is wrong? She asked. Just getting my jeans off. Get your knickers down. No, no Eddy, that is your job she replied with a giggle. Eddy did not take long to do it and very soon his bare buttocks were jumping up and down between her willing thighs.

Eventually Eddy gave a deep sigh and lay flat on Olga. And just what is going on here? Said a deep contralto voice. Eddy looked up. In the doorway stood a tall blonde woman in a long red cape and red knee-length boots. Eddy jumped up looking round for his jeans. Olga gave a squeal and scrambled off the bed. Just who the hell are you? The woman asked. I, er….came to service the central heating Eddy replied. Instead you service my maid, eh? I’m sorry Madam Olga started. I will deal with you in a minute young lady. You, you little rapist, what excuse, if any, have you got? I didn’t rape her Eddy protested. She looked at Olga. He did rape you didn’t he my dear? Oh err….. yes, madam. I could not stop him. Well young man, do I ring the police or do I deal with you? Eddy as trapped and he knew it. Please don’t ring the police, he begged. We will see. Both of you get all your clothes off. Olga had stripped already. Go and get the twelve inch tawse, Olga, madam ordered. By the tine Olga returned, Eddy was naked with his hands firmly clasped in front of him. The pair of you, over the bed side by side, Madam ordered. Please madam, he made me Olga said. Silly girl. That story is for the police. Now get over.
Madam Hastings contemplated the two lovely young bottoms in front of her. She really enjoyed doing this. Six of the best each, then six more for him if he would not sign a full confession, and so on until he did.

Whack, Whack< Whack, the strokes went on, reddening the bottoms more each time. Now madam said when they had each had their dose. You, miss, go and make my tea and you, young man, I want a signed confession, or you get six more. Eddy straightened up. But why? He said through his tears. You’re a good-looking young man. It will be convenient to be able to call on your services whenever I want to. There was a small desk and chair in the corner of the room. She plonked a pillow on the chair. Now sit down there and get writing…I will dictate.