All Things Pink

Look Pretty in Pink This Summer

All Things Pink. Look girly and wonderful in our full range of womanly, sexy pink clothing and lingerie   FNR216






pink thong
















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Clothing Tips for Dressing a Male as a Female

[caption id="attachment_4200" align="alignleft" width="150"]Sexy Dress Sexy Dress[/caption] Knowing exactly what types of clothing will look best on your frame is key to pulling off a feminine look. Here are a few suggestions:
  • Use caution when wearing strapless or thin-strapped designs. This is because men naturally have broader shoulders than women, and if you want to pull off dressing as a woman seamlessly, opting to show your shoulders is a dead give away that you're a man. If you must wear a strapless style, be sure to have a wrap, stole, or jacket handy to cover up. Also, instead of wearing thin spaghetti straps, choose wider straps that are more flattering.
  • Form-fitting clothing looks better than you think. It may look and feel a little awkward at first, but deciding to wear form-fitting clothing over baggy, relaxed styles is definitely the way to go. It creates the natural outline of a woman's body easier, and helps you create the full illusion. Whether it be dresses, skirts, pants or tops, clothing cut close to the body works best.
  • Embrace darker colours, and be cautious with light or bold ones. Darker colors are going to easily conceal the more masculine elements of your body, thus creating a more convincing illusion. Lighter shades should really be worn with caution because you can't hide anything when the color you're wearing is especially light. Bold colors are more forgiving than light ones, but they also tend to draw a lot of attention, so be aware before you buy.
  • Dress your body as though you were a woman. This bascially means that the way you dress as a man does not apply to the way you dress as a woman. You need to know what female body type you have, and dress it accordingly for the most flattering look. The way to do this is to do a little research on female body shapes and see which one you best fit into, and then style your clothing as such.
FNR067Sizing Information An advantage of online cross-dressing sites is that most of them offer merchandise that is specifically made for men dressing as women, so the fit is exact. However, if you are new to dressing as a female, you may be overwhelmed and not know exactly where to begin with sizes. When ordering online obviously you can't try things on, but you can have your measurements taken and then you can send them electronically to the seller, who will then help you translate your proper size. If you plan to be in your cross-dressing apparel for extended periods of time you want to purchase foundation garments that are an exact fit to ensure that you're not uncomfortable of tugging at your clothing constantly. FDN108_2Tips for Lingerie/Foundation Garments If you are planning to carry out this tricky endeavor, try these important tips to help create a lady-like look:
  • A cross-dressing bra is essential; it provides the foundation of a feminine ensemble. In order to convince the rest of the world that you're a woman, you're going to need an eye-catching bosom.
  • Plan on stuffing this bra with breast form inserts to create a firm and shapely chest. A specialty bra will also provide the contour shaping needed to create the coveted hourglass shape.
  • After the bra is stuffed, it's time to squeeze into a proper fitting pair of underwear. Men will need to conceal their attributes while creating a round and lifted backside.
  • Invest in rear padding to create the illusion of a round and voluptuous booty. Discreet online retailers who specialize in transvestite apparel make specialty panties available, and men can choose from a variety of sexy lingerie options such as thongs, lacy briefs, and boy shorts.
The Finished Product One of the most important elements for men who want to dress as a female is that the finished product is not only convincing, but also beautiful. Selecting the right clothing is essential. While you may not look like a supermodel, you can certainly look like the glamorous twin sister that you never had.  

Being Transgender

Stephanie Anne LloydTrans* is an umbrella term for those whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex they were given at birth, for example, transgender or transsexual people. Some trans* people may feel that they are a man born into a female body or a woman born into a male body, but not necessarily. Trans* people may also identify as gender-neutral, genderqueer or gender fluid, non-binary, and may indentify as a combination of male and female or as neither. Many trans* people know they are trans* from a very young age, while others say that they only identified as trans* during their teens. The term trans* is the preferred term for many transgender people. If you are friends with or know a trans person then it's important to address them with the gender they refer to themselves as and refer to them with their chosen name and gender pronoun. Stephanie Anne LloydWhat's the difference between Trans* and other forms of gender identity?
  • A transsexual person is someone whose gender identity is the opposite of the sex assigned to them at birth. Transsexual people may or may not take hormones or have surgery.
  • Cross-dressers are people who like to wear the clothes of another gender, but who don't identify as another gender.
  • Drag Kings/Drag Queens are people who exaggerate female and male roles, generally for the purpose of entertainment.
  • Androgynes are people who mix the characteristics/appearance of both sexes in a subtle or deliberately flamboyant way.
  • Intersex People are people who can be born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit with typical definition of male or female.
Click Here to see Our Male To Female Hormones 

Advice for Transgender People

If you’re transgender and you want to change your name, you’ll need to change your name by deed poll. If your change of name is stated on your Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) or a new birth certificate (for which a GRC is a prerequisite), then this will also prove your change of name, but you’ll generally need to change your name by deed poll first. If you’re non-binary and you want to change your name, you’ll also need to change your name by deed poll.  However, bear in mind that U.K. law only recognises two legal genders (male and female). About your privacy We wouldn’t always be aware from the details we collect that we’re preparing documents for someone who is changing their gender, because we don’t need to know this information, and in fact we don’t even collect or store gender data.  However, it’s usually evident from the old and new names on the deed poll whether someone is in fact changing their gender, and so we handle these applications especially carefully and sensitively when we realise this is the case.  All customer information is protected under the Data Protection Act and it’s an offence under the Gender Recognition Act to disclose information about a person’s previous gender, and all our staff maintain strict confidentiality. Contents
  1. If you haven’t been issued a Gender Recognition Certificate
  2. If you’ve been issued a Gender Recognition Certificate
  3. If you’ve been issued a new birth certificate
If you haven’t been issued a Gender Recognition Certificate If you haven’t been issued with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) then you’ll need to change your name by deed poll.  In​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​‌‌‌​‌​fact​‌‌‌​‌​,​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​‌​‌‌‌‌changing​‌‌​​​​ ​‌‌​​‌‌your​‌‌​​‌‌ ​‌‌​​​​name​‌‌‌​​‌ ​‌‌‌​​‌should​‌‌​‌‌​ ​‌‌‌‌​​be​‌‌‌​‌​ ​‌‌​​‌‌an​‌​‌​‌‌ ​‌‌‌​‌‌important​‌​‌​‌​ ​‌‌​‌​​step​​​‌‌‌ ​​‌‌‌​in​​‌‌​‌ ​​‌​​‌proving​​​‌‌​ ​​‌​​‌that​​‌​​​ you’re living in your new gender, before applying for a GRC. A deed poll will be enough to change your name in your passport.  However, if you want your passport to be in your new gender as well, HM Passport Office will need to see:
  • your deed poll, showing that you’ve changed your name to one that’s associated with your new gender
  • medical​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​‌‌‌​‌​evidence​‌‌‌​‌​ ​‌‌‌​‌‌showing​‌​‌‌‌‌ ​‌‌​​​​that​‌‌​​‌‌ ​‌‌​​‌‌your​‌‌​​​​ ​‌‌‌​​‌change​‌‌‌​​‌ ​‌‌​‌‌​of​‌‌‌‌​​ ​‌‌‌​‌​gender​‌‌​​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌‌is​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌​“​‌‌​‌​​likely​​​‌‌‌ ​​‌‌‌​to​​‌‌​‌ ​​‌​​‌be​​​‌‌​ ​​‌​​‌p​​‌​​​ermanent”.  This can be a report from a medical practitioner (such as your consultant or GP), or a chartered psychologist practicing in the field of gender dysphoria.
You don’t need a GRC to have your passport updated to show your new gender, and you don’t necessarily need to have had sex reassignment surgery. Note that changing your passport (or other records) to be in your new name and gender doesn’t give any legal recognition to your change of gender.  It’s merely a recognition by those record holders that you’ve adopted a new identity.  However it does provide supporting evidence to the Gender Recognition Panel (and other record holders) that you’re living in your new gender. If you want to change your title to one of the opposite gender, for example from Mr to Mrs or vice versa, you wouldn’t normally need a deed poll.  In general, you’re free to use any social title, and — assuming the new title is part of a change of gender — you simply need to inform record holders of the new title.  The important matter for most organisations is your change of gender.  HM Passport Office for example doesn’t list social titles in passports at all — it isn’t considered to be a legal part of your name. Note that if you change your title to one of the opposite gender, you shouldn’t deceive anyone as to your birth gender in order to gain a financial advantage — this would be considered fraud.  Once you’ve been issued a GRC, you’re under no such obligation — your birth gender is legally considered to be your new gender. If you’ve been issued a Gender Recognition Certificate If you’ve been issued a full GRC, then this will be sufficient evidence of your change of name (and gender, for passport purposes), and you won’t need a deed poll. If you’ve been issued an interim GRC, then it’ll likewise still be sufficient evidence of your change of name (and gender, for passport purposes) — you won’t need a deed poll. If your interim GRC has expired (i.e. after 6 months) and you haven’t been issued a full GRC because your marriage hasn’t been dissolved, HM Passport Office may still​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​‌‌‌​‌​accept​‌‌‌​‌​ ​‌‌‌​‌‌this​‌​‌‌‌‌ ​‌‌​​​​as​‌‌​​‌‌ ​‌‌​​‌‌sufficient​‌‌​​​​ ​‌‌‌​​‌evidence​‌‌‌​​‌ ​‌‌​‌‌​of​‌‌‌‌​​ ​‌‌‌​‌​your​‌‌​​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌‌changed​‌‌‌​‌‌ ​‌​‌​‌​name​‌‌​‌​​ ​​​‌‌‌and​​‌‌‌​ ​​‌‌​‌new​​‌​​‌ ​​​‌‌​gender​​‌​​‌,​​‌​​​ because the important point is that you should be living in your new identity for all purposes, not that you’ve been issued a GRC.  However, you should check this first with HM Passport Office.

Tips For More Successful Crossdressing 

For the majority of us crossdressers it is really important that we can transform ourselves into the most feminine and passable version of ourselves, we want to be the alluring and sexy women pictured inside our heads and we ideally want to turn that vision into reality. We want to wear that little black dress or a slim mini skirt whilst having the confidence that our femininity will remain intact, here lies a little problem. To pull off wearing tight or minimal clothing does require that the pesky male package in our crotch region, namely genitalia, stays firmly hidden, tucked away, and flattened within our underwear. Hiding, Tucking & Flattening Your Male Genitalia You have a few different options for concealing your manhood, some of which work better than the others but we should take a look below.
  1. Panty Girdle or Tight Panties – You can easily get hold of these items in most stores, many xdressers wear a slightly smaller size of panty girdle to create a tighter stomach area whilst using the rigidity of the panty to try and hold the male parts intact and flattened.
  2. Tie-Sides – This type of panty is as the name suggests, you tie them around the sides of your waist, sufficiently tight, to hold everything in place.
  3. Realistic Vagina Panty– This is a specific crossdressing and transgender panty that features a super strong control panel at the front which flattens and tucks your male genitalia easily and comfortably for extended periods of time
  There are a couple of tried and tested techniques that will help your male genitalia to fit better inside the vagina panty. 1) The pull up and conceal method – This very simple method requires you to pull up the gaff panty and at the same time take hold of your penis and genital area and push those down and underneath whilst firmly pulling the hiding gaff panty into place around the top of your thighs. If you have purchased a really strong fronted gaff then this method should suffice in flattening and concealing around your crotch area and you may not even have to resort to the ‘extra rearrangement method’ listed below. 2) The extra rearrangement method – To create the ultimate flat crotch area then it is essential that you have a super strong hiding gaff and you use the techniques that are listed below.
  1. a) Everything upfront: You should be able to get hold of your balls in one hand, bring those to the front, whilst moving your penis underneath to create the flattest arrangement possible. You may be surprised to learn that you have an empty cavity above the balls that allow them to rise into and be hidden away from sight. Bear in mind that you should be very careful when trying to place the balls into the upper empty cavity, practice slowly and beginners may even want try this method whilst laying on their back.
  2. b) Placing the penis behind: Now that you have your balls upfront and hopefully hidden from sight in that empty cavity you can proceed to place the penis. To flatten the penis you should ideally place your hand from behind through your legs and pull the penis backwards between your legs, you can do this from the front if you aren’t able to go through the legs from the back.
  3. c) Gaff adjustment: You can now complete the method by pulling up the gaff around your thighs as high around the thigh area as required, this should leave a flattened crotch area. You can place your hand down the front of the gaff and push the penis further around to fine tune things.
Transgender Gaff Tips: When you need to use the bathroom you will need to rearrange your package again but by practicing the methods listed above at least a few times you should be easily able to get everything nice and flat again in matter of a few seconds. Try to not get over excited about things whilst wearing a crossdressing gaff as it can cause mild discomfort and is better avoided.

Breast and Nipple Pumps

ALB1591- Breast enlargement pumps stimulate breast growth through tissue expansion. Studies show that applying tension to an area leads to tissue growth. Surgeons use this technique (known as “tissue expansion”) to regenerate skin, bones and other tissues. Guess what? It also works for breasts! Applying vacuum pressure to your breasts stimulates real growth over the long run.
  1. Breast enlargement pumps give you an instant size boost.
ALB157Besides long-term growth, breast pumps give you an instant size boost by increasing blood flow to the breasts. This swelling only lasts a few hours, but you can enjoy the results in the meantime. The basis on how breast enhancement pumps work isn’t nothing new, as doctors have been using tissue expansion for a long time in a variety of reconstructive procedures. These pumps create tissue expansion on your breasts by applying a certain amount of tension on your breasts. This consistent tension applied to your breasts will make cells in your body increase and reshape your boobs by producing new breast tissue. ALB156Just like any tissue in your body when it experiences any kind of tension and the flow of blood is increased it’ll grow. When you use breast pumps or suction devices this is the same kind of principle that takes place. In order to create this tension required to help your breasts grow you’ll need to apply the pump on your breasts for about 30 minutes each day. When you begin pumping you will experience some swelling as more blood flow is being sent towards your breasts. You may also feel some pain if you over-pump. This is why it’s very important with whatever suction device you use you should follow the directions that comes with the product. With that being said, if you use the pump as directed you won’t feel any pain or experience any kind of injury. Buy Our breast and nipple pumps here 

What is a Cross Dresser

Broadly, crossdressers can be put into three categories.
  1. Closet crossdresser or transvestite.  They get turned on by dressing as females and keep a set or two of bras and pantries which they wear for a few minutes when alone or on a tour outside.
  2. Passing off as a woman. Here, the crossdressers take great pains into details such as make up, eyebrow shaping etc Some of them have passed off as pop singers and some have even won beauty pageants.
  3. MTF transformer. With the change in their orientation, ie they are going for gender reasignment surgery they need to act and dress as the opted sex.
In the first type, under which most fall, in most cases the bras and the dresses are ill fitting as the act is done secretly. For better results, it is advised that the crossdresser takes his girlfriend or spouse in confidence. For the second type, it is essential that someone is taken into confidence. Spouse, female colleague, neighbours daughter. To start with one needs to get completely immersed into the role as a woman. He should only watch or read female oriented magazines and movies, decorate the house in pink or pastel designs, There are two accessories that are strongly suggestive of females. The most important one is the bra and silicone breasts.  From the moment he wears it , it's forever all his life. For this you yourself should go out and buy it asking the assistant for recommendations on fitting and cup size. This exercise will help you relax as you need to buy a bra every often. Initially, you may take your female friend along to help you wear it. Start with wearing a bra all day at home. Move on to wearing it under your shirt to work. Ending with wearing a bra permanently so that it is accepted by you as an essential part. Fishnet TightsWhile walking up or down the stairs, practice walking like a woman. Practice on the treadmill putting one foot right in front of the other while raising the hip. Remember. A man, while walking, pushes himself forward. Where as a woman, pulls herself back with palms pointing out. Continue this gait as often as possible without drawing attention to yourself. While outside or in a store , observe how women reacts, glances, or move their hands while talking. The way they dress for the season. This will help you not looking like an over made-up clown. Go out with this female friend as often as possible. Try and get invited to her all girls parties. The Actress Shoes. Start with flats. move in to wedges. High levels may be very inviting and look sexy, but you need a lot of practice to walk in them. Dressing. Wear dresses that are loose at the hips so that the bulge at your crouch is not visible. UND965Later, you can learn how to tuck and tape your maleness. For this our new waist clincher cache sex is ideal   How do you become a writer, poet, muscular or an artist…??? You are hard wired like that and eventually once you have an acceptance or recognition of such a trait, you learn it to get better at it and eventually practice it in pursuit of perfection. Sexy Dress This is how Crossdressers are… they are hard wired and once they know that this is what feel right, they get out to know and learn about it. With persistence, they become natural and eventually more passable.  Whether in closet or in public, we all strive to be as feminine as possible and we test it by going out in public and learning how far we have come on our journey. Can you become a crossdresser… yes you can… if that is something interests you then you may look deep inside yourself… may be you are one.  

Female Body Language

Did you know that body language accounts for more than 50% of the impression you make on people? lady-like-deportmentThat’s a big part of your feminine image! Body language consists of four things:
  1. Posture
  2. Gestures
  3. Eye contact
  4. Facial expressions
Unfortunately, it’s easy to develop bad body language habits that can ruin your feminine image… or at the very least, make you look less poised and polished than you want to be. ladylike-3Here are 27 actions that should be avoided when presenting yourself as a woman:
  • Slouching
  • Biting your nails
  • Compulsively checking your phone
  • Rummaging through your purse
  • Crossing your arms
  • Fidgeting
  • Shaking your leg or tapping your fingers
  • Not smiling
  • Scanning the room when you talk to people
  • Talking too much with your hands
  • Exaggerated nodding
  • Examining your teeth or complexion in public
  • Applying makeup in public (other than a quick swipe of lipstick)
  • Resting your chin on your hands and elbows
  • Sitting with your legs apart
  • Clanging your silverware
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Eye contact that is too intense
  • Weak handshake
  • Clenching your fists
  • Standing too close to people
  • Chewing loudly
  • Talking while you eat
  • Eating or drinking too fast
  • Bending towards your food instead of bringing the food to your mouth
  • Leaning forward too much
  • Leaning back too much
woman-eating-Are you making any of these mistakes? If so, don’t feel bad.  Instead, resolve to improve them. For fun, do a “body language study” the next time you’re out in public. Notice the subtle actions that enhance or detract from people’s images.  

Day Wear Clothing

The official definition of ' Day Wear Clothing ' is Articles of casual clothing suitable for informal or everyday occasions.
‘a fine selection of daywear, lingerie, and swimwear in a range of fabrics’
Well we have all that and more for you at Transformation.
Skirts, Dresses, Shoes, Wigs, Tops and Lingerie.
FNR068Whether that be short, maxi, midi, leatherlook or sexy minis we've got everything you could possibly want and something to suit every size, shape, style and budget. Leather look minis, peplum and midi pencil skirts. Starting at just £24.99  
[caption id="attachment_4200" align="alignleft" width="150"]Sexy Dress Sexy Dress[/caption]   Short and sexy or long and demure. We've got a dress for you.    
MCS347Blouses, sleeveless or short sleeved our tops start at just £4.99    
WGS208Our full female wigs are of the highest quality and we have styles to suit every face shape. Long, layered, short, bobbed and shoulder length. Starting at £9.99    
UND957And finally everyone's favourite. Lingerie. Sexy or practical it's a must in everyone's closet. Whether it's a corset to pull you in and give you that hourglass look or a panty girdle to pull in the stomach. We've got panties and bras and tights and stockings. We also have fun, sexy baby dolls and suspender sets. Prices start at £4.99   Click Here For All Our Female Clothing