Chapter 6 A month later Marylin gave me her answer: 'I've thought long and hard about this, Keith, and if this is the only way in which you can live, then it must be the right thing to do.' So the die was cast and I bought a copy of the Manchester Evening News and scanned the accommodation ads. I made a phone call, arranged to view a flat the very next day and paid six month's advance rent on my new home. Marylin and I had discussed what we would tell the children and the only plausible explanation we had been able to come up with was to say that I had an illness for which the only cure was intensive hormone treatment. That treatment, we said, would result in my becoming a woman. Though Stephen and Andrew were thirteen, and Rebecca even younger, I don't think they were old enough or mature enough to absorb fully what we were saying. None of them said a word - they merely clung to me and cried. There was a lump in my throat as I looked at Marylin's face. Leaving her was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but by now we were both resigned to the fact that the die had finally been cast in a bizarre nightmare that had begun long before we had even met. For seven long, traumatic years I had refused to acknowledge the truth about myself. My denial had caused me to inflict more pain on Marylin than anyone has the right to inflict on someone they love, and I felt bitterly ashamed of my selfishness. I knew, too, that I was the only person who would benefit from what I was about to do. For those whom I loved, there could only be more suffering. Two weeks later I signed on with a new doctor in Todmorden, (luckily although it was the same surgery as Dr. Harold Shipman practised, I was assigned to another partner)and though he was undoubtedly surprised and nonplussed to be confronted by a new patient with a condition he had not heard of let alone treated he gave no sign. In fact I have to say he rose remarkably to the occasion. Dr Ryland listened patiently, oblivious to the queue that was building up in his waiting room and then, after admitting that he knew nothing whatsoever about transsexuals, assured me that he would make it his business to gather all the information he could before my next visit. True to his word, he contacted my old GP in Darwen and then made a special trip to Wythenshawe Hospital to consult a specialist psychologist who also treated hopeless alcoholics and drug addicts. Like so many people who are continually confronted with the bleakest aspects of life, Dr Ryland had long since learnt the value of humour to relieve seriousness of living, and under his wonderful care I soon found my sense of humour returning. Thus it wasn't long before my regular trips to his surgery became one of the brighter points of my week. 'I'm going to refer you to a specialist by the name of Dr Hoare,' he informed me during one visit. 'He also happens to treat alcoholics, so don't be alarmed if when you go to see him at Wythenshawe his reception area is full of men clutching brown paper bags'. 'Crikey!' I said, 'I've just about got used to the idea of being a TS. Do you think I can cope with being regarded as an alcoholic, too?' We got on so well that we were even able to make a joke about the hormone treatment he began to give me. 'I'm going to put you on a drug called Androcur and another called Premarin, which is a synthetic form of oestrogen. Its name is derived from the way in which it's produced - it comes from pregnant mares' urine.' 'Which gives a whole new meaning to the phrase ''taking the piss'',' I laughed. Dr Rynald told me that the Androcur was designed to inhibit the production of male hormones, while the Premarin would at the same time flood my body with female hormones. Within six months the Androcur should ensure virtual chemical castration. By this stage he had found a leading specialist, Dr Russell Reid, the famous consultant Psychiatrist at Charing Cross Hospital's Gender Reassignment Clinic, who would monitor my progress at three-monthly intervals. There was one awkward moment when I took my prescription to the local chemist. When I handed it over, the female pharmacist gave me a very odd look before taking me aside to whisper: 'There must be some mistake. These are female hormones your doctor's prescribed!' 'I know,' I whispered back. 'I'm a woman in disguise.' 'Oh!' was all she could say. But her face was a picture! Highly embarrassed, I hung around, desperately trying to look nonchalant as she went off to make up the prescription. Despite feeling uncomfortable, I was acutely aware that this was just the beginning, and if I couldn't put up with a little bit of embarrassment then I might as well give up now. As soon as I got home, I shook the pills out on to the table an just sat looking at them. This is it, I told myself nervously. Once you've swallowed these, the decision will be irrevocable. With shaking hands I filled a glass with water, put the pills in my mouth and gulped them down - and the strange thing was that the moment I'd swallowed them an overwhelming sense of contentment swept through me. Even now, when I think back on that moment, I experience the same kind of thrill. It was the moment I truly knew that the decision had been made. Over the next few months I watched spellbound as the gradual feminization of my body took place. Slowly, I developed breasts and hips and my waistline began to narrow. My skin became softer and smoother as the rate of hair and beard growth slowed down. I knew that by the time I started my three monthly meetings at Charing Cross with Dr Reid, who would be counselling me and vetting my progress, I would have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could cope with travelling and staying in London looking, to all intents and purposes, just like a woman. Back at work, however, where no one had the slightest idea of the treatment I was undergoing, it soon became necessary for me to keep my suit jacket on always and to wear larger shirts in order to conceal my by now sizeable breasts. As I was earning around £ 36,000 a year, which was a stupendous salary in the early eighties, I was able to handle all my financial commitments to Marylin and the children quite comfortably. I still saw the family fairly often. We'd even have dinner together at times, and though we were getting on better than we had done in years, I think she found coming to terms with the changes in me difficult to handle - as I'm sure anyone would. Our parents were devastated by the news of our separation, as indeed were most people who knew us. Marylin and I had made a pact not to discuss my impending 'change' with anybody else until it was absolutely necessary and, ignorant of the true reason for our divorce. Despite the hormones, my facial hair growth was not diminishing as fast as it should have done, so I made and appointment with a lovely motherly woman called Betty who, I was told, would use electrolysis to deal with the problem. (this was before the development of beard and body retardant creams which Medica now provides for Transformation) So three times a week, from seven-thirty till ten-thirty in the morning, I'd steel myself to visit Betty and undergo the most painful form of treatment I have ever had in my entire life. When it comes to pain, I am not a fan. Added to that, I have an absolute horror of needles, so you can imagine what an ordeal electrolysis was for me. I am often asked questions about the actual operation and how painful it was, but remember I was asleep then, I'd rather go through the operation twice over than have to endure the agony of electrolysis again. To my mind, if anything is going to put a man off going through with gender reassignment, it's electrolysis. My face began to look sore and red, and though at work I was able to pass this off as a reaction to shaving, the first time Marylin noticed she knew immediately what it meant. I thing that was possibly the first time that what I was about to do really hit her. Soon afterwards, she announced that she was going to move down south live with her mother. I was shattered. It hadn't occurred to me that she might move away, though of course it was a logical and reasonable thing for her to consider. All I could think of was that it might be ages before I'd see her or the children again. I travelled down south to see Marylin and the children settle in. The private education they had received up until now didn't necessarily qualify the children for admission to the grammar schools we wanted them to attend. Fortunately, I was able to use my position at Hestair to make an appointment with the heads of their prospective grammar schools and, much to our relief, the children were accepted. That night we all went out for a meal as a family to celebrate not knowing it would be for the last time. The following day I drove back north on my own, feeling dejected and totally alone. A few month later, I was approached by a head-hunter to discuss a potential new job. Fison's, a well-known company that sold horticultural and DIY products, would like to meet me with a view to inviting me to work my magic on their subsidiary company, Griffin and George, who, like Hestair, were involved in the educational supplies market. I duly had my meeting with the Fison's board and was made an offer which, I had to reject knowing the treatment I faced. Quite coincidentally and almost farcically at the same time, my chairman and managing director, called me into his office. 'As you're well aware, Keith,' he said, ' our turnover is now excess of £ 20 million, and as we're considering making a sizeable investment in expansion through acquisition I believe it's time we separated the role of chairman and MD.' I waited patiently for Stuart to unfold his plans. 'I'd like you to become our new MD.' I was so surprised I didn't know what to say. Rapidly evaluating my position, I spent the next few moments concentrating my thoughts. Here I was, with an enviable and successful track record, being confronted with the opportunity to fulfil all my career ambitions by not one but two large, well-respected companies. And yet, after eighteen months of hormone treatment, I knew that it would only be another year or so before I would change my sex. I had planned to stay with Hestair in my present position for the next year or eighteen months, and then quietly leave before the operation. Afterwards, I had thought I might open a restaurant of hotel somewhere. 'I'm sorry, Stuart. I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn the offer down,' I calmly said. Now it was Stuart's turn to be surprised. For several moments neither of us spoke as he sat there digesting my statement. Then he rose from his chair and began to pace around his office. 'You can't mean that, Keith, surely? I mean, if it's a question of money ...' It wasn't the money. It wasn't even the offer from Fison's. But would Stuart believe or accept that? And if he didn't accept that, what explanation would satisfy him? My mind raced as I tried to think up a plausible reason for refusing what we both knew was a splendid opportunity. But I couldn't think of even one. In the end, knowing that I had to give a reason, I opted to tell the truth. 'If you've got an hour to spare, Stuart, I think you'd better sit down and hear what I have to say.' Fully anticipating that I would tell him I was resigning to take up a better job, Stuart sat down to hear me out. An hour later, having sat through my entire story without uttering a single word or trying to interrupt once, (just doing good imitation of a goldfish) he was at a complete loss for words. Then, shaking his head in amazement, the only words he could find were: 'Well, in my long career I thought I'd come across every conceivable personnel problem in the book, but I have to say this one's a new one on me.' Then, 'My first reaction is to tell you that I don't want to lose you. However, I think I need some time to let this sink in. Perhaps it would be a good idea if we discussed this over dinner somewhere privately tomorrow night.' The next night we went to a small restaurant in Rochdale where Stuart informed me that, having given the matter much thought, he felt fairly certain that the staff, our suppliers and the board had enough respect for my abilities to except my situation and offer me their wholehearted support. 'After all,' he concluded, 'it's only your body that's changing, not your brain or abilities!' On hearing this news, I rapidly discarded my previous plans and gratefully and speedily accepted his offer to stay on in my present position as marketing director. I took the easy option but the wrong one that was to have disastrous consequences. With my future now seemingly secure, I embarked on the next step of learning how to be a woman. I was introduced to Sandra, a young beautician who would teach me how to put on make-up, to walk, stand and deport myself as a convincing woman, in preparation for my new life. Over the next year Sandra proved to be a remarkable friend, always cheerful, supportive and endlessly patient as she demonstrated over and over again the correct way to apply cosmetics or explain why a certain outfit would do nothing for me at all. I couldn't conceive how I might look as a woman, but I was determined that, no matter how much work and practice it took, I wasn't going to look like a man in drag - particularly as Dr Ryland had told me that the next time I visited his surgery I was to come dressed in women's clothes. Every detail of that day, from the moment I walked out of my front door to the moment I returned, is etched on my memory in vivid detail. My appointment was at five in the afternoon and I allowed myself four hours to get ready. I left work at lunchtime and rushed home to prepare myself. I was sweating so much through fear and nervousness that I was terrified my make-up would run. As I drove into Todmorden, I was shaking from head to foot. The reception area was laid out with chairs all facing the front, which meant that only the people sitting next to me would be able to get a good look. The problem was, we were called four at a time to go along a corridor and sit on the four chairs that were lined up against the wall outside the doctors surgery door. By the time my name was called I was panicking so much that I was sopping wet with sweat, and as I clattered along in my unfamiliar heeled shoes I was convinced that everyone in the reception area was laughing behind my back. When I finally got into Dr Ryland's office I could only collapse weakly into a chair. 'How do you feel?' he asked sympathetically. 'Exhausted...a bleeding nervous wreck! It's taken so much out of me I feel terrible,' was all I could say. Dr Ryland smiled. 'Actually, you look quite good.' The moment I got home I poured myself a large vodka and tonic to calm my shattered nerves. If a brief visit to my own doctor could have this effect on me, how on earth would I cope with having to travel all the way to London as a woman to see Dr Reid? Thinking about that daunting prospect reminded me that it was now imperative for me to decide on my new feminine name. I'd been advised to choose a three-syllable female names like Margaret, Isabel and Antoinette and then coming up with another girls' Christian name to tack on the end. As I'd been warned about the danger of having three initials that spelled something embarrassing when put together, I'd sat for hours toying with various name combinations to ensure that I didn't end up with a name like Tina Isabel Turner which might inadvertently cause a problem. I didn't' have a clue what I wanted to be called; I just knew that I wanted to incorporate something that reminded me of the children. So I put Stephen and Andrew together and came up with Stephanie Anne but when it came to a suitable surname I was stumped. It was only when I received a call from the hospital asking which name my appointment should be made in that the solution presented itself to me. As I cast my eyes frantically around my flat, looking for inspiration, my gaze fell upon my chequebook on the table. It bore the legend 'Lloyds Bank'. That's it, I thought - I'll be Stephanie Anne Lloyd! The next step was speech therapy, for which I had to travel to Bury General Hospital because it was one of the few hospitals in the north of England to have a special computer program that was able to detect whether a voice was male or female. I used to sit in front of a computer screen with a microphone and follow a pattern, which would be displayed on the screen. First a woman's voice would make a statement, and then I would have to try and copy it so that the computer could match up the patterns and analyse whether it was a woman or man speaking. For months it kept saying 'Male', but then miraculously one day the girl at the control panel in the other room came rushing out excitedly yelling, 'It's a girl! It's a girl!' I was so thrilled that I hugged her and we danced around the room yelling, 'It's a girl! It's a girl!' like a couple of demented new fathers whose wives have just given birth! But getting my voice to sound like a woman's to a computer was the least of my worries in this connection, for then I had to start learning about inflection, how to start a sentence and how to end it because - women's voices go up at the end of a sentence, whereas men's go down. Learning to be a woman was difficult and very confusing. For example, men are used to sit with their legs apart. When men are introduced to each other, they're trained to shake hands firmly and look each other straight in the eye. If women do that they could be perceived as issuing an invitation! Then there were all those zips and hooks and buttons which seemed to do up in a different way. I even had to learn how to gesticulate in a feminine manner and to play with ear-rings and necklaces and twiddle my hair! There was one unexpected benefit to all this tuition, though, because I actually found my new skills coming in very useful in the board room or at a particularly tense meeting. Previously I'd always been fairly commanding in meetings - my problem was I was a bit of a table thumper when I got annoyed. Now, however, I discovered the art of just waiting, saying nothing and looking round the table in order to bring a room under control. I soon discovered it was just as effective as banging your fist. When Stuart, my chairman, had insisted I stay on, he had said that he would break the news about me gradually. First he would tell the board. Then he'd let management and executives in on the secret, and finally, he'd make an announcement to the staff before I left to undergo the major surgery involved. In this way everyone would have an opportunity to get used to the idea before it became fait accompli. Once again it was decided to explain this highly complicated situation by simply repeating the story I had told the children, about an incurable condition necessitating hormone treatment which would transform me into a woman. When everyone in the company had been informed they were all very supportive. If people gossiped and speculate behind my back, it was never made known to me. The only person who didn't seem particularly happy was the Production Director, Nick Bellamy, with whom I'd never got on, but he of all people should have been over the moon because he got the MD's job in my place. At that point, everything in my life seemed well. The date of my operation was drawing nearer, I'd been assured that my job was secure, and I was finally beginning to master many of the things I needed to learn to be an effective and credible woman. The one sad aspect was that I didn't get to see my children as often as I would have liked, but Marylin and I wrote to each other regularly and frequently spoke on the phone. Apart from that, the only cloud on my personal horizon was the prospect of having to tell my parents what I was about to do. Following my divorce, I'd been down to stay with them for odd weekends and our relationship had been fairly good, but in my heart I knew that the moment I told them the truth all hell would break loose. I kept putting the moment off. First I convinced my mind and decided phoning would be better. This went on for weeks as I deterred about how best to break the news. Finally, I knew there was no alternative: I had to visit them and tell them the truth face to face. I left work on the Friday evening and drove straight down to Harpenden. As usual they were pleased to see me. That night I didn't say a word - somehow I couldn't bring myself to ruin the whole weekend. But by Saturday evening I was a nervous wreck. I said I wanted to talk to them, and we all went into the lounge. We sat for several moments in uncomfortable silence as they no doubt wondered what to expect, while I was playing for time and wondering how - and where - to begin. Eventually I took a deep breath and simply said: 'There's no easy way to tell you what I'm going to tell you. And there's no way I can prepare you for the shock of what I'm going to say.' And then I told them everything. I don't think they believed what they were hearing. They were in such a state of shock they could only sit there staring blankly at me. Dad's first words, when they eventually came, were; 'What are our friends and neighbours going to say?' If it wasn't so sad I might have been tempted to laugh; it was precisely the kind of inane remark people make when they're too upset to think what they're saying - though I'm convinced Dad hadn't meant it the way it must have sounded. Then, after several moments of strained silence, he said: ' If you do this, I'll disinherit you.' I have never benefited from anyone's death and would never want to My eyes travelled back and forth between the faces of my parents. I couldn't think of anything to say. It was obvious from the look on Mum's face that she was devastated. In my heart I knew I had always been special to her, as sons usually are to their mothers in a way they're not to their fathers, and I'm sure the shock was far worse than it would have been were it my sister telling them she wished to become a man. I looked once more at my father. I knew there was no possible way I could make him understand. Having been brought up in their faith, I was all too well aware of the Jehovah's Witness belief that the Bible teaches that men are the superior sex. Dad simply couldn't comprehend why a member of that sex should want to give up his superiority, and not only give it up, but actually undergo surgery in order to become a member of what he had been trained to believe was an inferior sex. There was nothing left to say and nothing that I could do, so I went to bed and lay there in the dark, hating the way I was hurting them, but knowing that things had gone too far for me to turn back now. I didn't sleep, partly because my numb brain wouldn't allow me to and partly because I could hear my mum crying all night long. In the morning we all looked dreadful. Cutting my visit short by several hours, I told them I was leaving right away. Once again we went through another traumatic scene that seemed to mirror grotesquely the one we'd played years before when I told them I was marrying Marylin. They begged and pleaded with me to change my mind. Mum clung to me at the door, sobbing, while Dad stood angry and mute in the background. I had no doubt that Dad would never forgive me and that his righteous anger and indignation would see him through the weeks and months that lay ahead. But Mum? Without doubt it must have been the worst thing she's ever had to endure. I drove away with the tears pouring down my cheeks. It wasn't a case of wishing I could change my mind - it was too late for that now. I'd tried everything to avoid this decision, and nothing had worked. If my parents thought, as they'd indicated before I left, that 'I could always go and see another doctor and it would be all right again', they were grasping at straws. I suppose what made it even worse was that there had never been any sign of my being effeminate. With my crazy past they had every reason to believe that I was nothing less than a red blooded male who had a long succession of 'girlfriends'. Despite being deeply saddened and distressed by this latest breach between me and my parents, as my body took on more and more of a woman's shape I began to be filled with a sense of wonder and awe. For more than thirty years it had looked just like every other man's, and now, suddenly, it was totally different. Sometimes, however, my feelings were strangely ambivalent. I found it difficult to look at myself in the mirror unclothed, though I didn't mind if I was half-dressed. I could cope with the top half looking like a woman if I couldn't see that the bottom half still looked like a man, but it was too bizarre to see the two halves of me together. I was an in-betweeny, neither one thing nor the other, and though on the one hand it was frustrating and at times even made me feel freakish, there were also many occasions when my situation gave me cause for reflection. One of them was during a regular three-monthly trip to London during which I had to dress and behave as a woman. By now I was becoming fairly confident whit my new 'image' and thought I was a rather convincing 'lady'. It was a hot, sticky summer's day and I was perspiring (I no longer 'sweated' like a man) as I caught a taxi from the station to the hotel. On arrival, the cabbie unceremoniously dumped my luggage on the pavement, leaving me to struggle into the hotel with it myself. Grumbling to myself, I staggered into the reception and rang the bell for attention, barely taking notice of a guy standing in the reception area staring at me. A few moments later the man approached with a drink in each hand and drawled in an unmistakable Canadian accent: 'Hi, honey, you look like you could really use this.' 'Well,' I said, 'that's the most novel introduction I've heard yet!' If the man had offered to buy me a drink I would have refused. Instead he'd pre-empted a potential refusal by buying it anyway and offering it to me at the very moment I was most in need. I had to admire that for as I have found since , there are very few real gallant gentlemen left in this world. That evening we enjoyed a very pleasant meal together, which he insisted on paying for. Thankfully, my companion proved to be a stimulating conversationalist and not in the least pushy, although to be fair if he had been he would have been on a hiding to nothing. As it was, I retired to my room alone and spent the night reflecting not only on how nice it was to be completely accepted as a female, but also on the novelty of having a man buy dinner for me! What with work, my thrice-weekly date with Betty's dreaded needle and my shopping jaunts and 'lessons in being a lady' from Sandra, life was fairly busy and therefore time passed quickly. But as my big day grew closer and closer I felt an increasing sense of excitement and trepidation. After Marylin had moved south, she kindly allowed me to take the children on holiday each summer. Determined to make the most of our stay together, we all had a wonderful time. Those days remain in a corner of my memory as the brightest spots in those two and a half years before my 'change'. The previous year we'd had a canal holiday, which was great fun, and though I'm sure Stephen, Andrew and Becky couldn't help but be aware of the physical transformation that was taking place in me, to their credit they never once asked an awkward or embarrassing question. In fact, the only time the subject was raised was when Stephen watched me hauling our cases out of the car boot and shyly said: 'Let me take those, Dad. Remember, you're going to be a woman soon.' 'Oh, my God!' I thought, gulping in surprise. 'I wonder if he's really thought about what he's saying?' Was it nothing more than a purely spontaneous remark? Or could it be that Stephen was already coming to terms with what was about to happen to me? This year, my very last as their father, we were going to have another holiday together just a few weeks before my operation. We decided not to do the canal trip again, but spent the time going to the theatre, shows and meals. All too soon it was time for them to return home. I drove them to Manchester Piccadilly Station on the Sunday morning to catch their train, desperately trying to conceal the tears in my eyes and the lump in my throat. I loaded them up with food, drink, chocolates and reading material, kissed them all goodbye and then walked down the platform, not daring to look back over my shoulder for fear I'd break down. As always it was heart-wrenching to see them go. Had I but known it was going to be the very last time I would ever see them for so many years I don't think I could ever have been able to let them out of my sight. Just before Christmas I wrote a memo to the staff informing them that I would be leaving the company on 23 December 1983, to be replaced as a marketing director on 5 January 1984 by Miss Stephanie Anne Lloyd. It continued: ...and whilst you will, no doubt, notice many differences in appearance, our management styles are identical. Miss Lloyd will face a difficult time next year and I know she will appreciate all the help you can give her. I sincerely hope that this unavoidable change will not cause any difficulties, and whilst both you and she maybe somewhat apprehensive on the 5th, I hope that it will not take long to establish a relaxed and comfortable working relationship. Finally, may I thank you personally for the many messages of support I have received. Whilst it was never my intention to stay when this time arrived, I am now deeply grateful to Stuart Wallis for his persuasion and support, and pleased that his prediction of people's reactions has proved to be so accurate. Having taken care of everything I could possibly take care of, I left my office for the last time as Keith Michael Hull. The moment I got home, I stripped off my business suit for ever. After packing a case with my female clothes I took a bath, then poured myself a drink. At long, long last my years of torment and waiting were finally over.

Chapter 7 Born Again On 12 September 1983 I was born again-a fully grown woman. I didn't want to hear the gory details about my rebirth, but I couldn't avoid knowing what was involved though fortunately I was asleep throughout and heavily sedated for the next few days. The procedure which was literally to transform my life would take around nine hours. During that time the surgeon, Mr Philip, would use every ounce of his skill delicately to eradicate every visible trace of my former male self. He would remove the testicles from the scrotal sac and the tissue and muscle from within the penis, leaving only a shortened urethra and the outer penile skin intact. Then he would create a false vagina approximately ten to eleven inches in length, which he would line with the penile skin before packing it with surgical dressings to minimize the chances of my new vagina caving in. Utilizing the penile skin in this way would mean that, as the nerve-endings were still present, I would be capable of enjoying normal sexual intercourse as a woman. And while I would not possess a clitoris as natural women do, it was still possible, I was told, for me to have an orgasm from penetrative sex. It's a common fallacy that male-to-female transsexuals are homosexual by nature, as that's rarely if ever the case. Sexual intercourse was the last thing on my mind, because I'd never been the slightest bit interested in men and certainly didn't envisage that situation changing now. All I wanted was to look like a woman and be a woman with my brain sex now matching my biological body thus it was immaterial to me whether that included being able to function like a woman in a sexual respect. Having said that, I couldn't help but find it ironic that as the person who had once worked so hard to perfect the art of clitoral stimulation through oral sex on females, should now be incapable of achieving any satisfaction myself this way. If I have inadvertently oversimplified the enormous skill that such surgery requires, giving the impression that anyone with a Black and Decker drill and sewing kit could accomplish this miracle, then I apologise to the surgical and nursing team. It was indeed an extremely long, dangerous and highly complicated operation. Perhaps it's testament to Mr Philip's exceptional skill that, though I've had examinations since then, not one doctor has ever been able to detect the seam, and BUPA still try and undertake a smear test at my annual medicals. "Stephanie! Stephanie". I was vaguely aware of a gentle voice tugging at my consciousness. I tried to open my eye's but my eyelids were weighed down. I felt as if I was floating in a long, dark, warm tunnel and really didn't want to wake up. Then, having satisfied themselves that I was all right, the nursing staff allowed me to drift back into a heavily sedated sleep for the next two or three days. My first conscious recollection was waking up to find Mr Philip sitting on the edge of my bed, gently stroking my hand. "Hello, Stephanie." Such simple words, but oh, the relief I felt at hearing them! I managed to smile back at the man who had spoken them, for I knew from his expression that my transformation into a woman had been a complete success. I was exultant. I'd come through and now I was truly a woman. There was nothing left to fear. As tears of pure joy streamed down my face I could only look into my 'creator's' eyes and pray that he understood my gratitude. This man had given me the most precious gift on earth; he'd given me back my life. There were no adequate words to convey what that meant to me. "I don't need to tell you again that your new life will be far from easy, Stephanie. When you leave here you will encounter prejudice and rejection to a degree that you have never known or imagined. Yet, no matter how difficult the road ahead may prove to be, always remember that you are a girl in a million!" Those words have stayed for ever in my head. For, though Mr Philip was right and I have encountered just about every reaction it is possible to predict-and even some that aren't, when people have treated me like a pervert or a freak - his word's have given me strength, the pride and dignity to hold my head up high. The mood of joy stayed with me for the next few days, even as I lay wired to an ECG monitor with an assortment of catheters, bags and tubes snaking in and out of my body. A few days later the sedatives were withdrawn and I was encouraged to get out of bed and start learning how to use this wonderful, unfamiliar new body I now occupied. As I hobbled the few yards across my room to my en suite bathroom in a determined effort to test out my new mechanics, I couldn't help laughing at the sight of myself in the mirror. For someone who had taken two years of deportment lessons I made a very credible impression of John Wayne walking! As I attempted to relieve myself I was in stitches, both figuratively and literally, at my complete inability to control the direction of the flow. As a man, of course, I'd been used to standing up to pee, but clearly as a woman that just wouldn't do at all! The entire situation struck me as so comical that, despite the stitches and pain, I was doubled up with laughter. On the following Saturday-the sixth day of my new life-Mr Philip came in specially to remove the vaginal pack. If I'd thought electrolysis the most painful thing on earth, it was a breeze compared to the sensation of having my entire interior dragged outside. How do women cope with childbirth?? Obviously, too, I was tense and nervous as he went to work, wondering what else might be removed or dislodged by this excruciating and highly embarrassing excavation work. To my delight, Mr Philip's handiwork survived the experience. When the all new transformed Stephanie was ten days old I was allowed to go home. Obviously I wasn't in a fit condition to drive myself from London to Lancashire, so I had to rely on cabs and planes to deliver me safely home. The journey was horrendous, as every lump and bump in the road made itself painfully obvious to my tender, swollen genitals. But the pain and discomfort were tempered by the sweet glow of comfort, contentment and peace I had felt since the first conscious moment of my rebirth. If I had likened meeting Marylin to coming out of a monochromatic world, seeing the same world through Stephanie's eyes was like looking at life in glorious, dazzling Technicolor. Had everything always been this bright? Or did it merely seem so because I was so grateful to be alive? If I could have skipped to reflect my happiness I would have. Back home I settled into my new life, taking it easy while I recuperated. Every day for the first month I had to use plastic dilators in order to ensure the future elasticity of my vagina, and though it was undignified and awkward I could never fail to see the funny side as well. Sandra visited me once or twice and remarked at my new-found serenity and joy. Trevor called too, inviting me to stay with him at Christmas-an invitation I was only too grateful to accept. I telephoned my parents to make sure they were all right, but since I had no wish to upset them further by speaking of things they had no desire to hear of, my conversation was stilted. Then, to my complete astonishment, my mother asked me if I would like to spend Christmas with them. I could hardly believe my ears, particularly as it was the very last thing I had expected them to do. Now I was really in a dilemma; on the one hand I had already accepted Trevor's offer and had been really looking forward to seeing him again. At the same time I knew I couldn't possibly turn down this opportunity for a reconciliation with my parents. So, despite the fact that my parents faith would inevitably mean a fairly cheerless, possibly even tense non-celebratory Christmas, the very fact that they had extended the invitation filled me with so much gratitude and hope that I couldn't possibly refuse. Unfortunately, my optimism was short-lived. For after a long, tiring journey I was greeted by a mother who, while she tried valiantly to put me at my ease, clearly felt uncomfortable, and a father who still doggedly persisted in calling me Keith! My heart sank as I realised that this attempt at reconciliation was at my mother's insistence, and though it stemmed from the purest of motives, I wished she hadn't bothered. Dad's barely disguised hostility towards me confirmed what I'd always suspected: he was never going to accept me as Stephanie, and this Christmas was going to be the worst kind of trial by ordeal. My favourite and much loved Auntie Elsie came over for a meal and tried hard to act normally in order to force my father's hand, but each day was worse than the one before. We were obviously not communicating and I don't know which was worse - my father's implacable face or my mothers haunted, imploring eyes. We returned Auntie Elsie's visit, but it was all a horrid pretence. Unable to bear it any longer, I made my excuses and left. I couldn't watch my own and my mother's hopes disintegrate any further. Once again I drove through a curtain of tears, the roads were dreary and uncharacteristically empty as I made my way north, but I hardly noticed; all I was aware of was the bitter ache in my heart and the lump in my throat. On a whim, as I passed through Bolton I decided to stop off at an animal sanctuary and find some lonely little pup in desperate need of love. Despite the fact that I'd half expected it, I was feeling so abandoned, mistreated and desolate myself that some how the only way I could conceive of easing my anguish was through taking care of someone more unfortunate than myself. I surveyed the sixteen dogs caged in individual concrete pens, pathetically awaiting either salvation or death, my heart sank. I wished I could take them all. Tails wagged in an hysterical bid for affection as dog after dog sprung to the front of its cage, yelping and barking to get my attention. But all I could see was one sad, lonely bitch who looked to be an odd cross between an Alsatian and whippet, shivering and shaking at the back of her cage as if she knew she didn't stand a chance. As I read the card on her pen revealing that she would be put to sleep the following day, something tugged at my heart. Instinctively I knew this dog was for me. Here was someone who knew all about suffering, pain and rejection, and therefore had a great deal in common with me. I discovered later that she had been starved and then cruelly whipped with a chain before being abandoned. I carried Sheba to my car where she immediately cowered in terror beneath the seat. On the way home I stopped off to buy food, bowls and a lead, and then felt wretched when I saw that, fearing more punishment, she immediately wet herself at the sight of the lead. It was six months before I was able to win her confidence enough to house-train her, but Sheba repaid all my patience , time and effort a hundredfold and bought me love and devotion when I needed it the most and stood faithfully by my side living until the ripe old age of seventeen.

Chapter 8 IT ALL GOES TITS UP The day finally arrived when was due to return to work. For Keith it would be a familiar journey, one he had taken for the past seven years. But Keith was no more, and for Stephanie this would be the first. In order to make my arrival less spectacular, I'd arranged to go in a little later than everyone else and for Sandra to come to my house to help me with my make-up so that I would look my best. There was twitching of Venetian blinds as I walked across the car park. It was only natural that people should be curious to see what I looked like, I supposed, but the reception staff behaved as efficiently and normally as ever. When I walked into my office I was staggered to see that it was full of flowers and telegrams from people wishing me well-including Stuart, the chairman. My return was greeted with less prurient interest and more generosity and warmth than I had anticipated, and I was grateful for the chance to be allowed to ease myself back into the job. At the beginning of February 1984 I attended an exhibition in Paris with Nick Bellamy, who had been appointed MD in my place. During one of my regular calls to my secretary I was alarmed to hear that two reporters from the Daily Mirror had been snooping around and, having been refused either access to or comment from any of the directors, they'd stooped to hanging around in the local pubs to see what they could learn from our shop floor workers. I wondered how they might have got hold of the story and soon it became known, one of my very own staff had betrayed me to the press-and for the price of just £100. I caught the first available flight back to Manchester and drove straight from the airport to our family home, Wynthorpe, which I had moved back into when Marylin had left. I parked in the drive close to the front door and was just unlocking the boot when I suddenly became aware of a scuffling sound. I looked up to see several people bursting through the bushes into the garden, and was momentarily blinded by the flash bulbs of what seemed to be dozens of camera's. Bewildered by the questions that were being thrown at me, I didn't know what to do. I was trapped outside my home and there was nowhere to run. I had no option other than to stand my ground and say something that would make them go away. "Look, guys, under the terms of my contract of employment I'm not allowed to give press interviews. However, if you're patient I'll try to ensure that the company issue an official statement outlining all the details of my situation." "Lets have a picture then!" one of the mob yelled. It was just like being at the mercy of a pack of baying hounds. Why did they want me to pose for pictures? They'd already taken enough to fill an album! Eventually it became clear that they were determined not to go away empty-handed so, against my better judgement, I agreed to pose for two formal pictures in return for their promise that they would omit all details of my former wife and my children. The moment I was able to escape into the safety of my home, I locked the door and phoned Stuart. "You did the right thing, Stephanie," he said "I think I'm going to have to discuss this with the board before any of us says anything more." Stuart's calm handling of the situation did much to relieve my anxiety. If the paper knew they would be issued with an official statement, they'd hardly print a story on what they'd got so far. At least that's what I thought. Unfortunately, unbeknown to me, one member of staff had given the Daily Mirror a new angle by inadvertently mentioning that I'd been flown home, desperately ill, from the Far East three years before and had been undergoing hormone treatment ever since. The Mirror wasn't about to let go of a story on which it believed it had a world-wide exclusive, and so it simply put two and two together and came up with five. That same Sunday night, as the Mirror's presses rolled out the following day's paper, I was besieged by newspapermen all wanting to get in on the act. During the early hours of Monday morning I was even woken by reporters from the Manchester Evening News who were screaming through the letter box at me to come down and give them the story too. I hadn't seen the paper's before I left for work, but I wasn't allowed to remain in ignorance for long. On Monday, 6 February 1984 I was front page news. Under the banner headline 'MIRROR EXCLUSIVE' screamed the words: 'AMAZING SEX CHANGE BY THE BOSS'. The entire front page was taken up with 'before' and 'after' pictures of me, alongside a totally erroneous story which covered not only the front page but all of pages two & three. I couldn't believe my eyes. If it hadn't been so awful, I might have laughed. After all, all I wanted was simply to be allowed to live in peace as a woman, and now here I was a tabloid page three girl! Our head offices were picketed literally crawling with British and foreign journalists who, desperate for news and frustrated by our refusals to co-operate, had resorted to accosting every single member of the company who might be able to give them some juicy little detail to boost their circulations. Confounded by the sheer intensity of the media's interest, none of us knew quite how to cope. In retrospect I believe we all handled it very badly, but at the time we did what seemed the most sensible thing. Instead of issuing a statement to the press, the company chose to remain silent and I was advised to go away and hide for a week in the hope that things would die down. Unfortunately, the lack of information only fanned the flames. Desperate for any kind of story, true or false, the press decided to speculate. The company suggested I get right out of the country for a week or so, but I preferred to take a week's break in the Lake District-at least that way I would be able to keep in touch. The press coverage continued throughout the entire week I was away as newspaper after newspaper became more fanciful and sleazy. If it hadn't been so tacky and upsetting, I might have been amused; for if I'd truly done everything they claimed, I'd be more than a mere story-I'd be a legend. Upon my return Stuart called and asked me to meet him and Nick at the Last Drop Hotel in Bolton to 'discuss the present situation.' I had no idea what to expect, but I was beginning to feel decidedly apprehensive. The moment I looked at Stuart's face, I realised what was in store. Hestair simply couldn't handle the publicity. My fears were confirmed when Stuart informed me, albeit regretfully, that my situation had now become to hot for them to handle. Moreover, they were afraid of the possible reaction from the company's institutional shareholders. To save the embarrassment of being fired I resigned and my resignation was promptly accepted. Stuart simply said, 'I'm sorry Stephanie' and I believe he really was. 'But we'd like to invite you to remain as an external consultant if you're willing to do that.' 'I'm sorry too, Stuart,' I replied. 'But on reflection, I feel it would be better for us all if the break is completely clean.' Once again, as so often before in my life, I drove back home in tears. I must have cried so often in that car it's a wonder the interior wasn't rusty from damp. If only I'd followed my earlier instinct and left twelve months before. At least then I would have been able to set up my own company and be in charge of my own destiny. That night I telephoned Marylin to break the awful news. She was furious understandably, because the family were still totally dependent on me financially. Without a job, or even and prospects of a job, how would I be able to support them all? I understood that it was more than she could take, but I was also saddened and upset. It was a disaster for her and a catastrophe for me. What was I supposed to do now? The phone call marked the beginning of the end of my comfortable relationship with Marylin, and from that moment things quickly began to go sour. In an attempt to protect Marylin's and the children's financial security, I suggested that it might be wise if I signed all our joint assets over to her. A court hearing, at which the legal formalities would be taken care of, was duly set for several weeks hence. Though my salary had been a good one, the cost of running two households, together with the additional expenses of treatment and a whole new wardrobe meant that I'd never been able to save. When I counted up all my assets I had seventy eight pence, the clothes I stood up in and one loyal, faithful, dependent rescue dog. I had lost my job, my salary, my car, my family and everyone I thought were my friends. For the first time in my entire life I stood completely alone but for Sheba my ever faithful rescue dog and yet, though some might find this difficult to believe, apart from my immediate practical problems the most pressing problem as far as I was concerned was how I was going to be able to afford food for Sheba. On a recommendation I contacted a solicitor, Richard Holman, who I hoped would represent me at the court hearing. It was three days before he could see me. During those three days Sheba and I existed solely on milk and bread that I was able to get delivered on credit from the local milkman. If I took Sheba for a walk, I'd find my footsteps being dogged by hordes of young children who would follow me, chanting names. It brought home to me the fact that I was considered a freak not only by those who knew me but also by those who didn't. The thought occurred to me that, were I suddenly able to skip back a century or so, I'd undoubtedly have been exhibited in a freak show or executed as a witch. Three days later, and now all but destitute, I visited Richard Holman at his office. 'Look, I'd better tell you right now, I have no money, no job and no immediate prospects of a job, so I don't know how I'm going to pay you,' I told him frankly. 'Tell me about yourself,' Richard instructed . By the time I'd finished he looked both interested and doubtful. 'You must have some money,' he said. 'None at all,' I assured him. He then began to question me about my car, my home, my bank accounts and so on. By the time I'd answered all his questions he was sitting back in his chair with a totally incredulous look on his face. 'You really don't have anything, do you?' Without further ado, Richard picked up the telephone, contacted Social Services and, after much frustrating bureaucracy, managed to extract an emergency payment of £25 for me. 'Don't worry about our fees,' he said, 'I'm sure you'll qualify for Legal Aid.' I was flabbergasted at the sincerity of his interest and concern. Richard's firm, Foyster's, weren't some tin pot little solicitors but a large practice that didn't normally deal with Legal Aid cases. But, as I soon discovered, Richard's concern stemmed from a genuine belief in Justice and despite my desperate straits, he treated me with exactly the same respect as he did all his clients. Now, with the princely sum of £25 in my pocket, I was as least able to buy food for Sheba and myself. A few weeks later Richard accompanied me to the court hearing at Bolton. Marylin had made the trip from Devon to be there, but she refused either to look at me or to speak to me, leaving her barrister to address me on her behalf before the hearing commenced. 'You're still prepared to sign all your assets to your ex-wife?' he said. 'Yes,' I replied 'Though I would like to keep one or two things, of course.' 'Oh. Like what?' 'Well, I am going to need a bed-and then there are one or two personal things that belonged to my parents and aunt". The barrister looked put out. Signalling me to wait where I was, he rejoined Marylin for a whispered discussion. Then he returned to us. 'No, I'm sorry. She doesn't want you to have anything I didn't believe him! We had such a large house and there were at least four or five single beds and a couple of doubles. In hindsight, however, it was understandable in hindsight given the mental torture I had subjected her too for her to lash out. Although we haggled and bartered, the actual hearing itself was very brief. I had insisted on retaining possession of an antique sideboard that had belonged to my aunt, simply because I knew my aunt would be furious if I allowed Marylin to take it. But Marylin's attitude had me totally confused. I was handing just about everything I owned to her, including our house, which was worth about £75,000 and only carried a small mortgage and the majority of our belongings. Why was she doing this to me? Particularly when she knew that the moment I signed those papers I would be destitute. But in my heart I knew the answer to my questions. Marylin had finally had to confront Stephanie in the flesh- something she simply could not cope with, the Keith she loved was gone forever. All the friendliness of the past few years, the phone calls and the chats, she'd only been able to handle because she had convinced herself I was still Keith. Now she had the evidence of her own eyes that Keith no longer existed and I believe that was the final straw. I have nothing but admiration for her, for had the position been reversed, I am not sure that I would have met her high standards. Naturally I assumed that I would be able to stay living in the house until a buyer was found, but even that was denied me, for within a week or so I was served with an eviction order. The bank froze my (empty) account, I was unable to use my credit cards because I was without the financial means to pay my debts. Every which way I turned led to a dead end. What on earth was I supposed to do? I had felt badly enough about losing my job, my entire career, but the financial implications hadn't really dawned on me. Somehow, I had thought I might be able to buy a little hotel or something; but now that the reality of my situation was staring me in the face I was beginning to realize how naïve and over-optimistic I had been. I was totally alone (except for Sheba), destitute and unemployable. Contrary to what the press had reported in the past few weeks, ,' I hadn't received a single penny from Hestair. The whole thing seemed like some crazy farce to me. This couldn't possibly be happening to me! But it was. Still, I was convinced I'd soon be able to find myself another job. I'd been headhunted many times during my years at Hestair; there were lots of companies who would be eager, and even grateful, to acquire a person with my skills, experience and knowledge. It never occurred to me that, just like a stack of dominoes, once one part of your world starts to tumble down the rest of it is not very far behind. and it only stops when you reach rock bottom which is where I had now reached. More immediately, however, there were other problems to attend to. With eviction hanging over my head, I had to find somewhere to live. Once again, Richard came to my rescue by managing to get a two-week extension on the eviction order. Meanwhile, the £25 emergency payment I'd received had run out and though I had contacted dozens of employment agencies and sent my c.v. to whoever I thought might be interested, I hadn't received so much as an acknowledgement, let alone the prospect of an interview. With only Sheba for company I walked all the way into town and signed on at the dole office. That, as anyone who's ever been on the dole will undoubtedly confirm, is such a horrendously, humiliating experience that I could hardly bring myself to go back the following week. My face had become so well known that wherever I went I was bound to attract unwelcome attention. To be as notorious as I had become was bad enough, but to have people staring and pointing at me in the dole queue, and knowing that they probably believed all the stories about the huge sums of money the media reported I'd received as a payoff was so humiliating. The strain and pressure were finally beginning to take their toll, so when I visited my doctor for a routine check-up and he suggested an alternative to being on the dole, I was only too grateful to accept. 'After all,' he explained 'if the publicity and all your other problems are affecting you this much, you have every right to be considered temporarily unfit for work. And although that means you won't qualify for dole money, you will be able to claim sick relief. Despite the fact that this meant I'd actually be £1 a week worse off, I was so relieved not to have to face the dole queue again that it was worth it to me. Then at last my job applications began to bring in a number of requests for interviews-but, despite my excellent track record, not for the right reason. It soon became apparent that I was only being invited because the interviewers were intrigued. They knew who I was, of course. With all the publicity, how could they not? No one, however, seemed to be remotely inclined to employ me. I spent several days thinking over my plans, finally reaching the conclusion that the only business I could do well in would be one in which who & what I was, would be an asset not a liability. Meanwhile I needed to buy myself a cheap an old car having lost my company car but with no money or assets it seemed impossible and I was still having facial electrolysis (there are now good alternatives to this costly & painful treatment), I needed to get to & from Betty, who had treated me for 3 years, and had kindly agreed to continue to do so without payment. Even an old banger would do, but I had nothing to sell. My only possession was Aunt Elsie's antique sideboard and as I couldn't bear to part with it permanently I wondered whether there might be some way to secure a loan against it. I picked up the Yellow Pages and rang the first number I came across to seek advice on how to go about organizing a valuation. 'We can't help you here,' the friendly young man at the end of the telephone said, 'but there's a man I know who is very knowledgeable and could advise you on its worth. I can arrange for him to come and see you tomorrow if you like.' I said that would be fine. The next evening Robert arrived at my door. He was not very tall, rather thin and very well-preserved for a man whom I judged to be somewhere in his sixties. I invited him in, made a pot of tea and then asked him to evaluate the sideboard. But to my consternation, he seemed far more interested in evaluating me! Bob, as he asked me to call him, was obviously a wealthy man, though very much the public school type who did not believe in flaunting either his wealth or status. He was well-bred, knowledgeable, intelligent and interesting, and I couldn't help liking him. To be honest, though, it never occurred to me that he could be interested in me. I had been a woman for such a short time that I still wasn't aware of the things women intuitively know about men. In retrospect I can now see that for Bob it seemed the ideal situation. Here I was, a divorced woman living on her own and therefore eminently available. I was more intrigued by the fact that he gave no indication of knowing who and what I was, and that was a novelty to me. After giving me his estimation of the sideboard's current value, Bob seemed strangely disinclined to leave. The following day I received an enormous bouquet of flowers from him. The next day, another bouquet arrived, and the next and the next, until there was only the dogs bowl left without a floral arrangement. By that time I was beginning to panic. Should I telephone him and thank him, or should I wait for the inevitable call? On the one hand, Bob had boosted my ego enormously at a time when nobody else wanted to have anything to do with me. On the other, what would happen when he found out about me? Finally he telephoned and despite having expected it, I found I was totally unprepared when he invited me to have dinner with him. I declined. It was impossible-I couldn't possibly get involved with this man, as nice as he was. But I reckoned without Bob's persistence. He refused to take no for an answer, though he eventually settled for the promise of a drink. Obviously, he wasn't going to let me off his hook that lightly. So, knowing that I was in a tricky situation, I resolved to tell him the truth. I arranged with Bob to collect me at home that evening, suggesting that we drive out to a pub called the Thomas Dutton at Edgerton, just the few miles across the moors that divide Darwen from Bolton. I spent the rest of the day worrying about what I should wear, selecting and discarding a variety of different outfits. Why not just turn up in jeans and sweater? I asked myself. You're only going to tell the man the truth-why bother to get dressed up? But six-thirty found me bathed, made up, dressed to kill and nervously alternating between checking my lipstick and my watch. When we arrived at the pub I sat in the darkest corner I could find, hoping and praying that nobody would recognize me or stare. I hadn't been out in ages, and soon the combination of that novelty, Bob's easy conversation and the odd drink or two made me relax. Then he made his move. 'I'd very much like you to have dinner with me one evening, Stephanie,' Bob said. Uh oh! I thought. Here it is. How are you going to get out of this now? There's only one thing to do. You've been avoiding it long enough, but you're really going to have to tell him the truth now. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. 'Em, I think I'll just pop to the ladies,' I said, taking the coward's way out. Once in the loo, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. What's the matter with you? I said to myself. You've stood up in front of hundreds and delivered word-perfect speeches. You've appeared on TV, you're confident and self-assured. Just get on out there and tell him. With stiffened shoulders, I marched resolutely out into the bar, walked across to the table and said to Bob: 'Right. I've got something to tell you. But.....first I'm going to put on my coat.' Bob must have thought I was mad, but maybe he had first hand experience of eccentrics, because he merely stood up and helped me into my coat with no more than a quizzical smile. 'Right. Now. You're not to say anything at all. Just sit there and listen. And when I leave, you mustn't follow me.' Bob's mouth opened and closed like a goldfish as I launched myself into my tale. Thirty seconds later, having encapsulated my entire life story into that short period of time, I rushed out into the night. There was only one vital flaw in my plan, without a car, how the hell was I going to get home? What a bloody fool you are, Stephanie! I berated myself as I began to tramp the long, weary road that snaked across the moors back to my home. Two cars passed me as I walked and both stopped to offer me a lift, but as each contained a solitary man I ignored the offers and walked on. I had covered almost half the distance when Bob's car pulled up behind me with a screech and he jumped out, wrenched open the passenger door and commanded me forcefully to get in. I did. We drove back to my place in complete silence. When we arrived I got out, unlocked the front door and started to walk away, certain that I would never see this man again. Suddenly, Bob's arm reached out to grasp my shoulder and turn me round to face him. With a wry smile, he gently touched my tear-stained face and said: 'I think you're one hell of a courageous lady.' Then with a quick kiss he left. Sheba lay waiting for me in the hall. Dropping my bag on to the floor, I lay down beside her with my arms around her neck and wept into her fur. At three in the morning, I awoke to find myself still there with Sheba curled up in my arms. I had an aching back and was stiff all over, but I felt better than I had done for weeks. When I eventually got up, red-eyed and weary but otherwise in a far better mood, I was pottering around cleaning up the house before taking Sheba for her morning walk when the doorbell rang. On the doorstep stood another gigantic bouquet with a card attached which read: 'Just because you are who you are. Love Bob.' Poor Sheba's walk had to wait until I'd repaired the ravages of another bout of tears. After that Bob became a regular and very welcome visitor. We went out for meals, played backgammon together and took long walks with Sheba. Bob displayed an amazing amount of kindness towards me and as he never attempted anything other than a quick goodbye kiss it wasn't long before I began to relax in his company and simply enjoy his friendship. I soon learned that he was sixty-three, successful and very seriously wealthy and, predictably, also very much an unhappily married man.(It was years before I learned what most women seem to be born knowing, that all married men intent on having an affair say that they are unhappily married.) but I was a 33 year old female virgin back then. Soon enough the postponed eviction order was enforced. Once again I contacted Richard with the Plea: 'What am I going to do now?' What happened next was almost unbelievable. After he contacted Social Services offered to put me into a hostel for the homeless and to have Sheba put down. I was outraged. 'How can you suggest a thing,' I groaned. 'This dog is the only friend I have in the world!' I would have rather slept rough with Sheba than in comfort without her. Like most people, I didn't have a clue as to what my basic rights were. Fortunately, Richard did. He contacted the local council and said 'I'm coming over now with this girl and her dog. They will sleep on the council office steps and I'll bring a posse of reporters to record and publicise your callous attitude.' Oh, the power of the press! It was just as if a magic wand had been waved, for in no time at all the council agreed to provide a roof over my head. I moved in immediately into a small house in West Houghton and for the next few weeks the only time I emerged was either to potter around on my own in the garden, shop for food or take Sheba for a long walk with Bob. I couldn't help growing more fond of Bob as he helped me to move into my new house at West Houghton, always appearing eager to help around the house and do odd little jobs for me. He even built a kennel for Sheba. And whilst part of me was rather nervous that he might want 'payment in kind' I was curiously drawn towards him. Without doubt, it was a weird situation to be in. I was behaving like a shy little virgin. which of course I technically was. Then, one night, Bob took me out to dinner and ordered champagne to celebrate our having known one another for a whole month. When he took me home, we relaxed with another bottle that he'd left on ice, and as the hours gently passed in the warm and heady atmosphere Bob successfully and expertly seduced me. I couldn't believe that I had lost my virginity in the most romantic, gentle love-making I had ever known. If I had been stone-cold sober, I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to go through with it. As it I was relaxed, slightly drunk and my defences were definitely down. And, if I'm perfectly frank, I enjoyed this new experience of being seduced. If I had any momentary qualms, they came at the point of no return, when suddenly I feared the surgeons skilful handiwork might not stand up to the wear and tear! The amazing thing was the difference in the actual quality of orgasm. As a man, I'd only ever experienced an orgasm that was totally centred on my loins; I had no idea that for a woman it's totally different. It was like dropping pebbles into a pond and watching the waves spread right across the water in ever widening circles. Another strange difference intrigued me. Knowing what it was like to make love as a man, I was well aware that for most men all the affection and tenderness seems to come before their orgasm-or, to put it another way, for men orgasm is a full stop, whereas for women it's merely a comma, a prelude to a feeling that can become something much more. For me it was a totally incredible and beautiful experience, one that I couldn't possibly ever come to regret.

Chapter 9 Transformation is Born Following all the publicity, I had received several letters from complete strangers. One of these came form a transsexual called Caroline who lived in Chester. Caroline told me she was a qualified accountant, and offered to use her knowledge and expertise to help me with my financial affairs. By this time I was in debt up to my ears and being threatened with bankruptcy demands on all sides. The only reason it didn't happen was because it would have cost my creditors at least £700 to issue a writ, and as they knew it would be impossible to recoup even this small amount the whole exercise would have been like flogging a dead horse. It was to be several years before I was in a position to pay them all off. By now things were just about as bad as they could get. Apart from the fact that I had a roof over my head and Bob and Sheba for company, my only real consolation was the feeling that things surely couldn't get any worse. As so often it was not long before I was to be wrong. I opened my mail one morning to find this letter from the Elders of the Jehovah's Witness Sect: Dear Keith, As indicated in reports and on television, the Elders believe that you have gone astray in a moral sense and displayed conduct contrary to good Christian behaviour. As you were baptised originally into the Christian congregation as Keith Hull, a male, you are, therefore, unacceptable to God as female. You are hereby summoned to appear before a judicial committee of Elders to examine your behaviour and determine whether you have contravened the Jehovah's Law. Deuteronomy Chapter 22, Verse 5. Although I had not been active in the religion of my parents for so long, I was, of course, aware of the very real consequences of being excommunicated ('disfellowshipped as they call it), Being excommunicated wasn't the problem; what worried me far more was the effect it would have on my parents as from the moment I was banished from the faith I would, to all intents and purposes, be considered 'dead' by every Jehovah's Witness, and if that were to happen, I knew that because my parents' devotion to the faith was absolute, any faint hope I might have of effecting a reconciliation in the future would be gone forever. Reluctantly, I concluded I had no choice but to attend. I obtained statements from every doctor and specialist I had seen, some of whom were even prepared to attend personally and swear that mine was a true medical condition and therefore, had been treated in the only way known to the medical science. On that basis, the biblical verse in question (which forbids the wearing of male and female clothing by members of the opposite sex) simply was not relevant. Immediately before the hearing I was informed that I could only take one companion into the hearing with me - and that person should be neither a doctor nor a legal representative. I was stumped. Clearly, the Elders of the faith saw only one way to deal with the bad publicity that they felt I had brought to their religion: dispose of me, and the publicity would disappear too. So on the appointed day I found myself seated alone before what can only be described as a kangaroo court of four grimfaced, self-appointed male 'judges'. What happened next can best be summed up by quoting the letter I subsequently sent to the committee: "Although informed on several occasions of my current medical condition which calls for the complete avoidance of stress and emotional upset, you have shown a total lack of empathy and have, by your actions, induced such conditions, thereby adversely affecting my health. I was amazed at your statement that 'as my problems are a result of my own actions I do not deserve any help'. Surely this is akin to refusing to give medical assistance to a child when it falls from a tree on the grounds that it should not have climbed it. I just cannot imagine that Jesus Christ would take such an attitude. The charge that was formally read to me was that I 'had gone astray in a moral sense and displayed conduct contrary to good Christian behaviour', and yet you have been completely unable to provide a sound Biblical basis for such a judgement, rather, basing your argument on the fact that as I was baptised whilst legally male, I am unacceptable to God as a female. From my own knowledge, both of the Bible's teachings and Society's, I am convinced that the way my case has been handled was fundamentally wrong and, therefore, is worthy of further investigation. Your religion teaches that Elders should show love, consideration and a desire to help the sick and needy back to full health, whether spiritually or physically. Yet your attitude towards me has been one of trying to dispose of a 'problem' as quickly and as quietly as possible. I believe it is obvious that I was tried and sentenced before the hearing actually took place." The actual letter I wrote was, of course, far longer than that, and showed all the emotional anxiety and frustration that their callous attitude caused me to feel. I was more than disappointed - I was devastated. To appeal would be futile. I just had to find a way of accepting my excommunication. Far worse than that, however, would be having to come to terms with the fact that as far as all Jehovah's Witnesses including my parents, were concerned, I was now officially dead. This final blow of permanently being estranged from my mum was almost too much to bear. Part of me simply felt like going to bed and wallowing in self-pity, but from the very beginning of my unemployed period I had been aware that the biggest danger was that I might grow lazy and undisciplined, finding that the less I had to do the less I would want to do. In order to combat this I imposed a very strict regimen upon myself, making sure that I got up early, took Sheba for her morning and afternoon walks, cleaned the house religiously and shopped whenever I needed to. The only people I saw or spoke to were Betty, Sandra, Richard Holman and Bob, who would pop over for a few hours every afternoon. Although I had found a measure of inner peace and contentment, I was becoming more wary and insular, preferring to avoid all but the tried and tested few. Far better, I reasoned, not to get involved with strangers, who only seemed to want to indulge their prurient curiosity about me. However, when two gay lads, John and Martin, moved into the house next door in West Houghton and appeared not to have any idea who I was, or show any curiosity about my strange lifestyle, I soon found I could relax in their company and warm to their friendly, easy-going ways. As I subsequently discovered gay men make the best male friends any woman can have. I stepped up my efforts to find a job, applying for every single marketing and sales director position advertised. My c.v. was a problem in that as all my experience had been achieved as Keith Michael Hull. Should I write a covering letter explaining why I was now calling myself Stephanie Anne Lloyd? Or should I simply substitute Stephanie's name for Keith's and let the recipients assume that I'd held my previous positions as a woman? I opted for the latter course, on the basis that explanation would only prove necessary immediately before any interviews I might be offered. Shortly afterwards, a job agency contacted me and asked me in for an interview. Although at £17,000 the salary was far less than half of what I was either used to or worth, in my present position it seemed like a fortune. The job was as a marketing controller for the Co-op and, despite the fact that I made no secret of my background, the interviewer thought my credentials were perfect. 'As the position's been vacant for around six months,' said the interviewer, 'I imagine they'll want to see you as soon as possible. Why don't I telephone them right now to fix an appointment?' 'That's fine by me,' I replied. 'But I'd prefer you to make my identity and ircumstances known to them before am interview.' He picked up the phone. From the way the conversation went, it soon became obvious that the Co-op were more than interested in me. That is until the interviewer added: 'There's just one thing. The applicant is with me now and she's insisted that before any interviews are arranged I should inform you that she has recently been the subject of a great deal of publicity. Her name is Stephanie Anne Lloyd.' I watched the expression on the interviewer's face turn from a smile to a frown. My heart sank. 'I see,' he commented before putting the receiver down. Hardly able to look me in the eye, he quietly said: 'I'm terribly sorry, but they simply don't want a transsexual.' As the Cooperative is renown as an ethical company who probably would be more likely to employ me, it rather sounded the death knell on any future as an employee of any company. I went home alone to face the stark reality of my situation: despite my excellent track record, I wasn't just unemployed - I was unemployable. For several hours I was miserable. Then my fighting spirit returned - from that moment on, I resolved I would never again work for anyone but myself. All I had to do now was find something that I could set up on my own. John, Martin and Bob were unfailingly kind and did their utmost to keep my spirits up while I thought hard about my professional future an my financial problems. I received an invitation form the BBC to take part in the Midweek programme presented by Libby Purves. This would entail spending a night in London with all expenses paid courtesy of the BBC. I had nothing to lose, and nothing else in my diary, so I decided to go along. When I arrived at the hotel I was amazed to discover that I had been allocated an entire suite. This was luxury indeed! After indulging in a long, hot bath I dressed for dinner and went upstairs to the restaurant, arming myself with a book which I hoped would deter any unwanted advances. By now, I was beginning to be aware of the dangers inherent in being a woman on your own. Men seem to view single women in hotels as easy pickings. I was seated close to a table where two men were involved in what seemed to be a business discussion. To my surprise, as I finished my main course the waiter came over and relayed an invitation to join them in a glass of champagne. My first instinct was to say no, but a little voice in my head said: 'This is probably the last opportunity you'll have to drink champagne in the years to come. What harm can it do?' So I accepted their invitation. Shortly afterwards, on of the men excused himself while I continued my discussion with his friend. It soon became apparent that my companion was nothing less than an Middle Eastern multimillionaire who seemed to have business interests in just about every field of commerce that existed. Much of his wealth, he informed me, had been inherited, but he had contributed greatly to his riches by his own business acumen. The conversation turned to me and, reluctant to reveal too much about myself, I talked a little about my background without going into any great detail. As the evening wore on, the restaurant slowly emptied until finally there were just the two of us left behind. Omar (yes, that really was his name!) asked me what kind of music I liked best. Then he wandered over to the grand piano and, just like a scene in a romantic movie, began to play . His champagne, his charm and his exceedingly good looks were beginning to work their magic and I sat gazing at him with a mixture of pleasure, embarrassment and concern. 'I'd like to see more of you. You're not like any other woman I've ever known,' he said when he returned to the table. Half of me was thrilled to pieces, the other half appalled - and the irony of his last statement was not lost on me either! I only knew one way to handle this delicate, uncomfortable moment, and that was to tell Omar the truth about myself, just as I had done with Bob. 'I'm going to tell you something about myself,' I began. 'And when I've finished, I just want to say goodnight and leave. But first, let me thank you for a very enjoyable evening, for your hospitality, your kindness, and for the immense pleasure you have given me tonight.' Then I told him. And when I'd finished, I gathered up my book and my handbag and rushed straight to my room. My last backward glance registered his handsome face composed in an expression of total shock as he sat there staring after me, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Tears were welling in my eyes as I sped upstairs and into my room where I lay on my bed weeping my heart out in the certain knowledge that this was a scenario I would surely have to face over and over again in my life. And yet I could not, would not deceive anyone. How long I lay there I don't know, but my weeping was ultimately interrupted by a knock on the door. Miserably I rose from my bed, not even bothering to clean my mascara-stained cheeks or straighten my rumpled clothes. What did it matter how I looked? I opened my door and stared in amazement, for standing in front of me was Omar with a tray, two glasses and a magnum of champagne in an ice bucket. 'I've thought about it...and it doesn't make any difference,' was all he said in that husky, accented voice that was so sexy it reduced my knees to jelly. I cried again, but this time it was for an entirely different reason. Then we were lying on the couch together and my tears were forgotten as he began kissing an caressing me. When he had made love to me he carried me to the bed where we made love again - more slowly, tenderly and more satisfying than I had ever known. He stayed with me all night as we exchanged intimate confidences about ourselves and our lives. He wanted me to have breakfast with him, but my interview was scheduled so early that it was impossible. 'Then meet me for lunch,' he said imperiously. Had I just gone from virgin to slut, now I had slept with two different men? The live interview went well, though I thought it rather odd that I should be sharing the slot with a vicar and an escapologist who performed what I believe to be the only escape live on radio (which was all the more strange as there were only five of us present in the studio to witness such a feat!). The moment the interview was over I rushed straight back to the hotel, left my baggage with the porter and called Omar on the house phone to let him know I had returned. 'Wait there,' was all he said. Within seconds he was bounding down the stairs and, to my utter stupefaction, hugging and kissing me in front of a hotel full of startled guests. I had feared that when the magic of the night and the champagne had worn off he might feel differently about me, but here he was, apparently just as keen. We ate lunch in a small Italian restaurant, holding hands and gazing lovingly at each other. When we had finished, Omar looked deeply into my eyes and said: 'Stephanie, will you marry me?' I was astounded that I couldn't think of anything rational or even appropriate to say. All I could think of was a number of reasons why marrying Omar would be the worst possible thing I could do. He was a Muslim; What would his parents say or do? It would be bad enough in their eyes for him to propose to someone he had known less than twenty-four hours, but how much worse would they feel knowing that I wasn't even legally a female? And what about the all the other implications? Somehow I managed to garble out all the objections and protestations that presented themselves to me, but Omar refused to take no for an answer. Finally, I said, 'Omar, I just can't make a decision of this magnitude at such short notice. You have to give me more time to think.' Reluctantly, he agreed. Then, brightening slightly, he asked the waiter to bring over a piece of string which he wound around my finger triumphantly before declaring: 'Wait here. I'll be gone just a few moments.' Then he disappeared out into the street. As I waited for Omar to return, I sipped my liqueur and gazed idly around me thinking, 'I don't believe this is happening to me.' My thoughts were in such a jumble that I'd lost the ability to think objectively or rationally. The only possible thing I could do was to play for time. I gave no thought to where Omar had gone, or for what reason but, true to his word, he was back within fifteen minutes saying: 'I know you've said you can't answer my question yet, but I would like you to do one thing for me.' Not wanting to commit myself to something I knew nothing about, I demurred, but the more I resisted the more he pressed. In the end, I caved in. Immediately he produced a small, square box form his jacket pocket and with a flourish presented me with the most extravagantly gorgeous ring I had ever seen. Twenty-five individual, sparkling diamonds winked at me as I gazed in awe at the beautiful sunburst-patterned ring. It must have cost an absolute fortune, and I was totally lost for words. Omar took my hand and placed the ring on my engagement finger. 'Please wear this ring - at least until you give me your decision.' I was so taken aback that I couldn't think of one single valid reason for either refusing or accepting, so I said nothing. 'Now,' he continued, 'you've said we do not know each other well enough. What I would like to suggest is that we go away for a few days together.' Without waiting for a reply (though, frankly, I was incapable of any coherent thought at all), Omar outlined his plan. We would fly to Geneva where he had some business to attend to, and then we would go anywhere in the world that I wanted to for a few days' relaxation, during which time we would get to know each other better. 'Omar!' I protested. 'That's impossible! I can't just disappear like that. I have a dog to take care of. I don't have my passport with me. I don't even have any suitable clothes with me!' Like a man who considered such concerns a mere inconvenience, Omar brushed my protestations aside. 'You can call someone who will look after your dog. We can buy whatever clothes you are in need of. And we can fly to Manchester to your home to collect your passport.' Omar's offer was sorely tempting after so many months of deprivation and loneliness, but somehow I knew that, if I accepted, I might well come to feel so obligated that things could get out of hand. Besides, while I was in his company I was patently unable to make rational decisions and in all probability would just be swept along by Omar's whims. So with a supreme effort I summoned up the determination I didn't really feel, I said no and insisted on returning home immediately. Despite being immensely disappointed, Omar insisted on taking me in his chauffeur-driven limousine to Heathrow and, after calling ahead for John to meet me at Manchester airport, saw me safely on to my plane. Throughout the short flight I was in a state of profound shock. I just couldn't believe what had happened to me! It must be every young woman's dream to be swept off her feet by a dark, handsome, rich stranger - but that it should happen to me! If it wasn't for the enormous, expensive ring sparkling merrily on my finger, I would have been convinced the whole episode had been nothing more than a fantastic dream. When I told the tale to John he seemed just as stupefied as I, although he did tell me that I must be mad not to have gone. 'How absolutely typical of a man!' I thought. Within days calls started arriving for me at John & Martin's house from all over the world. Wherever Omar went he telephoned me, and on every occasion he repeated his proposal. But despite hours spent walking amongst the fields surrounding West Houghton. Discussing my dilemma with Sheba my closest friend, but incapable of replying I still couldn't reach a decision. My relationship with Bob had by this time settled into no more than platonic friendship. I'd been disillusioned and surprised when I had first discovered that he was married, but the hurt turned into outrage when he announced his objections to my spending so much time with John & Martin who were a committed gay couple so it wasn't even as if they wanted anything from me that Bob might have felt was his. We still continued to be friends and to see each other in the afternoon, but I didn't want to continue a sexual relationship with him anymore; and though I'm sure he wasn't happy about that, he knew me well enough by now to realise that "no" was non-negotiable. Besides, I wasn't particularly happy or impressed by the fact that, apart from our first date and the night when he'd seduced me, he never took me out. Like a lot of wealthy married men, Bob didn't like parting with his money or being seen in public and though it simply didn't occur to me to ask for financial help, the fact that it was never even offered spoke volumes. I had been providing free, easy daytime sex to someone who really didn't want anymore from our relationship. Bob's extreme meanness was finally brought home to me on my birthday, when he came over for his usual afternoon game of backgammon and presented me with a package. Delighted that he had remembered, I tore the wrapping off to find that Bob had bought me a large wallet of coloured felt-tip pens! Convinced that this must be a joke and that his real present was to follow, I laughed. When I realised that this was my present, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the insult. I needed a set of felt tip pens like I needed a guided missile or another penis - either would have been about as much use to me in my present dire situation! Perhaps if I'd stayed with Bob until Christmas I'd have got the colouring book as well! Still, it was my birthday, and John and Martin had very thoughtfully decided to make me out for a meal, so at least there was one bright event to look forward to. If only I'd known then just how memorable that birthday would prove to be! Before we left, two significant events occurred. The first was a whole vanload of flowers. The second was the arrival of a reporter from the Manchester Evening News. I had confided the details of my meeting with Omar to only about six trusted friends, and yet here was the Manchester Evening news begging for more details! Once again I had been betrayed by somebody whom I considered to be a trusted friend. Within days the national Sunday papers were on to the story and, as if to remind me of the fact that I would never be able to lead a normal life again, once more what seemed like the whole world was prying into my private life. In the event, there were two good things that came out of that particular blaze of publicity. The first was that it forced me to concentrate my mind on the subject of marriage to Omar. Where would we live? Would his family reject me? What about his friends? If everyone in Omar's world refused to accept our relationship, wouldn't that make him resent me in time? The conclusion was staring me in the face. I must turn Omar's proposal down. When I broke the news to him he pleaded with me to change my mind, offering me every possible reassurance that he could. But I was adamant. The second benefit was that it made me realise how genuine John & Martin's friendship was and I have consistently found that gay men make the best friends for women. (Sadly they both died of AIDS which is why I can now use their real names). Until the moment I hadn't really been sure that they knew who I really was, so when the publicity broke I had begun to avoid them in the mistaken belief that they might not want to be associated with me. But they refused to let me to do this, telling me in no uncertain terms: 'When will you get it through your head that we love you for who you are'. The absence of Omar's phone calls proved more painful than I had imagined, and many times I cried over what I thought could well have been my most disastrous mistake. With hindsight, I can see clearly now that my decision was right. Granted, I would have enjoyed incredible wealth and a fantastic lifestyle, but I doubt whether I would have found the same degree of happiness and contentment that I now have. The time had come for me to give immediate consideration to my future. I knew I had to do something on my own, but what? I knew it had to be some venture in which my past and my background would not prove to be a major liability. Unfortunately, this ruled out most of the things I could think of. And even if I did come up with a suitable venture, what would I use for capital? I considered setting up a marketing constancy business, but then the thought occurred to me that I might be boycotted by any reputable companies because of my notoriety. It was whilst I was running through every possibility that I began to wonder where people like myself who were tall, or larger than 'normal' size, bought their clothes. This led me to pondering the problem of where transvestites - or cross dressers or TVs, as they are often known - got their female clothes, which in turn led to wondering about how many transvestites there might be in Britain. Researching this subject was far from easy, because by the very nature of their predilection transvestites do all they can to conceal this fact about themselves. But by visiting the local library, and through John's efforts to obtain specialist TV magazines for me, I was able to reach the conclusion that here was a market which was vastly under-catered to. Moreover, of those who were providing the means for TVs to indulge their relatively harmless hobby, the vast majority were exploiting the TVs' plight by selling shoddy goods at inflated prices in sleazy back street dives. The idea that started life as no more than idle wondering began to germinate , and before too long I had put together a complete proposal for a business that would cater exclusively to this market. Percentage-wise the market couldn't possibly be that extensive; therefore, if the venture was to have any chance of succeeding, I would need access to densely populated areas. The north-west seemed to serve my needs well in that respect, and it also attracted a great deal of passing trade. When I looked at a map I saw that the easiest place to reach from north, south, east and west was Junction 17 on the M62. My proposal included not just clothing, wigs, underwear and shoes, but absolutely everything a transvestite might conceivably need, including a beauty salon with trained staff to give advice on make-up and running, a confidential mail order service could easily reach the rest of the UK. (retrospectively I know that whereas the gay market represents about 10% of adult males, cross dressers account for a fraction of 1%). The only vital piece missing from my jigsaw was capital. Despite approaching numerous banks and finance companies, I reached the conclusion that the oft-repeated maxim was true: "banks are only happy to lend you an umbrella when there is no chance of rain". I think since 2008 everyone has discovered that banks are so much worse than we then believed, however without collateral I was stumped. No one was prepared to put up unsecured capital finance such a venture, so there was only one avenue left for me to explore. I placed an advert in the Manchester Evening News: 'Mature businesswoman with innovative idea wishes to meet partner with capital in return for fifty per cent of the equity.' I received thirty-six replies. Some were immediately disqualified because of their tone, others after the first telephone conversation. I was now down to just eight which seemed to warrant a meeting. One day over coffee I was telling Sandra, the beautician who had taught me so much about looking and behaving like a woman, of my plans. Suddenly she said: 'my brother Raiko's always fancied going into business'. She explained that Raiko was currently working for the British Shoe Corporation as a manager of one of their larger shops in Liverpool. A few days later I received a note through the post, asking me to ring Sandra urgently. 'I've mentioned the matter to my brother,' she said excitedly, 'and he's very interested in meeting you.' Sandra had an Italian mother and a Yugoslavian father; a nicer family one could ever expect to meet, and Raiko, it soon transpired, was just as nice as everyone else. We clicked immediately and within twenty minutes we'd sealed a bargain to go into partnership, with Raiko investing every penny he had (£6000) in our joint venture. The next step involved meeting the eight interested parties left on my list. Some were immediately put off as soon as they learned the nature of the business I intended to set up, while others I couldn't relate to and instinctively felt that a partnership would never work out. Only one of the eight, a woman, emerged as a front runner - until I made the mistake of inviting her round for a drink with John and Shaun one night. Unfortunately, John had rather too much to drink and insisted on telling this lady her fortune, which apparently consisted mainly of 'dark waters'. Whether it was John's dire predictions or something else that put her off I'll never know, but in the event I received a negative response from her two days later. All I had left now was one last note which I had initially disregarded on the basis that it was scribbled on the letter heading of a company called Booth's Supermarkets. It was a very brief message and the almost illegible scrawl that worried me, for it merely said 'Ring...' followed by a telephone number and a signature that was virtually indecipherable. But what did I have to lose? After all, there weren't any other runners left in the race now. In a far from optimistic mood I rang the number and spoke to Mr Booth, who arranged to visit me to discuss my proposition. Many months later I learned that it was literally only as he was setting off to meet me that David Booth discovered my identity from an item in the evening paper. Thank goodness David was not the kind of man who chooses to judge a book by its cover! Promptly at eight David arrived and, after being invited in, immediately took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and proceeded to make himself at home. Over coffee I explained that, with Raiko financing the retail side, I still needed capital for the mail order operation and beauty salon. David's response to my outline ideas was fairly non-committal: he only said that it would be essential for me to meet his wife, who was in partnership with him. Meanwhile, Raiko and I were busy trying to find the right premises in the location that I had pin-pointed, as well as suitable suppliers - the latter proved to be far more difficult than either of us had envisaged. On Raiko's one day off each week we would scour the locality visiting potential suppliers and inspecting premises. We must have made a very odd couple indeed, with me touching six feet in height and Raiko barely five feet four, but never once did Raiko give me any reason to imagine that he was either embarrassed to be seen with me or had any hang-ups about our relationship. We eventually found a suitable property which, despite being fairly run down, met with most our criteria. The fact that it had been reduced from £40,000 to £35,000 also helped make it more appealing. I approached the local shopkeepers' agency, who arranged to have the property surveyed on our behalf; they recommended that we didn't go above £30,000. To undercut the original asking price by £5000 when it had already been reduced by the same amount seemed a bit risky to me, but we did as we were advised. The plan was that the shopkeepers' agency were offering. I was undecided. On the one hand I didn't really want anyone interfering in our business; on the other, Bob and I were still good friends. Eventually, Bob said that if I rented the property from him, he would buy the freehold, rent it to me & leave it to me in his will. I was surprised for once by his apparent generosity. In the meantime, we could have it on a nine-year lease with an option to buy the freehold after six. The premises located at 428, Bury Old Road, Prestwich also has a 2-bedroom first floor accommodation along with a lounge, kitchen diner and bathroom so the obvious solution was to live in the flat above the shop, and that's precisely what I did. I moved into the flat on 5 July 1984, much to the consternation of the local Prestwich residents who were horrified to have such a notorious person as an immediate neighbour. A further three months were to elapse before we took possession of the shop premises, but what with the flat, a jungle of a garden to transform, stock to buy and a myriad of other details to sort out before we would finally be ready to do business, I had plenty to keep me occupied. In the meantime David Booth had arranged for me to meet his wife, Ethel over a drink. Ethel, it transpired, had been virtually blind with acute myopia when David and she had first met. Because this condition is very much linked to the state of the nerves, her ability to see would vary, though her sight was never particularly good and she relied very much on a guide dog to help her get around. The meeting went well, despite the fact (as I later learned) that Ethel was extremely nervous about meeting someone as infamous as me. A few days later David telephoned to say that, having been in the retail food business for fifteen years, he and Ethel had decided it was now time to expand their interests and take a chance on something different. Having been impressed with my proposals and my professional background, they both felt their money would be wisely invested in me. We decided to form several companies under the banner name of Transformation, with me as a 50 per cent shareholder and either Raiko or David holding the other 50 per cent according to the interests of the particular company. As so often happens, when things begin to sort themselves out in one area of your life, you find that everything else starts improving, too. I had been far too preoccupied with the launch of Transformation to give much thought to a social life, so when I received an invitation for drinks at the house of an acquaintance one evening I didn't fell particularly inclined to accept. In the event, I was ridiculously pleased that I had agreed to go, for it was there that I met what I thought was Mr. Right. At just twenty-eight Peter was not only ten years younger than I, but incredibly good-looking too. From the moment we were introduced he made it quite plain that he was interested in me, and I was immensely flattered. As we talked and relaxed in each other's company, I learned that he was only visiting Manchester for the weekend to attend a local authority conference and that he actually lived and worked in the north-east. Peter was so charming and attractive, and so obviously attracted to me, that I was hooked. By the end of the evening I felt like a starry-eyed teenager in love for the first time in her life, and when he offered to come down the following weekend just to see me I agreed immediately. Ours was a whirlwind romance and, like most such lightning affairs, it was exceedingly intense with ridiculously high peaks and painfully low troughs. We couldn't wait to be with each other at weekends, and during the week we would spend hours talking on the telephone. I was so infatuated that the only person who couldn't see the potential danger was me. Man number 3 was Mr. Right, or so I thought at the time. I was developing a love-live as a teenage girl and was just as naive Each weekend, for forty-eight passionate, romantic hours nothing could separate us; when we weren't in bed, Peter would be right alongside me helping to paint the walls in the shop or putting up shelves - anything, so long as he could be with me. Within a very short time he was like one of the family and both David and Raiko accepted his presence in my life (and, consequently, in theirs) without comment. Privately, however, Raiko had his doubts. Though he kept them to himself at the time, I later learned that he had always felt Peter was far too un-ambitious for me and leaned on me far more than was good for either of us. But I was so besotted with Peter that when he began to talk about finding a job in Manchester and of getting married I was too overjoyed and excited to worry about the fact that it was all happening much too soon. When I was with him at the weekends, my mind was full of him and the wonderful future we would have together, and when we were apart during the week I filled my thoughts with plans for Transformation. On 13 October we were finally ready to open. The Manchester Evening News had published a photograph of me standing outside the shop holding a notice declaring that we would be 'opening shortly', and our first weeks' business was encouraging. Obviously the female population thought we were a straight-forward beauty salon providing all the services that beauty salons provide, while the closet TV population of the area knew from our discreet ads in the Manchester Evening News and TV press that here was a local business that could provide for all their needs. However, as one might expect, this mix of clientele was not without its problematical (and hysterical) moments. We'd hired two young assistants, Maria and Karen, to help out in the shop so that Raiko could continue working at his day job, and quite often I'd be in the difficult position of having a woman in one cubicle having her legs waxed with a man in the next secretly having the same treatment! We worked long hours, opening seven days a week from 9am until 10pm, but it wasn't enough to make the business profitable. Even with our stringent budgetary controls and a hastily arranged overdraft it didn't take long to realise that we were struggling to keep afloat. As a trainee accountant, Peter proved very useful when it came to doing the books for us each weekend, but there was no hiding from the truth: we were heading for financial disaster. David took no part in the day-to-day running of the business because he had his supermarket chain to take care of. Besides, he trusted Raiko and myself to get on with the business of Transformation, and didn't see any need for anything more than a weekly update. Raiko and I began to feel depressed and concerned, and soon even Peter's weekly visits, welcome as they were, weren't enough to lift my spirits. By the time Christmas approached I was beginning to despair: if business didn't perk up soon, I'd be in the unhappy position of being responsible for letting down the only two people in the world who had had sufficient belief in me to invest their hard-earned money in my plans. And as if things weren't looking bleak enough, during one of Peter's weekend visits I realised that something else was obviously going wrong. His attitude was different, and though it was only a subtle change I began to fear the worst. By the Saturday my fears were confirmed: Peter wanted to finish our relationship. I was heartbroken. My first proper boyfriend, who just a few weeks previously had been discussing wedding plans, was now telling me he no longer wanted me. The pain I felt was indescribable. Peter had to stay with me all weekend because he had dropped his brother off in Leeds and wasn't able to collect him until Sunday. It must have been terrible for him: all I could do was mope around with tears streaming down my cheeks, begging him to tell me the reason why. He never did say, but I assume it had something to do with my background. When he walked out of my life that Sunday afternoon I was devastated. Once again I knew what it was like to be alone. If it hadn't been for Raiko's tremendous support, and the fact that I now had a business to bury myself in, I don't know how I would have coped. I was in such an emotional state that for the first five days I could hardly bring myself to get out of bed. All I could do was cry my heart out, alternating between dementedly ranting at fate and bitterly declaring that I now hated all men. Raiko tried his hardest to cheer me up, but he was fighting a losing battle. I could not sleep, eat nor summon any interest in work. As a weight loss programme I knew no equal. Physically, mentally and emotionally I was in such a hopeless mess that I felt the best thing I could do would be to leave both the flat and the business and start all over again. Fortunately, David and Raiko were both marvellously supportive and refused even to consider such a prospect. When sanity returned I realise that however much you love someone it can never make up for them not loving you back. With each passing week Transformation was doing less business. In an attempt to cut costs Raiko left his job and joined me full time so that we could manage without staff. We paid ourselves only £30 a week, yet despite every economy we would be facing bankruptcy if things didn't pick up soon. But when things are at their darkest, salvation often comes along in the strangest of forms and works in the most mysterious of ways.

Chapter 10 Desperate Diversification With the loss of our trained beautician the only person left to do the salon treatments was me; I'd had no formal training, but had been practising long enough to feel reasonably competent. One of our regular customers was a lady called Yvonne, whom I'd become fairly friendly with in a business-like way who ran a massage parlour. When Yvonne casually asked one day how the business was doing, I told her how difficult we were finding things and confided my fears for the future. 'What you need, Stephanie, is to offer new service.' 'What do you mean?' I asked. 'Well, perhaps you should consider offering a massage service for gentlemen', she suggested. I couldn't even begin to imagine what Yvonne was trying to say. 'What do you mean? For gentlemen?' 'You know, with ''extras'' provided on the side. It would help to get you out of the financial mess you're in. And besides, it's perfectly legal if you do it in the right way.' I was so taken aback by Yvonne's suggestion and the casual way she had mentioned it that I didn't begin to consider it seriously, particularly as I was certain it couldn't be legal. However, when she next visited the salon and repeated her idea, I began to wonder. 'Look,' she insisted. 'It really is legal if it's only a single girl. If you don't believe me, why not give my solicitor a call? He'll certainly back up what I'm telling you.' I still couldn't take Yvonne's suggestion seriously - though I mentioned it in passing to Raiko, who agreed with me that it sounded highly illegal. A few weeks later Yvonne appeared in the salon again and asked whether I had spoken to her solicitor, Ian Burton yet. Exasperated when I confessed I hadn't, Yvonne took matters into her own hands and arranged an appointment. Raiko and I were by this time so worried about business that we decided we had nothing to lose by checking Yvonne's story out, so I went along to Ian Burton's impressive offices in Manchester to hear what he had to say. Ian turned out to be a highly intelligent and very successful solicitor who specialised in handling some of the more newsworthy criminal cases. He was very friendly, very personable and quite obviously very much a ladies' man, and when I told him of the reason for my visit he assured me that there was nothing in the law that prevented a girl from offering sexual favours to clients for reward, providing that she worked entirely on her own. I returned home in a thoughtful mood, conscious of the fact that I would have preferred it if Ian hadn't confirmed what Yvonne had said, because now I was presented with a dilemma that I had no real wish to face. Even if it was legal, could I really cope with doing such a thing? And if I could, was I capable of offering the kind of services that Yvonne had suggested? I recounted everything to an incredulous Raiko. As I wanted him to hear the facts from Ian himself, I arranged for us to visit him together, and this time we went along armed with a list of questions. Once again Ian assured us that, providing we stuck to the rules of just one girl working alone, I couldn't possibly be accused of doing anything outside the law. Raiko and I spent many hours trying on the idea for size, but before we were ready to give further consideration we felt it would be wise to invite Ian along to the shop to check out the premises. Raiko also felt that, as it was such a drastic step to take, it was a decision that only I could make. In the event, the decision was taken right out of my hands. For when Ian arrived the following evening, after giving his seal of approval to our premises, he astounded us both with a suggestion all of his own: that he should become my fist customer! I didn't even have time to digest what he had said before I found myself being taken upstairs, and then demonstrating what was soon to become part of a familiar repertoire of providing oral sex and full sex in return for monetary gain. When it was over, a clearly well-satisfied Ian turned to me and said: 'Now, how much do I owe you?' Caught off guard, highly embarrassed and unnerved by this matter-of-fact transaction, I flustered: 'Well, I'm not sure...I mean...hell, why don't you just pay me what you think it was worth?' Fifty pounds poorer, Ian departed leaving Raiko and me to discuss this amazing piece of providence. Both of us were amazed by the whole thing, and even more so by the fact that I had been able to handle the whole thing with emotional detachment. If £50 was the going rate, we thought, it wouldn't take us very long to get our business back on its feet! Emboldened by the exercise - and by the fifty crisp notes now filling our empty till - Raiko and I immediately went to a wholesaler's where we purchased a gross of condoms. Then we placed an advertisement in the personal column of the Manchester Evening News, which read: 'Massage and all facilities provided by attractive transsexual.' Can anyone believe how brazen & naive we were?? The phone calls began to pour in and, delighted but undoubtedly green as grass, we answered every call openly and honestly. I must confess it makes me go hot and cold to think of it now, but we were so innocent and believed so totally in what Ian had told us that we felt absolutely relaxed about being completely frank on the telephone. If a prospective customer asked what services were available, we would list everything we could think of from had relief to oral sex; bondage to domination; and just about every other conceivable sexual need that came to mind. Of course, neither of us was naive enough to inform David who was a very respectable businessman about what was going on. We both sensed that he would not only wholeheartedly disapprove, but would almost certainly raise every objection & possibly withdraw his investment which would immediately put us out of business So it was that I embarked on a new career which, in addition to saving Transformation, also provided some of the most enlightening and often hysterically humorous episodes of my entire career. Our decision had been made so suddenly that we weren't properly equipped to handle all the demands that our new services created. We had a massage couch, of course, because that was an integral piece of equipment for the salon, but apart from that we could only learn what was required as we went along. Thus the first customers who responded to our advertisements were very often closeted in a cubicle right next to another which was occupied by a woman undergoing a conventional (and, as it turned out, more legal) form of treatment. I soon learned to develop a loud, hasty cough to cover the potentially embarrassing noises that a client might make at certain 'sensitive' moments. We even installed a radio and started playing loud music to cover up the often unmistakable sounds of mounting sexual excitement that would deal with the problem of a gentleman's uncontrollably twitching feet sticking out through the curtains of a cubicle which had been designed for a totally different of treatment! Soon, playing this cat and mouse game of trying to prevent one side of the business from interfering with the more legitimate side was beginning to tax even Raiko's and my own far from limited ingenuity. Still, we were taking more money than we'd seen in months and very often we'd earn more in one day that we'd previously earned in an entire week! But Raiko and I still only took the same wage of £30 a week, because we wanted to plough all the money straight back into the business in order to get the company out of debt as quickly as we possibly could. However, it soon became obvious that we couldn't possibly continue to run the service in this way without causing major disruptions to the rest of the salon, so we carried the massage couch upstairs into the flat, which gave me more room and made Raiko's life downstairs a little less fraught. We bought a couple of chairs, a little table and a few bottles of spirits and put these at the bottom of the stairs so that clients could have free drinks and a magazine to read while they waited their turn. And, of course, with a bathroom and shower upstairs in the flat the problems of hygiene could also now be taken care of in a more discreet and thorough manner. Gradually, and by word of mouth my 'fame' was beginning to spread. Once again we were able to employ staff to run the salon downstairs under Raiko's eagle eye, while I was by now fully occupied upstairs earning the money to support our venture. With our more pressing financial problems easing, I was able to feel a certain sense of pride in my new 'business' guaranteeing that every customer left fully satisfied. David was still blithely ignorant of the true nature of our new 'business success'. When he innocently enquired, during one weekly visit, why I had a massage couch in the middle of my lounge, I convinced him that, as we were now so popular that we'd decided to invest in a second couch (for which there was no room downstairs) rather than lose out on potential business, which was true but slightly disingenuous. Human nature being as curious as it is, I'm sure many readers will be amused by some of the stranger (and more amusing) people, peccadilloes and requests that soon became an everyday part of my life. One of my first regular clients was a man whom we nicknamed Mr Blackburn, after the town from which he came. Mr B was a stoutly built individual who took to coming in late on Saturday evenings. During our first encounter he shyly told me that he was totally unable to enjoy 'normal' sex and was very much addicted do pain, complaining that no girl he had ever visited had been able to provide sufficient pain for him to experience complete pleasure and satisfaction. Far from being shocked, I was able to sympathise with Mr B's unfortunate plight. Armed with padlocks, whips and lengths of chain, I soon had him helplessly trussed like a chicken on the couch as I deployed my entire repertoire of domination techniques in order to provide him with the relief he so desperately sought. I tried a schoolroom cane first, discarding it in favour of a cat o'nine tails when it obviously proved inadequate. Unfortunately Mr B proved to be a tough customer in more ways than one, and at the end of his allotted time I was still no nearer to finding an effective solution to his problem because there were several impatient clients waiting for their turn. 'Look, don't worry about this. Come back next week and I promise you I'll do my utmost to come up with something that will work for you,' ( I called it a research & development project) I promised the crestfallen and "soft centred" Mr B as he departed down the stairs with a disappointed, hangdog expression on his chubby face. And I meant it! After all, my entire career success had been founded on the premise that if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. And just because I'd changed my career path, I didn't feel that was any reason to change my business methods. So it was that during the next week I spent all my spare time wrestling with the problem of how to satisfy poor Mr B's particular needs - without causing the man any permanent damage, that is! By the time he arrived for his next appointment, at the same time the following week, I was convinced I had come up with an idea that would produce the desired effect. Once again I shackled and bound him to the couch, this time face upwards. Then I proceeded to apply my brand-new state-of-the-art equipment - a dozen wooden clothes pegs! - which I attached to his ears, nipples and testicles. Now the amazing thing about clothes pegs is that, while they don't actually hurt when you pinch them on to skin, they do effectively cut off the circulation to the parts of the body to which they are applied - and if you leave them on long enough, when they're removed the pain caused by the free flow of blood and return of feeling to the affected parts is excruciating. Poor Mr B's face when he saw that my equipment consisted of nothing more than a set of clothes pegs was the most graphic picture of thwarted hopes I have ever seen. However I had another secret weapon up my sleeve! I lit a candle and dripped molten wax on to Mr B's exposed thighs, trailing a deliberately slow line upwards in the direction of his penis & testicles. 'Ha!' I thought to myself. 'That's certainly ought to do the trick,' as I watched his panic-stricken face when it dawned on him just what I had in mind. The look of terror in his fear maddened eyes grew in direct proportion to the size of the joyful life. Responding to my enquiring look, Mr B signalled that I should go on - at which point I was delighted to oblige, confident that this time I'd cracked what was, for him, a very difficult problem and finally bring him to the peak of fulfilment. Alas, I was wrong again and he remained flaccid. 'Next week, I promise you,' I said consolingly as I shepherded the forlorn man out of the door, though truth to tell I hadn't a clue what I could possibly dream up that might satisfy this one. Once again I spent an entire week's free thinking around and around Mr B's Problem, and it was only when he was finally due to appear again that I had a sudden flash of inspiration. Without any time for lengthy experimentation, I moved the necessary salon equipment upstairs to my lounge. When he arrived, with a pathetically hopeful look on his face, I was able this time to promise an unqualified success. We went through the now familiar ritual of trussing him up like a fowl, but on this occasion I added the further innovation of gagging him in order to heighten his sexual tension. As I uncovered my masterstroke before his disbelieving eyes and plugged the apparatus into the mains, the sheer terror on his face caused me to wonder whether it was possible for a human being to die either from the shock or the ecstasy. Momentarily I wondered whether I was doing the right thing, but fortunately Mr B's fervently nodding head assured me that I was. The equipment I had selected consisted of a sophisticated beauty treatment machine. Two glass rods were connected via thick leads to a unit which produced high-frequency galvanic and faradic impulses. When applied to the face for specific beauty treatments, the glass bulbs conducted and electrical charge into the lower levels of the skin in order to stimulate blood flow to its surface. Although this procedure can prove painful, most women swear the discomfort is worth it for the remarkable effects it has on skin tone. Placing the glass half an inch away from Mr B's nipples, I adjusted the controls to increase the output (and therefore, the amount of pain I would be inflicting) while at the same time keeping a watchful eye on his face in case he should decide that enough was far too much for him! Slowly I moved towards the organ that persistently refused to provide the satisfaction he so obviously craved. As the electrical charge shot through Mr B's nether parts the results were even more spectacular and rewarding than either of us had hoped. Within seconds Mr B's head was nodding and ever-increasing frantic dance of encouragement until finally (and thankfully) he gave a strangled yelp as the desired effect was achieved and at last produced a performance with a satisfying climatic end Mr B was so pathetically grateful that he couldn't thank me enough. He insisted on paying me twice the normal fee, and within a few days I was inundated with deliveries of champagne and chocolates. As for myself? Well, it was most gratifying to learn that at least there was one person in the world who was pleased to meet me. Then there was a strange man who always insisted on leaving his shoes and socks on while I gave him his 'massage'. Now, frankly, like most people I've always thought there is no sight more ludicrous than a man naked but for his socks and shoes. Still, if that was what the customer wanted, who was I to disagree? However, what really surprised me about this gent was that, when I went into the bathroom to chat with him for a while after one appointment, I was him standing in the shower stall beneath a cascade of steaming water still wearing those ubiquitous socks and shoes! When he left the flat and squelched down the stairs I could barely control my shaking shoulders. Another customer became known as 'The Wrestler' did manage to get a good enough grip to throw me around a bit, he never quite managed to do any real damage - because he' always get so excited he'd have to have sex with me on the floor right there and then. One incident taught me that the difference between a hero and a heel is just a matter of perception. A customer came to call, enjoyed both oral and full sex, and then sat chatting to me for the remainder of his allotted time before leaving. Imagine my surprise when the next day I opened up the Manchester Evening News to find this customer being hailed as a hero because, having arrived home the day before to find his wife in the very last stages of labour, he'd single-handedly delivered his own child before the ambulance crew arrived. I wonder what that same wife (or the press, for that matter) would have had to say had they known where he'd spent the afternoon. After some weeks of offering this new service, I was becoming quite blasé about the variety of odd predilections that my customers invariably seemed to favour. However, there were still one or two surprises in store for me. One day a new customer arrived for his appointment with a very strange request. Although I was momentarily nonplussed, I soon recovered my composure enough to rush down the stairs to the salon and say to Raiko, 'Quick, run down to the stationers and bring me back the largest cardboard box you can possibly find, together with lots of brown paper, sellotape and string.' Raiko's face was a picture. 'What on earth do you want a large box, paper, sellotape and string for? This is hardly the time or place to start practising origami!' 'Don't ask questions now - just go and get it!' I hissed in return. Poor Raiko did as he was told, but he could hardly contain his curiosity. The moment the customer had left he ran up the stairs two a time to find me collapsed in fits of laughter on the bed. 'What did he want?' he asked as I lay there giggling and saying, 'That was the easiest fifty pounds I've ever earned.' Eventually I calmed down enough to tell him what had transpired. When a more than bemused Raiko had returned with the 'equipment', my customer stripped his clothes off, climbed into the box and then bade me seal it up with sellotape, then wrap the brown paper around it, secure it with more sellotape and finally tie it up with string. After that was done I had to go through the whole process in reverse, with the strict instruction to jump back in feigned surprise as soon as my 'jack in the box' was revealed. This, apparently, was all it took to stimulate the poor man to climax. Then there was the man we christened 'Humpty Dumpty' because of his obsession with eggs. When he first appeared for his appointment you could have knocked me down with a feather when in reply to my usual question: 'Is there any other service you require, Sir?' he said, 'Yes, do you have a dozen eggs?' Surely he can't want me to cook an omelette? I thought to myself. I went into the kitchen, looked in the fridge and saw that we were right out of eggs. So, quick as a flash, I raced downstairs and hissed at Raiko: 'Nip round the corner and bring back a dozen eggs.' Fortunately, by that time Raiko was more than used to me running downstairs with all kinds of strange requests, and had long since learned to restrain himself from asking awkward questions until after the customers had all gone, when we would relax and have a little laugh about the day's odd events. Anyhow, Raiko returned with two cartons of eggs which he slapped into my hands with a smile, and back upstairs I went. 'I've got eggs,' I said to the customer. 'Well, then, perhaps we ought to go into the bathroom.' I was dying to discover what exactly he wanted to do with the eggs but managed to control my curiosity and wait until he was ready to show me. Once we were in the bathroom he asked me to dress him in a pair of my knickers and then carefully place the dozen eggs inside the knickers. Then I had to slap my hands against the eggs so that the shells would break and the gooey mixture would run down his thighs and legs - and that was it! When the recent eggs and salmonella scare was filling the newspapers, I did wonder whether Humpty Dumpty might have given up his little hobby for fear of catching the disease! One other inexplicable oddity was the man who liked to have gooey cream cakes thrown at him so that the light sponge and cream would stick to his body. He used to remind me of a dartboard. The only problem was that, as I've never had a particularly good aim, the cakes and cream would end up all over the place. Heaven knows what Karen used to think when I calmly went downstairs and asked her to clean up the bathroom as there were 'a load of cream cakes all over the floor'. Most men can get "normal" missionary sex at home so whilst there were a few for which that was sufficient most wanted something "kinky" One such young man was a very famous singer and actor, and no one was more surprised than me when he showed up for his appointment. To my relief, he didn't require anything extraordinary (which I'm sure would have shattered mine and a million other women's illusions about this gorgeous hunk of masculinity if he had), and throughout the session neither of us made any reference to his celebrity identity. Thus I was able to treat him just the same as any other customer. Sad to say, his 'performance' off stage and in my bed was pretty ordinary, too, despite the fact that I made one small concession and gave him an extra five minutes for his money. Still, he did move me to do one out-of-the-ordinary thing: I went out and bought his record, which was in the top ten at the time. He was just one of famous celebrities, politicians and other well known personalities to enjoy our "massage" service which by the way they did get before any "extras". Some fetishes that most people find hard to understand are, in reality, fairly common. For example, there are many men with shoe or feet fetishes, and I'm sure every prostitute has come across at least one of these in her time. I had one customer who was a 'shoe' man, and all he required was that I make an extremely slow and sensuous display of smoothing on a pair of stockings, raising my skirt and fastening them to my suspenders, and then sliding my feet into a pair of preposterously high stiletto heels. I merely had to walk around for a few minutes before, equally slowly, reversing the process. I didn't need to undress or remove any other article of clothing, nor did I have to touch him or perform any other service, for throughout the whole performance my client would sit across the other side of the room and masturbate himself to orgasm. That was enough for him - and, of course, it was more than all right with me. Famous personalities appearing in a Manchester shows turned up on my doorstep, followed by several judges, policemen and VIPs as the news my "unique" services had spread fast. The story went around that not only was I unique, but I was committed to providing total satisfaction and I was also remarkably discreet. Following sensational stories in the national press (I was a client of Max Clifford) some of which were "massaged" by him I had become notorious, Inevitably this led the tabloid press to reveal all the private details of my long list of clients. In fact, one national editor, Stuart Kuttner of The News of the World once remarked: 'If Christine Keeler could bring Profumo down and Sara Keays could do the same for Cecil Parkinson, with what you know, Stephanie, you could probably single-handedly bring the entire government to its knees!' My response then was the same as it is now: I just give an enigmatic smile and shrug my shoulders. Transformation and myself have prospered because of our guarantee of total confidentiality and despite their status or fame, we have never ever revealed a single name. Only Raiko and myself know what dynamite my unexpurgated memoirs would really be - but I've taken a vow of confidentiality towards all my past personal clients, to every customer who uses my mail order service or ventures into any of my shops. Should my vow of confidentiality need any explanation, it becomes obvious when I tell you that a large proportion of my more famous clients were (and probably still are) into kinky sex. One VIP whom I shall refer to as Frank spent his entire hour with me as happy as a sand boy because I allowed him to clean my oven and toilet clad only in stockings, suspenders and a little maid's cap, with me scolding and berating him for being a naughty boy. That hour always culminated in the same scenario, in which I'd have to spank him for not doing his jobs properly. Then there was the politician who liked me to dress him up in outsize baby clothes, spoon-feed him with tinned baby food and then allow him to lie curled up in the foetal position suckling a full bottle of milk! Yet another politician wanted to be suspended by a chain wrapped around his testicles so that he was forced to stand on extreme tippy-toe, while all I had to do was return to him every fifteen minutes and whip his buttocks. There were, of course, many others who adored being chained, spanked or dressed in one humiliating fashion or another - and all of these were overjoyed if I allowed them to paint my flat, dig my garden, act as my footstool or be my slave and lick my feet and shoes. In fact, the more important they were, the more desperately they seemed to crave domination and humiliation. Before too long most of our regular customers had nicknames like those I've mentioned. One rule we made was that we never asked a customer to supply his real name, and I never asked any leading questions that might possibly identify who they were and what they did. Sometimes I would have been hard pushed even to recognise them if I was them out in the street. Yet on more than one occasion after business, when Raiko and I popped out for a meal at a local restaurant, we couldn't help but become aware of a table full of men (or a man who might be out for a meal with his wife or girlfriend) suddenly start shifting uncomfortably in their seats, or even change seats so their backs were to me. One highly embarrassed customer even went so far as to dive beneath the table to avoid being recognised by me! He really shouldn't have bothered, because invariably Raiko would turn to me and say: 'Do you recognise that man who's trying to pretend not to see you?' And I'd reply: 'No. Should I?' 'You ought to,' Raiko would say, 'he was in last night...and him in that corner...and those guys over there have been in on several occasions. Unlike Raiko I was able to blank out names and faces. Without doubt, the most bizarre encounter of my career occurred when Raiko ushered in a new customer one day. I took one look at the man's eminently recognisable face and nearly fainted in shock. What compounded my surprise was the fact that, apart from being a very important cabinet minister, he and I had actually met before! Years before, when Marilyn and I were still living together, she had been working part-time for the local Tory Party agent. One night we attended a function in honour of a well-known politician who had recently been embroiled in a scandal. We'd shook hands and then spent several minutes exchanging small talk. Now here he was in my flat, eager to part with £50 for my services - and, by all accounts, totally unaware of the fact that we had already met when I had been a man! Needless to say, like the consummate professional I prided myself on being, I swiftly managed to overcome my surprise and get on with the business at hand. But I must confess to having to stifle a secret chuckle at the thought of his reaction were I to remind him of the circumstances in which we had met before - somehow I don't think he would have been too pleased! Every prostitute who has ever gone on record about her profession has likened herself to being a combination of whore, sister, mother, agony aunt and social worker - and I guess I felt just the same, for it gave me great pleasure to be able to solve people's problems for them. One young man in particular I remember well because he was so desperately shy and so badly wanted to lose his virginity. He was just nineteen and a poor foreign student, and though in an attempt to solve his problem we went beyond the hour he had paid for, it gave me immense satisfaction finally to bring this lad to fulfilment and to know that because of me he will never again be terrified of having sex with a woman. I lost track of the sheer numbers of men who wanted to don female underwear or baby wear, or to be tied up and spanked, and over the months I began to understand why prostitutes are so much in demand when regular girlfriends and wives are so reluctant to do anything outside the 'norm'. Certainly the majority of my customers were outwardly happily married men, but the very fact that they needed to indulge their more secret fantasies only with me often made me wonder how happily married they might really be were it their wives who were catering for their special needs out of love rather than a hooker who did it for cash. My only rules were no sex without a condom and no kissing or touching my face Without doubt prostitution is a very difficult profession, and to all those who think it consists of nothing more than lying there examining cracks in the ceiling or mentally compiling shopping lists while a series of men hand over lots of money in return for little effort, all I can say is: you couldn't be more misinformed. We were open seven days a week from nine in the morning till ten at night, and I was on the go the entire time. Regular meals were strangers to me, and with a continuous stream of clients arriving and leaving there was little time even for the fastest of 'fast-food'. I rarely left the flat apart from our once-a-week early shopping trip at Sainsbury's. Now I dread to think of what people must have thought as Raiko and I rushed around the aisles throwing food into our trolley, with me dressed in the highest of heels, the tiniest of mini-skirts (time as in such short supply that I had to dress for 'work' before we went to the supermarket) and the flimsiest of tops, with a coat hastily thrown on over this bizarre ensemble. Business was booming, and to help cope with the increasing number of telephone calls we received we hired a nice young Jewish girl to handle the calls and book appointments. Despite the odd nature of our business she applied herself as assiduously to her duties as if she were working for the local dentist, and was soon providing verbal details of the services on offer over the phone and assisting transvestites in the shop without so much as batting an eyelid. Raiko, being a natural-born wheeler-dealer, soon became adept at bartering my services and obtaining many bargains too. Many was the time he'd show a new client up the stairs and slip me a note saying something like 'This one's a freebie - we're getting a new carpet for the salon', and I'd just as often pass back a note which said something incredibly boring and normal like 'Don't forget to defrost the prawns for supper!' before disappearing into my lounge or bedroom to perform my latest exotic party trick. Ultimately, of course, things couldn't possibly go on as they were; through outside interference, the Happy Hooker episode in my life came to an abrupt end. But before I relate how that came about, let me forestall the inevitable question: 'How on earth could you bring yourself to do all those degrading things?' with this explanation. The answer is, under normal circumstances I wouldn't have had to. Unfortunately, necessity is a very powerful motivator indeed. If you doubt that, just think about the survivors of plane crashes who have had to resort to cannibalism in order to stay alive. In my case, if I had been the only person involved in the Transformation business, nothing would have induced me to go to such lengths to save it. But as it was, to lose the money of the only two people in the world who had shown such personal faith and trust in me was, to my mind, a far worse alternative than prostitution. (Besides, let's not forget that I had been assured on very good authority that what I was doing was legal.) I owed everything to David and Raiko, and given the same circumstances I would do it all over again. The second thing I have to say about what I did may surprise some people. I didn't find it at all difficult to cater to those unfortunate men's needs, because I never allowed what was happening physically to affect me emotionally or mentally. Kissing (which I believe is far more intimate and personal than anything I might ever have done with other parts of my body) was strictly taboo, as was touching my hair, fondling my face or any other kind of contact above the neck. I could use my mouth and lips to perform oral sex on my clients (never without a condom) only because that was a necessary part of the service and because I remained in control - not them. By remaining in control mentally, I was able to train myself to live outside my body during moments of physical intimacy. Every prostitute will tell you that every client wants to believe he is the very best - which is why prostitutes are experts when it comes to faking orgasms. Even when I appeared to be in the throes of the noisiest and most earth-shattering orgasm any man could ever dram of giving a woman, my brain was always totally disconnected. But mentally distanced or not, this part of my career soon came to an end. Early one afternoon I was in the early stages of massaging a client who had already paid me for full sex. My client was lying face down on his stomach while I was standing beside him, stark naked, massaging his back and shoulders. Suddenly we were interrupted by three men who crashed through the door. My first thought was to wonder what on earth Raiko must be thinking of to send three men up at once. 'Is your name Stephanie Anne Lloyd?' one of the men asked as he flashed his warrant card. Dumbly I nodded. 'You are not obliged to say anything, but anything you do say will be taken down and may be given in evidence.' All I could see was this poor man, who had just parted with his money for a little bit of heaven, now clinging ashen-faced to both his dignity and the couch and feeling like hell. 'Do you think I could be allowed to get dressed?' I enquired politely. One of the detectives nodded and so I went into the bedroom - closely followed, I might add, by the other two, who stood and watched me with undisguised interest while I put on my underwear and a dress before they escorted me out of the shop and into a waiting unmarked police car. I later learned that the raid had been sparked off by a complaint from a neighbour who, it transpired, had been busily employed in spying on me for several months. Apparently, by having stupidly placed a large mirror on the wall directly opposite the upstairs window, I had unwittingly nullified the effect of the net curtain at the windows and offered this fortunate man a totally uninterrupted view of everything that was going on in my living room. Why this outraged member of the local community didn't simply come across and complain to us personally I shall never understand - or why it had taken him so long to report us, either! Suffice it to say that, whatever his motives, he did finally make a complaint and the police, bless them, responded in a style that would have justified the kind of operation put into effect following the Great Train Robbery. Rooms in the house opposite had been commandeered to allow visual observation; plain clothes officers were sent in with radio receivers and microphones wired up for sound; and the same exercise was conducted with all the fanfare - and the same amount of comical bungling - as a Keystone Kops film. For, as I later found out, by sheer coincidence a young rep on her first working day for L'Amor cosmetics had arrived just before the police with her area manager. The rep and her manager were apparently speaking to Raiko when two men came in and asked whether he was the owner of a green Renault car parked round the corner. When Raiko confirmed that the car belonged to him, the men said they were terribly sorry but they'd accidentally bumped into the car while parking. If he'd like to step outside now, they could assess the likely damage immediately. Having nor reason to suspect that the gentlemen were lying, naturally Raiko did as they suggested - only to find himself handcuffed, under arrest and on his way to Bury Police Station the moment he stepped outside the door. Now the two representatives were left alone in the shop with just Tracy, our Jewish assistant, for company. A few moments later, however, Tracy was approached by two young ladies who asked to see the white Basque displayed in the window. 'Come outside and we'll show you which one it is,' they said. Once she was outside, they had arrested her too. Just imagine the scene! These two poor reps had just seen Raiko disappear without explanation, then Tracy. Now they watched spellbound as three burly men burst into the shop, bounded up the stairs and then came marching down with a bemused me and a shame-faced, cringing man in tow. Several minutes passed. No one appeared. The ringing phones went unanswered. They stood there, alone, unsure of what to do and gradually convincing themselves that they were the unwitting victims of a candid camera stunt. For half an hour they tentatively answered what were undoubtedly some of the strangest telephone calls they had ever received, and then, unable to fathom out what was going on, the departed too, leaving an empty, unlocked shop with nobody to guard either the premises or the full till other than my beloved Sheba. When I arrived at Bury Police Station I was put into an interview room and subjected to the indignities of having all the personal belongings in my handbag checked through, my jewellery removed and my body searched before being put into a filthy, rank cell which contained only a hard, concrete bunk with an inch-thin plastic-covered mattress and a stinking old army blanket. Mercifully there was at least a toilet, though it lacked all accompanying refinements such as a seat, toilet paper and any handle by which it could be flushed. However, when I discovered that there was a spy hole strategically placed in the door through which I could be observed, I rather lost the urge for relief! It was four hours before anyone came along to take a statement, and during that time I'd been given nothing to eat or drink. Eventually I was taken outside to make a statement. I asked if I could at least call a member of staff to lock up the shop and ensure Sheba was fed for the night, and grudgingly this was agreed. The police officers who took down my statement were amazed at my frankness. Without prompting I told them everything I had been doing for the past year and why, because I didn't see any reason why I shouldn't be honest with them. The only information I flatly refused to supply was the names of my clients. 'We have a tape recording of you offering sexual services to a police officer', one of them accused. 'I didn't just offer them to police officers,' I said, seeing no reason to lie. 'I offered them to everybody'. I was then taken to another room, photographed with a number across my chest, fingerprinted for posterity and then returned to my cheerless cell where I was served with a soggy offering of corned beef accompanied by a few chips. The conditions, the filth and the extreme cold and loneliness were indescribable. Several times I asked for another blanket before I was eventually given one every bit as filthy as the first. Later on there was a scuffing noise and a great deal of bad language as another victim was bundled into a cell. Banging loudly on the wall, I said to the officer, 'I don't wish to be awkward, but I find your swearing highly offensive.' The poor man was so taken aback that he blushed and apologised. As the night wore on, I began to despair. Where were Raiko and Tracy? Would Sheba be all right on her own? And then, Oh my God! What on earth would David say when he found out! It was time to take one of my daily hormone pills, but even this simple request was denied. Now I was becoming angry & frustrated 'Right, then,' I said to the sergeant. 'Are you prepared to sign a declaration stating that you accept full responsibility for withholding prescribed medical treatment for me?' Confronted with such determination, the sergeant retreated for a hasty conference with his superiors, who decided that he had better let me take my pill. Considering that Britain is a country where the law presumes a person's innocence until he or she is found guilty, such behaviour was shocking. Finally a call was put through on my behalf to my solicitor, who made sufficient fuss to ensure that I at least received the items of make-up that Karen had brought in so that I could make myself presentable before the following morning's appearance in court. I spent a fitful night, dozing and worrying about Raiko, Tracy, Sheba, David and the shop, huddled in my thin summer dress beneath the two disgusting blankets. In the morning, I was shepherded out to a waiting van where I found Raiko, wearing handcuffs and minus his shoes. I was outraged - I just couldn't believe that they would have the nerve to force such an inoffensive person as Raiko to wear handcuffs and that they had even had the gall to remove his shoes in case he should try to hang himself with his shoelaces. The whole affair was beginning to seem quite ludicrous. Four hours later we were formally charged with keeping a bawdy house. I was an ancient piece of legislation, so rarely invoked that my solicitor could hardly be blamed for having advised me in the first place that I wasn't breaking the law. Ian Burton, who had given me the misguided advice that I wasn't breaking the law, represented us in court and immediately managed to get us out on unconditional bail with a hearing set for the following month. It was with great relief that we stumbled out into the sunshine and were taken to our respective homes by Ian. The first thing I needed was a bath. I felt so filthy that I didn't think I would ever feel clean again. I hugged Sheba, who accompanied me upstairs and stayed with me as if to protect me while I stripped off and scrubbed myself clean. Now I had to face the worst ordeal of all: I had to telephone David and confess what had happened - and I had to do it fast because the local radio station were broadcasting half-hourly bulletins recounting the story of my arrest. Trembling, I picked up the telephone and dialled David's number. I was so nervous that I have absolutely no recollection of what I said or even how I said it. All I know is that I stumbled over my words, sobbing and begging David to believe that I had only done it in order to save the business. David listened patiently while I rambled on, and when I eventually ran out of words he cleared his throat and said in measured tones: 'Stephanie, I believe you did the wrong thing...but for the right reason.' If he had shouted at me, told me off, called me a silly bitch or any other kind of name I could have taken it, but to hear those kind, understanding words reduced me to tears all over again. 'Stephanie, I'll call round later and we'll discuss it then,' David said. Of course the media had a field day - every paper carried the story of my disgrace and it even made the evening TV news. When David called round that evening I cried copiously, convinced I had made a mess of everything. I felt sure that we would now be boycotted by all our legitimate cross-dressing customers, hounded by the media, reviled by the neighbours and forced to allow our little business to shrivel up and die. I was absolutely mortified to see the results of my actions, and I blamed myself totally for dragging my two best and dearest friends down with me into the mire. But David and Raiko were wonderful, refusing to allow me to take the blame or to martyr myself. But though I was grateful for their unswerving devotion and their loyalty and support. I could only dread what the future now held in store. Once again, I was in a situation where my future looked bleak.

Chapter 11 Rollercoaster The effect on our business and our lives was immediate. Suppliers suddenly started experiencing 'problems' with the fulfilment of our orders, goods failed to turn up, and many of the people with whom we had previously traded quite happily and satisfactorily began to find excuses for not being able to trade with us at all now. All our female customers deserted us, apart from one or two stragglers who were motivated more by curiosity than by desire to remain loyal. Clearly, we could no longer continue trying to cater for both the male and female market; there were enough other beauty parlours around to take care of the women who no longer wanted to be associated with us, but very few, if any, outlets catering exclusively to the male transvestite market. Theoretically, the decision was an easy one to make; practically, however, the problems that the publicity was causing us had the potential to scupper all our well-laid plans. But they say there's no such thing as bad publicity, and though our arrest seemed like a disaster at the time it soon transpired that the publicity had achieved the one thing we had never been able to do - it had promoted the nature of our business to a nationwide audience, and within days we were deluged with mail from transvestites requesting information on the products we supplied. Naturally, the neighbours were appalled to think that they had had a practising transsexual prostitute living in their midst all this time. Tongues wagged, curtains twitched and the 'strange goings-on' at 413, Bury Old Road became the hottest topic of the year. We had a visit from a local council official who informed us that we were trading illegally by opening on Sundays and that in future we could only stay open until eight in the evening on weekdays with just one late-night opening till nine. Several attempts were made to get our shop classified as a 'sex-shop', to which I responded by stating that I had no objections to this classification providing Marks and Spencer, Dorothy Perkins and all the other shops and stores retailing female lingerie were reclassified too! Obviously, my extra-curricular activities ceased the moment I was arrested. Frankly I wasn't too unhappy, because I was quite looking forward to the fresh challenge that lay in front of me: putting into operation some of the many plans that Raiko, David and I had for expanding our business, moving into publishing and setting up a mail order operation. David's wife, Ethel was absolutely furious when she read the newspapers, and commanded him to withdraw his financial backing and sever all his connections with Raiko and myself. But David, being David, calmly told Ethel that he saw no good reason for dissolving such a good business partnership. Then Ethel played her trump card. She gave him an ultimatum: 'Either break off this business relationship or we're finished.' None of this was made known to me until several weeks had passed, which again is a measure of the kind of man David is, for he'd no more consider dumping his problems on other people than he would going back on his word. Now that there were no barriers between us, David, Raiko and I began to spend more time together planning the new direction our business was to take; and, whilst David still continued to run his supermarkets and have little day-to-day involvement in Transformation, the three of us inevitably grew closer as friends. One Tuesday evening, when David called round for his normal weekly update on thebusiness, he finally informed me in a typically understated fashion that he was experiencing domestic problems. 'What kind of domestic problems, David?' I enquired, thinking he would tell me of some little difficulty he and Ethel might be having with one of their daughters. 'Ethel's given me an ultimatum: Transformation or divorce.' My stomach turned over as the full implication of David's simple statement sank in. 'Then you must pull out of Transformation, Raiko and I will do all we can to repay your investment, although it might take us years before we're in a position to repay you in full.' Characteristically, David made no further comment and merely carried on discussing how far we had got with our new business plan. When David left I immediately rang Raiko to inform him of this latest turn of events. Although the prospect of losing David as a business partner was a bitter blow professionally, both of us felt equally devastated at the thought of losing him as a friend. Moreover, I just couldn't understand Ethel's extreme reaction: 'How can anyone put the person they love in such a position, Raiko?' I asked in despair. With wisdom far beyond his years, Raiko merely replied: 'Because Ethel obviously doesn't love David, Stephanie.' Knowing there was nothing we could do that wouldn't make matters worse for David, Raiko and I agreed that, as neither of us wanted to make his life more difficult or complicated than we had seemingly already done, we should leave it up to David to dictate what should be done and how. David continued to make his Tuesday night visits to the flat, but made no more mention of Ethel's ultimatum. Naturally I was concerned for David's sake, but I didn't feel that it was up to me to raise the subject with him. Then one evening, six weeks later, he arrived looking tired, scruffy and slightly the worse for wear. 'David, what's wrong with you?' You look as if you've been sleeping rough,' I chided him. Without a word David produced from his briefcase a solicitor's letter asking him to vacate the material home. Then the whole story came tumbling out. I listened in horror as David told me how he had been sleeping on the floor of his office for the past four nights and living on biscuits and snacks. 'For Christ's sake, David, why didn't you tell me? You're a shareholder in this business. You have every right to seek our support and help. You know there's a spare bedroom here that you could have used.' I was very upset that David hadn't confided in either Raiko or myself, and ashamed and mortified that we hadn't had the insight to see how bed things really were for him. Throughout the time I had known him, and no matter what I had been through or done, David had never offered me anything other than kindness, generosity and support. I wanted to do whatever I could for him now, in his hour of need. Briskly, I started ordering him around. 'Right, get out of those clothes and into the bath. I'm going to wash your shirt and underwear, press your suit and cook you a good square meal.' Too tired to argue or resist, David meekly did as he was told. Refreshed by his bath and relieved at finally having shared his problems with someone, David allowed his tongue to loosen as we shared a bottle of good red wine over dinner. Soon he was pouring out all the details of the unhappy years of his marriage - Ethel's apparent disinterest in sex, her lapses on two occasions when she had left him for another man and, finally, that the only reason he had stayed with Ethel was for the sake of their children. Ashamed, I could only reflect on how vastly I had underestimated this man. I had - wrongly, I now knew - assumed that he would dissolve our partnership, but clearly his commitment to Transformation, Raiko and myself was far more binding than I had ever imagined. Like a mother hen, I made up a bed in the spare room and shooed David off for a good night's rest. As I lay in my own bed, unable to sleep, all I could think about was how unfair life was and how it always seemed that the nicest of people were appreciated the least. Maternal feelings welled up in me: I wanted to look after David, to protect him from the world, to offer comfort and to hold him - and to tell him that I, at least, cared. Impulsively I rose from my bed, slipped into my dressing gown and knocked on David's bedroom door. 'Can't you sleep, either?' I said when he invited me in. 'No.' 'Then why don't you come into my bed and stay awake with me?' Taking him by the hand, I drew David out of his room and into my own. We lay together in the darkness, our arms loosely draped around one another as we talked and I tried to offer what comfort I could. Then our embrace tightened and we were kissing. Within moments we were making passionate love. Afterwards, we talked some more and then, slowly, gently and in total contrast to his previous wild abandon, David made love to me a second time. From that moment on there was no question of David ever going home again. We continued to live together and from a firm basis of friendship and trust, our love for one another slowly grew and grew into total devotion and a marriage that has now survived for over 30 years. The following Sunday I invited Raiko to join me on my daily walk with Sheba in the park. We stopped to buy and ice cream, and as we sat there enjoying the glorious sunshine I told him what had happened between David and myself, desperately wanting - and needing - his approval. In the event Raiko was delighted for us, though he couldn't resist impishly declaring: 'At least now we can keep all shares in the family!' Terrified that the police might try and harass me if I appeared still to be involved in Transformation, I officially resigned as a director and kept a low profile, basing myself at one of David's supermarkets involving myself in marketing side of his business, As in everything we have done together since, David and I both put in the same amount of effort and hard work. Before long the lovely, lazy Sunday I had so briefly enjoyed became a thing of the past as I worked with David in the supermarket from seven in the morning till eleven at night, seven days a week. On Monday, 2 December 1985, Raiko and I were finally hauled up in court. However, despite the fact that they'd had nine months to prepare, the police still hadn't managed to file all the necessary papers on time. The judge was obviously so annoyed and exasperated by the police and the prosecution's bungling of the whole affair that, much to my amusement and their dismay, he actually gave them a public ticking off in court before adjourning the trial for 24 hours to give himself time to read all the information that had been compiled against me. Back we went the next day. This time, we were approached by the police before the trial even started. They wanted to do a deal: in return for changing my plea from not guilty to guilty they'd drop all charges against Raiko. But Raiko was insistent that I should not be allowed to take all the blame. I argued the point on the grounds that Raiko had a family whose lives would be affected if he was found guilty, while the only person who would be affected if I were convicted would be David - and we knew he'd stand by me no matter what ensued. Besides, I pointed out, if Raiko were free at least he could take care of the business if I did get a prison sentence. Privately, we both felt that we stood a very good chance of getting acquitted, but in the end the safest bet seemed to be to accept the deal. My barrister submitted a plea of mitigation, during which he recounted in melodramatic detail all the misfortunes of my unusual life and stressed the fact that we had taken the best legal advice available and had sincerely believed that what we proposed to do was not illegal. Furthermore, he pleaded, the fact that we had been so open about our activities was surely proof enough that we were genuinely convinced we had been complying with the law. Then came the moment I'm sure every defendant dreads; the actual summing up and sentencing by the judge. I knew the law did not recognise me as a woman, so if I was found guilty I would be sent to a male prison. The thought of the horrors that would undoubtedly befall me there made me feel faint. It also struck me as ludicrous that I could be charged as a female prostitute plying her trade and then be sentenced as a man! After stating that, whilst all the evidence had proved that my transgressions had been committed in complete ignorance of the law, ignorance was no plea in relation to the law and therefore was not recognised by the law, the judge looked me straight in the eye and solemnly declared: 'Stephanie Anne Lloyd, I sentence you to twelve months' imprisonment suspended for twelve months.' He then went on to say that he was not imposing any fines and that all costs were awarded against the Crown. By this time, however, I was in such a state of shock that I was totally unable to comprehend what was happening. Seeking some interpretation of what had just occurred, I looked across at Raiko's jubilant face in the public gallery. But it was only when the prison officer standing behind me moved forward to touch me on the shoulder and inform me that I was free to go that I realised I wasn't actually heading for a cell. As Raiko and I hugged each other, with a mixture of elation and disbelief, the media swooped. That evening all the local papers had a field day. The Bolton Evening news devoted its entire front page and page two to reporting every sordid little detail, and the following day the Sun broadcast the story under the headlined: 'CALL ME MADAM - Sex-swap executive became a vice queen.' No matter how much I hated it, it seemed I was forever destined to be in the news. As always, David proved to be a tower of strength and a tremendous comfort to me, telling me that in a few days the story would be yesterday's news and life would soon return to normal for us. But as it turned out, our problems were still far from being over. The very next day David received a telephone call from his father, who bluntly asked him whether he was the mysterious 'other businessman' mentioned in the articles about me. As always, David was unable to lie. When he told me what had transpired I was immediately how upset he was, and it didn't take much imagination to understand how distraught his parents must be too. 'There's only one thing to do, David,' I said. 'We should go over there straightaway, and I must tell your father the whole story myself.' David's father, who lived with his second wife in Bolton, (David's mother had previously died) had been far from pleased when David and Ethel had split up. So I could imagine only too well how he must be felling now that he had discovered that not only was David living with another woman who had undergone a sex change operation, but that that same woman was also a convicted prostitute...! In the light of that knowledge, the fact that David's parents agreed to see me at all was nothing short of a miracle. When we arrived the first thing I said was 'All I ask of you,' I said, 'is that you give me an hour to tell you my story.' I then gave David's parents a brief resume of my life story over a pot of tea. When I had finished, I merely said: 'And I'd like to reassure you that, no matter what you might think afterwards, I don't want anything ever to come between you and your relationship with David.' To their credit and my astonishment, David's parents sat in silence while I told them all the details. Even more remarkably, they didn't reject me out of hand when I had finished. Whatever their private fears for their son and their thoughts about me, they made a decision to give me a chance to prove my love for David and, in doing so, to prove myself to them. Subsequently, they saw us still happy with one another, still very much in love and still totally committed to a future together - and these two exceptional people have, I know, taken me as much to their hearts as I have taken them to mine. (sadly neither are still with us) How many people, I sometimes ask myself, would have been so tolerant and accepted me so openly and warm-heartedly as these dear parents-in-law of mine? And how very lucky I am to have found not only a husband as wonderful as David, but two loving new parents as well! When I consider my good fortune, it makes me feel humble and I can only marvel at the proof they have all given to me: that given time and the opportunity, love can indeed transcend all problems and barriers. With the traumas of the trial and David's difficulties with his parents now behind us, our life together began to take on a new sweetness. One evening when we were in bed together after a celebratory meal with Raiko, David took me in his arms and whispered words that took my breath away: 'Stephanie, I love you. Will you marry me?' I could hardly believe my ears . David had never before said the words 'I love you', though his actions had never left me in any doubt that he did. My response was to burst into tears. Poor David didn't know what to think as my sobs made incoherent nonsense of my attempts to say 'yes'. Much later, as David lay sleeping, I gazed at his face and marvelled at my incredible good fortune in having met this man who had come to mean so very much to me. Contrary to what people who don't know David often imagine, he was - and is - a normal, well-adjusted, heterosexual male. He's also considerate, thoughtful and probably the most dependable person I've ever met in my entire life. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that David wasn't interested in me out of some bizarre form of curiosity. He didn't want me for money, for power or for anything else other than pure love, and that he should not only love me - a person whom most of the world had rejected - but had every intention of proving his love in the eyes of a disbelieving world by actually marrying me struck me as quite the most astonishing miracle that had ever happened to me. As I lay there that night, mentally hugging myself with unbelievable joy, I resolved that whatever else I did in my life, my first priority would be always to make David happy. (Unfortunately being human there have been a few times over the years when I haven't) Accepting David's proposal was the easiest thing in the world for me, but actually marrying him in the eyes of both the church and the law of England was, of course, quite impossible. My birth certificate (which could not be changed under current British law) proclaimed I was a man, and therefore legally I could only ever marry a female. David went to great lengths to seek expert legal advice and was advised that, though there were some countries in which we could be legally married, our marriage would never be officially recognised in Britain. Confirmation of that fact, however, merely served to increase David's efforts to find a way for us to get married. In February 1986 we flew to Sri Lanka armed with all the necessary documentation, and on 14 February, Valentine's Day, we finally became husband and wife in what, for me, will always remain one of the most romantic locations in the world. I had brought a beautiful off-white dress (white seemed somehow inappropriate)with me to wear for the ceremony and despite our regret that our families and closest friends could not be with us, we had a perfect wedding. Strangers quickly became friends, especially when the "Wettanmy" brothers who owned the hotel and who had played cricket professionally for the Sri Lankan team volunteered to be the witnesses to fulfil the legal requirements. As we stood there together, the thought ran through my mind, 'Could this man who had already brought so much happiness and joy into my life really want me as his wife? Could he be so sure of his love for me that he would bind himself to me for the rest of our lives?' All my doubts were swept away when David said the immortal words, 'I do'. I tearfully echoed David's pronouncement and happily committed the remainder of my life to the man who had taught me what true love really means. now nearing 30 years together seems to suggest it will last. Our fairytale honeymoon was to be the last break David and I were to have together in a long, long time, for once we returned to England we both knew that all our energies would have to be concentrated on turning Transformation from a fledgling company that showed promise into the kind of multifaceted group we both knew it had the potential to become. Gradually our self-imposed punishing schedule of working long hours seven days a week began to pay off, but on the personal front we were still beset by problems. David's ex-wife, Ethel, refused to be content with the generous settlement she had received on their divorce. As a loving and devoting father, David had fought for access to Lisa and her sister, Dawn. Despite Ethel's' attempts to wage a bitter war against us, primarily on the grounds that I was a bad influence, both girls had maintained that they wished to see both their father and myself. Their statement had gone a long way towards convincing the courts that as I was not a threat David should be allowed to see his daughters and bring them to our home, the only proviso being that we would not be allowed to take Lisa and Dawn out of the country together. Effectively, this meant that if David wanted to take the girls on holiday abroad I would not be allowed to accompany them. Though neither of us could work out the reasoning behind such a judgement, it seemed like a small price to pay at the time. I still missed my own children dreadfully and although I had written a personal letter to each of them I had not received a reply. Even though Lisa and Dawn could never replace Stephen, Andrew and Rebecca in my heart, we soon developed a warm, friendly relationship which helped to assuage the pain and sorrow I still felt at missing so much of my own children's growing years. From the very first, though, I laid down some ground rules with the girls. 'Two parents are enough to wish on any child,' I told them frankly. 'Therefore I have no wish to replace your mother, or even to be a stepmother to you both. You have one mother - you don't need another. But I would like to be your friend.' And that's exactly what we have become: friends. Soon afterwards Lisa had an almighty row with her mother, after which we received a telephone call from Ethel announcing that she was bringing Lisa over 'with all her things'. So at two in the morning Lisa was dumped on our doorstep with five carrier bags, and she stayed with us for several months. Unfortunately, the knowledge that Lisa was quite content to stay with us for several months must have been the last straw for poor Ethel. A few months later we received a telephone call from a reporter working on the Sunday People who claimed to have been given the story by the ex-Mrs Booth, alleging that David had not only left her penniless and stolen her daughter, but that she was living in penury in a council flat (after having been evicted 'because David had not kept up the mortgage payments' on their house) while we were living like millionaires! I was outraged. The truth was that David had signed the house over to Ethel and had made a substantial financial settlement which she had been advised to accept by no less than five different solicitors whom she had consulted in turn. All of this I coolly pointed out to the reporter. 'If you don't believe me,' I said, 'I will give you the names of both her solicitor and ours, and you can check the facts out for yourself.' Two weeks later a damaging - and patently untrue - story appeared in the Sunday People, outlining Ethel's account. I was incensed, because not only was there not one grain of truth in the report, but they clearly hadn't bothered to check any of the facts or to print one word of David's version. I wasn't bothered for my own sake, but I was very angry on David's behalf. Immediately I complained to the Press Council, and after much fighting, wrangling and a large number of solicitor's letters flying back and forth a hearing was set. And what a farce it was! Suffice it to say that, while the Sunday People were rebuked for not bothering to check the facts, the complaint was not upheld. I'm afraid that none of my brushes with British law or the establishment have caused me to revise my opinion that British law is laughable and that there is no such thing as honour, truth and justice when it comes to British press.


You are starting off with a male body shape which is pretty well straight up & down apart from the tummy if you are older and you want to achieve a female body shape often referred to as an 'hourglass' figure, you do this by using our female body shaping hormones. As muscle weighs more than fat you need to convert it and that is achieved by reducing your level of testosterone the primary male hormone by taking anti-androgens and converting muscle into subcutaneous fat to the breast area, buttocks and a thin layer under the skin to give a softer smoother outline   Beautiful back of a young woman isolated on white background For a male to female transformation reduce your weight if necessary using the licensed proven weight loss tablets (Reductamin) which we stock, take the primary female hormone, oestrogen available in a variety of delivery methods, creams, gel, atomisers, suppositories, nasal spray, capsules and tablets are available. To get the best results from any transdermal treatment it is vital that you wash the treatment area and then thoroughly cleanse it using transdermal hormone skin prep which will remove the skins natural barrier oils and dead cells to facilitate maximum absorption Slim spa women covering her breast, looking down. It is important to be committed to sustained treatment as just like a girl at puberty it takes 3/4 years to achieve full development at which point you can switch to a low maintenance dosage. Please remember if you stop treatment development will gradually regress so perseverance and commitment is required but like Tanya below showing her breast development after 1 years treatment and again after 39 months Transformation Transgender experts since 1984

LOOK AT WHAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE I like most, kept putting off starting hormone treatment, but the day came when I mad my resolution to go all out for feminisation and I stuck to it. below are photographs of me before treatment and 4 years later. Me in 1980 Me in 1984 I established Transformation in 1984 and as well as all of the usual products that TV suppliers offer, I wanted to pioneer the development of female hormones that could safely and effectively replicate the physical changes that happen to a girl at puberty. I was introduced in 1986 to Doctor Temperli who was already world renown for his work in the field of endocrinology as a consultant to the Swiss Government and he agreed to lead our research and development into feminising hormone therapy Over nearly 30 years , Dr. Temperli has produced landmark developments using 'molecular technology' , time release mechanisms (some for which he has received prodigious awards for)and much more so that today we can offer a form of effective treatment that is suitable for everyone regardless of age or medical condition You may not want to 'go all the way' but that is no longer a problem because with the latest female hormones you can be selective about the degree of development you achieve. and then maintain. I had real problems in accessing female hormones when I started my feminising journey but you don't have to as now they are just one click away HERE IS MY HERO Doctor Temperli Do I have any regrets? Just one - I wish I had started sooner Best wishes, Stephanie Anne Lloyd Transsexual founder of Transformation with 30 years of real life experience


When I finally after many years of tortuous indecision to undergo a complete and irreversible male to female transformation I had no idea of the huge differences that it would involve just to pass convincingly. These problems face everyone whether a transvestite or transsexual so please avoid any of the following obvious giveaways. It's fairly easy to either grow your own female breasts or use silicone realistic silicone ones but before you can venture out confidently you need to perfect the following feminine traits DAYTIME 1. Dressing - do not overdress especially if going out in the daytime, you want to look more like a housewife rather than if you are 'on the game' so simple skirt or trousers with a top and low heeled shoes. Choose styles that are currently popular 2. Make-up - women do not wear heavy makeup in the daytime so a sheer beard cover, light powder, toned-down lipstick, light dusting of blusher, eyeliner, brown spectrum eyeshadow and mascara is as much as you need. Training DVD available 3. Hairstyle - Natural hair colour as near as you own maximum shoulder-length 4. Stockings - a no-no in summer as women bare their legs 5. Jewellery - no woman goes shopping with a tiara, just earrings and a ring 6. Speech - do not try & speak in a falsetto voice, breath from your stomach and aim for a breathy sound Speech Therapy of Feminising your voice CD course available 7. Deportment - Women walk, stand & sit differently to men so take time to observe. Deportment Training DVD available 8. Confidence - Looking nervous identifies you immediately as a crossdresser or a terrorist, neither of which is good By necessity this is but a brief guide but there is a huge resource section on our website that is free to access and if you have a particular question just email us for our free advice service Transformation crossdressing experts for over 31 years


No matter what your age, appearance or anything else you can effect a convincing male to female transformation and over 31 years I have helped many thousands do so either as a convincing crossdresser who passes without a second glance to T-Girls who seek a more permanent male to female transition and wish as I did to live permanently as a woman I have been a post-op transsexual for 35 years so not only can I advise you for free but I can teach you the 'secret tips & shortcuts' that I have personally used. Only someone who has actually lived the feminine dream can truly advise you in every minute details Most T-Girls don't want to look like a guy in drag and effect a falsetto voice that will just make you sound 'camp' If you want to look and feel like a glamorous confident sexually attractive REAL woman then there is nobody in the world who is in a better position to help you achieve this. At you can access for FREE our vast collection of resource material, FAQ's, life stories and even download my own autobiography. As a not-for-profit organisation products represent just a tiny part of our website. (All of our products carry our You can rest assured that when you register with us your details are held in an off-line database so that no-one can ever 'hack' into it. We do not share or rent customers details with anyone which is why since 1984 Transformation has built a reputation of confidential crossdressing expertise. Every week I add a new blog which forms part of our online archive material but if you can't wait over many years we have added to the resource section and FAQ's that you can get the answer to just about any related question you care to ask. If you want a confidential chat with ones of our girls then that is also a free option. We are based in the UK and are available for live chat from 9am -5pm weekdays (GMT) If you live in another time zone or the times are not convenient then all you have to do is email us and we will respond to you personally on the next working day. Doctor Temperli is a leading world endocrinology (hormone) specialist and I have the real long life practical experience so together we can give you the best advice and support and all for free You can live your feminine dream, pass convincingly with expert tuition on makeup, dress, deportment, speech and so much more and unlike any other source IT'S ALL FOR FREE If you search the web you will find many others, even genetic females trying to sell you advice with slick videos and seductive marketing. JUST ASK YOURSELF WHY PAY WHEN YOU CAN GET IT ALL FOR FREE FROM THE WORLD'S LEADING CROSSDRESSING EXPERTS????? With very best wishes from your T-Girl sister Stephanie Transsexual Founder of Transformation Cross dressing experts since 1984